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- Sep 6, 2021
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The law is not our is our moral boundary and our lighthouse that shows us the way to the Cross.
The commandments are not our savior, they are a perfect moral boundary that keep us safe from committing deeds that will harm us and those around us.
Water baptism is not our is in fact a part of our discipleship that follows becoming a real disciple of Christ. (born again).
Being water baptized is like getting an Army Uniform. You can get it, and not be in the army, or you can get it because you are already signed up.
Now here is a mystery...
The born again exist, already, in eternity with God....("Seated in heavenly places in Christ".
Why ? Its because....They already exist in the Kingdom of God, having been "translated from darkness TO Light..." .... See that translation? See that spiritual change? The born again left the darkness and entered the LIGHT.
Jesus is the LIGHT of the World. The born again are Children of the Light.
This is all SPIRITUAL, and it is in fact, the Eternal situation.
Now, how to understand this?
Its simple.......these verses are not talking about your body or your mind.
Your body is going to the grave reader, and your mind has to be renewed neither of these is restored by the new birth.
The new birth is inside you, .. its your SPIRIT......only.
The real you, is not your body or your mind. The real you, is your BORN AGAIN Spirit... that has become "ONE with GOD".
Are you born again and not just water baptized into a cult? Then if are this.....>"As Jesus are the born again, IN THIS WORLD"..
And what happens when you no longer think of yourself as a body and a mind , but come to the revelation that you are now "'ONE WITH GOD"....>"In Christ". "Spiritually"= which is the real you, and the real eternal LIFE ?
What happens?
Well , the very instant you SEE the LIGHT of this revelation, understanding that you are now "made righteous" by "the gift of Righteousness", is the very instant that you begin your true walk as a disciple of Christ in the renewing of the mind.
Not until.
See, real Christianity, is about KNOWING who you have become "in Christ"......, whereas self righteousness (Religion) about doing yet not knowing..
A religious but lost person says...>"im working to get there"........ But a born again believer says..>"im there already, and that is why i work".
The born again have won the race already, and then they get on the track and run .....
Listen, you dont become a Christian after a lifetime of trying to be one.
You become one, the instant you are born again SPIRITUALLY, and then you live your life learning more and more regarding the reality of who you have BECOME "in Christ" when you were first born again.
Christians "Start Finished", then we live out the discipleship.
Once you are born again, and not just water baptized, then you have become "ONE with God"..."IN Christ"...
So, can you become more than "the righteousness of God" ???? and "Made righteous"???? as that is what you become when you are born again............
Study to show yourself approved is to learn what this MEANS, and you live in that RIGHT MIND, and in this, you find God's Grace which becomes your power of Christ to live a perfected discipleship.
Paul teaches this as....>>"Christ ALWAYS gives me the Victory".
Victory over what? = The world, the flesh, and the devil.
"work out your salvation" does not mean to try to earn it or to try to keep from losing it. It simply means to learn to understand that you already have it, (Christ in you the hope of Glory). (Glory is heaven, the place).....and how you are to exit or "work out" what you already possess.
The law is not our is our moral boundary and our lighthouse that shows us the way to the Cross.
The commandments are not our savior, they are a perfect moral boundary that keep us safe from committing deeds that will harm us and those around us.
Water baptism is not our is in fact a part of our discipleship that follows becoming a real disciple of Christ. (born again).
Being water baptized is like getting an Army Uniform. You can get it, and not be in the army, or you can get it because you are already signed up.
Now here is a mystery...
The born again exist, already, in eternity with God....("Seated in heavenly places in Christ".
Why ? Its because....They already exist in the Kingdom of God, having been "translated from darkness TO Light..." .... See that translation? See that spiritual change? The born again left the darkness and entered the LIGHT.
Jesus is the LIGHT of the World. The born again are Children of the Light.
This is all SPIRITUAL, and it is in fact, the Eternal situation.
Now, how to understand this?
Its simple.......these verses are not talking about your body or your mind.
Your body is going to the grave reader, and your mind has to be renewed neither of these is restored by the new birth.
The new birth is inside you, .. its your SPIRIT......only.
The real you, is not your body or your mind. The real you, is your BORN AGAIN Spirit... that has become "ONE with GOD".
Are you born again and not just water baptized into a cult? Then if are this.....>"As Jesus are the born again, IN THIS WORLD"..
And what happens when you no longer think of yourself as a body and a mind , but come to the revelation that you are now "'ONE WITH GOD"....>"In Christ". "Spiritually"= which is the real you, and the real eternal LIFE ?
What happens?
Well , the very instant you SEE the LIGHT of this revelation, understanding that you are now "made righteous" by "the gift of Righteousness", is the very instant that you begin your true walk as a disciple of Christ in the renewing of the mind.
Not until.
See, real Christianity, is about KNOWING who you have become "in Christ"......, whereas self righteousness (Religion) about doing yet not knowing..
A religious but lost person says...>"im working to get there"........ But a born again believer says..>"im there already, and that is why i work".
The born again have won the race already, and then they get on the track and run .....
Listen, you dont become a Christian after a lifetime of trying to be one.
You become one, the instant you are born again SPIRITUALLY, and then you live your life learning more and more regarding the reality of who you have BECOME "in Christ" when you were first born again.
Christians "Start Finished", then we live out the discipleship.
Once you are born again, and not just water baptized, then you have become "ONE with God"..."IN Christ"...
So, can you become more than "the righteousness of God" ???? and "Made righteous"???? as that is what you become when you are born again............
Study to show yourself approved is to learn what this MEANS, and you live in that RIGHT MIND, and in this, you find God's Grace which becomes your power of Christ to live a perfected discipleship.
Paul teaches this as....>>"Christ ALWAYS gives me the Victory".
Victory over what? = The world, the flesh, and the devil.
"work out your salvation" does not mean to try to earn it or to try to keep from losing it. It simply means to learn to understand that you already have it, (Christ in you the hope of Glory). (Glory is heaven, the place).....and how you are to exit or "work out" what you already possess.