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Original Works 1

Sue J Love

Mar 27, 2015
His Loving Arms

5/31/11: I was babysitting my one year old grandson at his house yesterday. He had a stuffed toy musical turtle that played notes when you pressed on the squares, with notes pictured on the squares. So, I began playing notes for my grandson when this tune began to form. So, I recorded it from the toy onto my phone, and then when I got home, I transferred it to the keyboard and then to paper. When the tune was recorded, and the chords figured out, then the Lord gave me the words. This is from the Lord Jesus to me and to you.

Jesus is asking us to hear him calling to us, to realize that he died on the cross so we could go free from sin, and to trust him with our lives today. Then he will wash our sins away. The call is urgent, so he is saying, “Don’t delay!” He not only has made the way possible for us to be forgiven of our sins, and to be set free from the control of sin over our daily lives, but he is also our sympathetic and compassionate high priest who feels and who cares about our suffering. When we invite him into our lives, he will be there for us to see us through all of our heartaches, and to show us much comfort and love.

His Loving Arms / An Original Work / May 31, 2011

When I’m with you, hear My call.
I died once, shed blood for all.
Hear Me calling you today.
I’ll wash all your sins away.

Don’t delay to let Me in.
I’ll purify, cleanse within.
I’ll heal all your heartaches, too;
Wrap My loving arms ‘round you.

I love you, won’t you love Me?
I’ll give life eternally;
Wipe away tears from your eyes,
When I meet you in the skies.

Thats lovely @Sue J Love

Thank you for sharing.

That will always be a very precious tune to you .....composed by your dear grandson!
Fragrant Grace, Thank you for your encouraging words. Several of my grandchildren participated in or helped inspire several of the songs the Lord gave me to write. And, yes, those moments with them are very precious to me. I have an 8 year old granddaughter spending the night with me who has been living in CA the last 2 years with her family. She didn't stop talking from the time she arrived this evening until I prayed with her at bedtime. We loved every minute of it! It is so nice to have them back near us.
Fully Ready

Paul said that he was compelled by the Spirit to go to Jerusalem, not knowing what would happen to him there. He said, “I only know that in every city the Holy Spirit warns me that prison and hardships are facing me. However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace” (See Ac. 20). Awesome!

A prophet named Agabus prophesied that the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem would bind Paul and would hand him over to the Gentiles. So, Paul’s friends and fellow believers in Jesus Christ pleaded with Paul not to go. And, that is when Paul said, “Why are you weeping and breaking my heart? I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus” (See Ac. 21). And, Paul was indeed seized, beaten and they tried to kill him. He was bound with chains and was taken to the barracks. On the way there he asked the commander if he could speak to him. And, he was given permission to speak.

So, he took the opportunity to share his testimony of how he met Jesus on the road to Damascus, and of Jesus’ calling upon his life. Acts 26 expands on this more when Paul again shared his testimony, at which time he shared specifically what God had called him to do – to open the eyes of the spiritually blind, turning them from darkness (sin) to the light of Christ, and from the power of Satan to God, so they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in Jesus Christ. And, that truly is the calling of every disciple of Christ, as Christ commanded us to go and to make disciples of Christ of all nations, baptizing them and teaching them to obey everything Jesus’ commanded us.

I find great encouragement in this story, as well as a challenge to my own personal life to be truly ready to suffer and to die for my testimony for Jesus Christ, as well as to share the attitude of Paul that my life is worth nothing to me, but my only aim is to finish the race and to complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me – the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace. Amen! I pray I will always keep this focus in mind.

Fully Ready! / An Original Work / June 19, 2013
Based off Acts 20-22, 26; Mt. 28:18-20; Ac. 1:8

Why are you weeping and breaking my heart?
I’m fully ready to suffer for Christ.
If I must die for the sake of His name,
I am convinced it will not be in vain.
Glory to God and to His Son Jesus,
Who has redeemed us; bought with His blood.

May I speak to you? Jesus came to me;
Asked of me, “Why do you persecute me?”
He said, “Now get up and stand on your feet.
Go, and you’ll be told all I have for you.
I have appointed you as a servant,
And as a witness; you have been sent.”

“Go into the world and preach the gospel.
Open the blind eyes. They will receive sight.
Turn them from darkness to the light of Christ;
From power of the evil one to God,
So they may receive forgiveness of sins,
And a place among those who’re in heav’n.”

Nails Were Pounded

6/4/11: One of my granddaughters was about to get her nails painted. My husband was watching the neighbors get a new roof put on their house, and so there were lots of nails being discussed. My granddaughter then began singing, "Nails, nails, nails, nails, nails," so the first five notes of this song were my granddaughter’s notes, and so was the idea of nails.

