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Passover Offering?


Aug 16, 2004
HI Yo'll.
I was watching Benny Hinn today & he had a guest on his show.
The guest was steve but i couldn't write down his last name but he's a pastor of a church in Indinia in the States.
& they were talking about Passover Offering & if you don't give your offering you will be put into sickness. & the steve guy was saying about give 2 $200 offerings & 5 $300 & 1 5,0000 offerings . Steve said that if you do this that God will put an angel in your house for the passover to proect you..Remeber back to the bible story of the passover the chirstians had to kill a lamb & put it's blood on the door so that the angel of death would go right by & not kill them.that was an Ex &Well thats what steve said.& he also said that God will bless you with 7 miracles in your life. & Well i never heard of this before & steve scared me real bad man. :confused: So what is a Passover Offering?:confused:
Can some please explain this to me? & How do you do this? :confused:
God Bless
godsgirl said:
HI Yo'll.
I was watching Benny Hinn today & he had a guest on his show.
The guest was steve but i couldn't write down his last name but he's a pastor of a church in Indinia in the States.
& they were talking about Passover Offering & if you don't give your offering you will be put into sickness. & the steve guy was saying about give 2 $200 offerings & 5 $300 & 1 5,0000 offerings . Steve said that if you do this that God will put an angel in your house for the passover to proect you..Remeber back to the bible story of the passover the chirstians had to kill a lamb & put it's blood on the door so that the angel of death would go right by & not kill them.that was an Ex &Well thats what steve said.& he also said that God will bless you with 7 miracles in your life. & Well i never heard of this before & steve scared me real bad man. :confused: So what is a Passover Offering?:confused:
Can some please explain this to me? & How do you do this? :confused:
God Bless

Dear Godsgirl,

Thank you for sharing your thread. First of all, steve, I won't refer to him as a credible pastor, just false witnessed you, the thousands of spectators who were at Benny The Hinn's crusade, and the millions of tv viewers who were tuned in that day. lol!

The Passover
Please read and meditate on Exodus 12:1-29. God was preparing Moses to lead His people in bondage and slavery out of Egypt but needed to contend with Pharoah who would not let the people go. So God commanded Moses and Aaron to have each household sacrifice a lamb, and with the blood cover the sides and tops of the doorframes of the houses where they were also to eat the lambs.

On that same night God would pass through Egypt and strike down every first born, both of men and animals including the firstborn of Pharoah, but passing over the houses of Israel.

Today, we do not need to offer such a sacrifice, nor in money. Nor does God put those conditions on us and then rewards us with seven angels.

We should give back to the Lord a portion of your earnings but that is another issue. Please print your thread and share what you saw on tv with your pastor and if you get a chance, Godsgirl, please read Wittywriter's thread on
The Truth About Benny Hinn under Bible Study forum Study The Word of God.

Your servant in Christ Jesus.
oh boy

Hi Godsgirl, I pray that God will use this obvious blashpemy to convict your heart. Hinn refering to the passover offering to get money out of people. Makes me sick. Any the passover offering is a Jewish custom. The Israelites were slaves in Egypt at this time and God was using Moses to convince the Pharoh that God was real and to let the people go. God had already hit Egypt with plagues so that they would release the Israelites. There was a plague of frogs and locusts and others. The one that finally got through to the Pharoh was when God killed his firstborn son. God told the Israelites to mark their doors so that the angel God sent would know which houses to pass by. God is NOT going to make you sick if you do'nt support Hinns ministries. Salvation is free, if God decides that you will be healed then you will be. It has nothing to do with Hinn as he flicks his hand at 100 people and they all pass out. This reminds me of the Catholic church in the 16th century. The chuch authorites tell people that in order to get their loved ones out of purgatory they must pay the church. Every coin springs a soul from purgatory. Jesus died for us. Through Him and Him alone we are saved. His last words on the cross are, 'It is finished'. This is also translated as paid in full. Their is no amount that any one can pay or anything anyone can do to be saved. You must repent and ask Jesus to come into your life and save you. Hinns ministry revolves around money. The bigger the amount you give the mores chances of you getting a miracle. I have confronted Hinns blasphemies in my article, The truth about Benny Hinn. There are so many ridiculous things he has said. I have typed them out word for word. Do you believe that Hinn is a messiah..he says he is. Do you believe that there are 9 in the Godhead..Hinn says there are. Do you believe that God could sin? Hinn says He could. I dont know what to say. I recommend the movie Luther, I recommend the interview done with Justin Peters (who has done alot of research on Hinn}, found at CBC's fifth estate site. Look up the keywords fifth estate Benny Hinn) There is so much I can tell you about Hinn, but I think you should do the research for yourself. I am here if you need help or a friend. GIVE FREELY RECIEVE FREELY! From Witty
It would seem Hinn and his clones have sunk to a whole new low!
Godsgirl, what you seen today was nothing more than a scare tactic
to get people to empty their wallets! Nothing new for Benny,
but the passover scam was a new angle to me.
When you want to know if someone is telling the truth, go to the the Bible.
You don`t have to be a theology student to find the truth, just remember the
Bible does`nt contradict itself, and if you read one scripture that clearly tells
you something, you can rest assured you can believe it.
Such as this scripture that tells us:

Psa 91:11 For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.

