Hi BrotherinArms4G. . .good toppic . . .
as a few of you know already we have children too . . .teenagers as well as younger ones. . .
My hubby and I are still pretty young too and kinda grow with our children through the years . . .and as christian parents too. . .
There is still sooo much room in my sponge to soak up whats to learn . . .and I am very happy to learn a lot about all ages here on TJ also!!
Anyway. . .
one of the things we have found out workin for us was. . .how to keep in contact with your teens gettin older without loosing contact. . .
In Germany you are allowed to go out to clubs and stuff starting with 16 years of age . . .Thats how I grew up. . .I am German. . .my hubby is american for him it was a shock. . .
Our daughters, now 16 and 15 years old, have grown up in Germany for the last 7 years. . .made german friends . . go to german schools. . .of course
sooooo now. . .that we knew what it meant to be at this age in this country we started this year to meet especially with our daughters once a week . . .
we didnt pick the weekend evenings. . .friday and saturday. .. because thats when they go to the movies. . .birthdayparties. . meet their friends. ..
we asked them to meet with us on Tuesdays. . .and exchange things goin on. . .things comin up. . .things we liked or disliked . . .and so on and so on. . .
we asked everyone to make this a priority in their lives too. . .which means to be on time.. .and not just forget about it . .. so all four of us remind each other and hang in there. . .
its still real new this year. . but it is very helpful to stay in contact with our older ones. .. and they know everything whats going on with us and stuff too. . .they care and ask . .. no old grumpy thoughts . ..or things what happens on weekends or not will be picked up at that time, no old leftover things what didnt get taken care of because of our hectic everyday life
(this does not mean that they tell us all :shade: )
But it gives a chance to complain on the spot about last weeks happenings or so. .. if you cant get your mouth open then. ..oh well . ..dont be mad about it later. .at least you can offer a chance to complain. ..
. . .we can just hang out and have fun. . .we have had a movie night too . .. just watchin a movie together. .. but it is just us four older ones . .without the little ones. ..
That was pretty much it. . .just wanted to bring this little dusty thread back out . . .and hear from you parents. . .what do you all do to stay in contact with your kids. ..
May God continue to bless you in your direction and keep you safe