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Patience is a Virtue

Jan 4, 2007
I know alot of christians are searching for love. I can't even begin to understand since I'm not searching right now.

But remember if you wait upon the Lord when you do find your special someone. You'll see that it was worth the wait. I've seen in the past alot of people who go out searching in a rush.

Then once they've married they realize they made a mistake. Because they let a want consume them, and they forget their first love Christ. I know the road seems long and, sometimes it's hard to be patient. But I encourage all to pray and be patient, and eventually you will find your special someone!

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. " Matthew 6:33
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some other day i prayed for the patience and i was told by Christian sister and brothers that this would mean test.
patience- when do you know if its worth it? i have found myself asking myself over and over. in my case am asking about patience with someone who just keeps messing up, asking for a chance, chance after chance, and repeating same things. petty issues. a never ending cycle for 2yrs.. at times i wonder why am still in it... but there is something so overwhelmingly right about her that makes it hard to call it quits.. or am i just afraid to move on?
I know alot of christians are searching for love. I can't even begin to understand since I'm not searching right now.

But remember if you wait upon the Lord when you do find your special someone. You'll see that it was worth the wait. I've seen in the past alot of people who go out searching in a rush.

Then once they've married they realize they made a mistake. Because they let a want consume them, and they forget their first love Christ. I know the road seems long and, sometimes it's hard to be patient. But I encourage all to pray and be patient, and eventually you will find your special someone!

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. " Matthew 6:33
hi, i agree with what you said...
ive made the mistake a couple of times rushing to find 'the one girl'' who God may have picked out for me, and it ended in heart break.

for the past 4 years or so, i stopped looking, abit of a depressing story i didnt want to be with anyone, i lost the sight of God, and was gettin into alsorts of problems....

5 months ago i came back to God, it was beautiful, God actually came and rescued me, only a few weeks ago i met someone and altho im still waiting we both asked God in what to do, and we both got a semi message from God that sudgests we are going to be together...

just so people can have some idea, there is one other thing im waiting for, the girl who God picks for me, i asked that God would wisper in her ear and call me something related to an old prophecy ive had...

theres a story in genesis of it happening, the lady by the well, my fail safe, so this is again the best thing someone could do wait, and go be closer to God.
Ugh...patience is one of those lessons that never seem to end.....like the boring English lecture before you last day of school and your going to hang-out with all your friends. Patience and I really don't get along.....
For the task of finding a Godly mate, patience is absolutely required. Men and women who want to keep themselves pure and honor God's plan for the family are very hard to find. Many begin to despair over the long wait and wonder if they'll ever find that special someone at all.

However, it is very important to endure any length of time that it may take. Some, unfotunately, give up and settle for a non-believer. This is pure folly and invariably brings regret into their lives. Hold out and marry someone who is a Christian; not just in name, but in conviction and action. A Godly marriage is worth every last second of waiting.