"The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found the one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it." - Matthew 13:45 - 46
A supersuccessful millionaire in California started his manufacturing and marketing business by selecting a small team of bright men. He shared with them the great opportunities he saw for the business and for them. He promised them a good salary and the opportunity to be very creative. He offered all the benefits on one condition: that they invest all of their money and capital into the company. Why? He wanted their 100 percent investment in the business. One of the men objected and was sure the founder would compromise. He was mistaken. He was passed by.
All the others who went along with the president's requirements went on to share in the success of the company that is today known throughout the country. All of them have become millionaires.
"I had to have the confidence that they had total faith in the company and what it was designed to accomplish," the founder-president said.
Faith is paying the price ... gladly!
Do you believe in yourself, in God, and in your God-inspired goals enough to give your all to Him and His dreams for your life?
I'm a believer. I'll pay the price. Thank You for giving me this faith, Lord. Amen.
A supersuccessful millionaire in California started his manufacturing and marketing business by selecting a small team of bright men. He shared with them the great opportunities he saw for the business and for them. He promised them a good salary and the opportunity to be very creative. He offered all the benefits on one condition: that they invest all of their money and capital into the company. Why? He wanted their 100 percent investment in the business. One of the men objected and was sure the founder would compromise. He was mistaken. He was passed by.
All the others who went along with the president's requirements went on to share in the success of the company that is today known throughout the country. All of them have become millionaires.
"I had to have the confidence that they had total faith in the company and what it was designed to accomplish," the founder-president said.
Faith is paying the price ... gladly!
Do you believe in yourself, in God, and in your God-inspired goals enough to give your all to Him and His dreams for your life?
I'm a believer. I'll pay the price. Thank You for giving me this faith, Lord. Amen.