Dear Sister,
Thanks for letting me know! I've changed your bio to reflect this, so that you'll be able to access the Women's Forum if you'd like.
LOL on "these days"! Sad but true.
I should have listened to the Spirit and asked, when I felt prompted. Happens when you don't listen! He sees you through it, but you get a lesson to go along with it!
I'm kind of the opposite. Though my typing has slowed down lately, I enjoyed seeing it spread out before me, and then look at it again a time or two before posting it. Which means I'll type a page or two, and wind up with only a paragraph or two in the end if that. I don't consider it a waste, because I find in the end it's what the Spirit wanted me to communicate all along!
Sorry, for the loss of your own forum. You invest so much into it, and it becomes like your baby, and puff it's gone.
Hope you will find a home away from home here.
So, you mentioned studies. What are you currently into? That is if you don't mind sharing.
Anyway, thanks for the info "Sister", and again I do hope you make yourself at home.
With the Love of Christ Jesus.