The Lord then took this idea of nails and gave me a song about the nails that were pounded into Jesus’ hands and feet on the day he was crucified on the cross for the sins of the whole world. That day he died, he took upon himself the sins of the entire world. He crucified our sins and he buried them with him. When he rose from the dead, our sins remained in the ground, because in his resurrection he conquered death, hell, Satan and sin. Yet, for us to be forgiven of our sins, and to have eternal life with him in heaven, we must turn from our sins, be transformed of the Spirit of God, and be given new lives in Christ, “created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness” (See Eph. 4:17-24; Gal. 2:20; Ro. 6-8).

Nails Were Pounded / An Original Work / June 4, 2011

Nails were pounded when
He hung on a tree;
Suffered for us so
we could be set free.
He died for our sins;
rose up from the grave,
So we could be forgiven;
by His grace we’re saved.

A spear pierced His side;
His clothes they’d divide;
A crown on His head
to mock Him instead
Of honoring Him
as our Savior, King,
Who gave his life for the world
to be free from sin.

Forsaken by friends,
though He’d not offend.
He lived perfectly;
our High Priest to be.
He calls us to see,
and by faith believe;
In repentance receive Him;
live eternally.

More of You

6/7/11: I had a horrible sinus headache all day that would not go away. I took several short naps, but that didn't work, caffeine didn't cut it, I could not pray it away, so I finally just asked the Lord to teach me through it. I was praying in my room alone and was asking the Lord Jesus to make me more like him and less like me. And, that is what inspired the words to this song.

Even though, as followers of Christ, we have been given new lives in Christ, forgiven of our sins, and we are bound for heaven, we still live in flesh bodies. We are still tempted to sin. Sometimes our flesh still takes over, and so daily we must die to sin and self (See Lu. 9:23-25; Eph. 4:17-24; Ro. 6-8), and we must be filled with his Spirit. We must be daily in his word, listening to him speak his words to our hearts, and then we must apply the truths we learn to our daily lives through obedience to what we have been taught. We do this in the power and working of the Spirit of God within us and by God’s grace, and not in our flesh.

If we are not deliberate about this, and we become lazy or slack in our relationship with our Lord Jesus, and in spending quality time with him each day in his word and in following through on what we read with obedience, the old flesh will begin to rise and will begin to become more, and Christ will become less in our lives, in our minds, and in our priorities. Just like with any relationship, we need to work at the relationship, and not let it slide due to neglect. We have to consciously decide to make Christ first priority in our lives so that he is more, and we have to make the effort, in the power and working of the Spirit within us, to become less concerned and occupied with self and what we want, i.e. to die to self.

More of You / An Original Work / June 7, 2011

More of You and less of me;
Like You, Jesus, I would be;
Loving, tender, gracious, kind,
Giving light to those who’re blind.

More of Jesus, in His word,
Which is where God’s truths are heard;
Guiding, teaching us new birth;
In Christ Jesus find my worth.

More of His thoughts in my head;
More of His words, I would spread;
Giving courage; true hope found;
Leaving sin; in faith abound.

Great is the Lord!

June 12, 2013: The Lord Jesus had given me a tune to write yesterday or the day before, so this morning I prayed and asked the Lord if he had words for the tune. I acknowledged before God that I could not do this. This tune would have words only if he gave them to me. Then, I heard in my mind the song “How Great Thou Art,” singing, “Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee, how great Thou art…”

I knew then that this song was to be about the greatness of God, and then he led me to these passages of scripture and gave me the words. How great is his love, his faithfulness, his many wondrous deeds and miracles, his purposes for mankind, his compassions, his covenant of love with those who love him, his redemptive power in his saving grace toward humankind, the promise of his soon return, and our hope of eternity with him in heaven.

Great is The Lord! / An Original Work / June 12, 2013

Based off Various Scriptures – Ps. 57:10; 89:1; 145:3; Jer. 32:19;
La. 3:22-24; Da. 9:4; Lu. 21:27; Ep. 1:19; Tit. 2:13; 1 Jn. 3:1 (NIV ’84)

Great is the Lord!
He has done wondrous things.
Great is His love
Reaching up to the heav’ns.
His faithfulness reaches
Up to the skies.
Of His great love,
I will sing evermore.

Great is the Lord
And most worthy of praise!
Truly His greatness
No one comprehends.
Great are His purposes;
Mighty His deeds.
His eyes are open
To the ways of man.

Great is the Lord!
His compassions ne’er fail.
Great is His faithfulness.
I’ll wait for Him.
He keeps His covenant
Of His great love
With all who love Him
And do what He says.

Great is the Lord!
He is coming in pow’r.
His saints will wait for Him;
Their hope secure.
How great His love
He has lavished on us,
That we should be called
The children of God.