Also: 1Jo 1:7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

Also: 2Co 9:7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, [so let him give]; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.

The angels are with the child of God ALL the time, the blood of Jesus is applied to our lives when we accept Jesus Christ as our Saviour, and you could`nt pay anyone for that protection and covering even if you wanted to, God`s Word says it`s already done!
Well put Coconut! God says, 'I will never leave you or forsake you, behold I am with you ALWAYS, even unto the ends of the earth. Praise Jesus!
To hear stuff like that.. so completely disgusts me... and makes me phyically ILL. To blamsphmey our Holy and Rightous God.. to reduce Jesus to money..

These evil men stoop to new levels all the time... I am so torn between.. Half of me wants to pray for them the other half cannot wait to see them stand before Jesus and give account of themselves and then see them tossed into hell..

Why I even heard oh who is that old guy in charge of TBN talking about his give to get sermons... He said God himself gave his only son.. not for nothing but to get you in return.. so you should give your very best .. send in your best seed..

I know the Lord says vengence is his. and he does convict me on this.. but it so soo hard... I want to see them pay... for all the lives they have destroyed ...

Lord forgive me..

Amen, Hebrews11!

Kevin, I hear you and feel the same, man. I believe the old guy at TBN is Ted Turner? Strypes, please verify?

Your brother in Christ Jesus.
Bobinfaith said:
Amen, Hebrews11!

Kevin, I hear you and feel the same, man. I believe the old guy at TBN is Ted Turner? Strypes, please verify?

Your brother in Christ Jesus.
Just a brief note to Hebrews 11, I personally have found out that to pray for Health, Happiness, and Prosperity on your enemies and people like Hinn, gives God room to move. I spent many years watching people doing bad things or having them do bad things to me and never seeing them get anything bad for it. Then I learned how to do what I had always heard about praying for your enemies and that was to pray everything that you would want for yourself on them and not only is it like putting hot coals on their heads God actually starts to move in on them. This has been something that has been a blessing to me. Now Please do not misunderstand me, I do not know for sure that it is just because of my prayers, what I do know is that when I first start to pray the H,H,&P on them I usually don't mean it at first but after praying it for a while and asking God to halp me forgive them as He forgives me than I finally do mean it and I have forgiven them and then on some of these people things have happened and some of them have even come closer to the Lord because of the things that happened to them. I am praying that this all makes sense cause I am doing this really quickly as I do want to retire for the evening.
Yours in Him!:rose:
God Bless my family here, Love and Peace,
p.s. it says in I think it is Psalms 91 Blessed are those who bless you and cursed are those who curse you.

Exactly Freedom!

Genesis 12:3 "I will bless those who bless you and whoever curses you I will curse."

Numbers 24:9 "May those who bless you be blessed and those who curse you be cursed."

Now this one exposes Hinn in evil doing, Romans 12:14 "Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse."

This transcript can be seen in full at my 'truth about Benny Hinn' article, or at www.raptureready.com in the section entitled 'Heresy Hunters Be Gone (someday we will be gone') Or you can order this transcript directly from the Trinity Broadcasting Network, reference, Praise The Lord, September 10, 1999. For any individuals who are disbelieving. Anyways here is Benny Hinns own words taken from that transcript:

Benny Hinn is talking with Paul Crouch...

Benny: In that service (Denver, Colorado) the Lord had me place blessings and cursing - you remember that.

Paul Crouch: I was there

(later in script)


Well.... Thats reminds me of how you said that everyone who doesnt donate to Hinns ministry will get sick...wouldnt you say Godsgirl. This man is NOT a man of God.

I would just like to say that he who seeks the truth will find it. I know that you are dedicated to Jesus and to truth. We are all blessed to have you as a member here Godsgirl, thank you. I am always right here if you need help. I am your FRIEND! From Witty

I would not put stock in things said on that network. You did right by coming here for help; and you have received good counsel form our brothers and sisters.

Jesus Christ offered himself for passover... Jesus is our passover lamb.

Peace be with you,
Please stay away from Hinn or any of his crew. They are frauds and its well known. Its all glamour and pride from the way I see him working (or so).

However, we are to pray for our enemies regardless like Freedom just mentioned. This is very important because we are all equally the same = at once were enemies of GOD, now forgiven. Let us pray for each other and not let the defeated devil make us hate one another
Amen Chad

Amen Chad, we are all here to help each other and I am so glad that Godsgirl has asked for help. May the Lord guide her and strenghten her!
I looked up Passover in a concordance and came up with the verse below. Is not "Expel the wicked man from among you." fitting for the greedy and swindling Hinn? I always liked Paul and Jan but had no clue they broadcast such blasphemies.

For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed. 8 Therefore let us keep the Festival, not with the old yeast, the yeast of malice and wickedness, but with bread without yeast, the bread of sincerity and truth.

1CO 5:9 I have written you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people-- 10 not at all meaning the people of this world who are immoral, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters. In that case you would have to leave this world. 11 But now I am writing you that you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or a slanderer, a drunkard or a swindler. With such a man do not even eat.

1CO 5:12 What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? 13 God will judge those outside. "Expel the wicked man from among you."
Paul and Jan.. those two speak just as bad blasphemnys as benny hinn.... they are just as evil

In Love
