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Please help me understand DECEPTION & the Deciever


Jun 23, 2020
Hello everyone,

I have this very strong, and by strong I mean BONE chilling fear about one thing.. please help me understand.

I was not born with knowledge of God or Jesus Christ.

I have only one thing that I fear, and that is transgressing God.

When I started studying the Word seriously a few years ago I had such strong despair, and I lamented greatly.

My twin brother has served in the military for more than 10 years. He's taken life. We know what the scriptures say. I can tell you for certain that his heart is from God. I lamented so greatly because of what the Word had written about taking life, and I woke one morning during that time and heard these words pass through me:

It was a devil who fought sin
It was an angel who fought war

SIn is spiritual and war is physical. He's my twin. I took it to mean this: I am a devil and he is an angel.

Scriptures give me the impression that man is seen as angel & devil and each have their own Word of Law written in their hearts.

Back to the subject:

Why do I have such a powerful fear of Gospel preaching?

It is not the Gospel or the preaching of Righteousness that I fear, rather it is this:

And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

This to me is life or death; the deception.

If someone ia not ready to seek God or to hear the Word of God then how does one share the Gospel?

Rather, this very thought has caused a rift in me. I do not wish to share any lie with anyone, ESPECIALLY concerning the scriptures.
Hello everyone,

I have this very strong, and by strong I mean BONE chilling fear about one thing.. please help me understand.

I was not born with knowledge of God or Jesus Christ.
Except that you seem pretty positive of the EXISTENCE of BOTH God, and Jesus, so I'll assume you DO KNOW OF THEM, and but don't know anything about them. That's the normal situation for humans who haven't been "Born AGain" of the Holy SPirit.
I have only one thing that I fear, and that is transgressing God.

When I started studying the Word seriously a few years ago I had such strong despair, and I lamented greatly.
That train's left the station YEARS AGO. You HAVE SINNED, and are in need of being Born Again of the Holy Spirit, This accomplishes the job of CLEANSING YOU FROM SIN, and of having the Holy Spirit indwell with your spirit and make you a child of God.
Why do I have such a powerful fear of Gospel preaching?
Because you KNOW that God is requiring something of you that you don't want to give Him - i.e. your LIFE. The FEAR is from satan's people, who DON'T WANT you having anything to do with the Gospel, and doing their level best to keep you AWAY from it.
If someone ia not ready to seek God or to hear the Word of God then how does one share the Gospel?
However in your case, it appears that you're quite ready to "Hear the gospel", and you know that you're going to HAVE TO.

In Short, the Gospel is: Jesus died as the perfect SIN OFFERING, so that when you place the FAITH that God gives you by hearing HIS WORD in Jesus' SIN OFFERING, you can be CLEANSED of your Sin, infilled by the Holy Spirit and begin to LEARN OF HIM as a Born Again Christian.
No, friend.

I have commited no sin. I am NOT a sinner. You may apeak against me with the Gospel. I know the Gospel too, and I DO read it, and I DO listen.

I have made errors--I have also NEVER forsaken the truth for a lie.

Do not dare to speak to Me about sin as I watch from the my corrupt nation as helpless children are crushed day and night in theae pathetic wars because the world ia full with billions of people that do not know love, and who sit idly by as their oppressors remove every good thing from them and call it the truth. Places that have a special people who love God and are far more reverent than the rest of the world have children being murdered as deterrent, used as weapons, and are used to please the devil.




Peddle your lies, and regard not the child who has not seen life and is killed in this holy war, who has not gotten to see the love and goodness of My Father.

How dare you, and your congregations, tell me, a righteous man, to not love the world or anything that is in it, with your perverse interpretations of the truth. You have forsaken righteousness. You have forsaken life and people and children, for none of these are of the world, and none of these are 'things.'


I see none as sinners, but you see all as sinners.

I see life as sacred, but you see life as sin and death.

You do not worship My Father, even though He is nigh unto you.
Greetings in the Lord,
Did you try the spirit that spoke to you?
The devil likes to twist the truth and cause confusion.
For he is...the author of confusion and the father of lies.
And, if the devil be divided against himself (sin/sin nature), then how can his house stand?

Fear is also the devil spirit.
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but one of love, understanding and a sound mind.

The spiritual is manifest in the flesh.
Do not be deceived.
Devilish, dark spirits are creating the wars and uproars in this world. Hence, the workers of inquities (wickness), ungodly, unrighteousness, and lawlessness.
Do not be deceived.

The devil has a job to do to.
There is one God.
The devil does not move without God's say so.
Do you know our brother Job?
The devil was sent to create all the havoc that came upon Job. For he was sent by God.
Now, I believe, the devil has been sent to try you as well.
He wants to make you believe you are a devil: the one preaching and seeking the Word of God.
Do not be deceived.

Having a powerful fear of Gospel preaching?
Well because you know if they have done it to Him (Jesus), they will do it to you.
We know what Jesus and many of the Apostles and Prophets have endured. For it is written.
That is where the fear comes from.
However, He (Jesus) also tells us...
Fear not what they will do to you, once they have killed there is nothing more they can do.
But I will tell you whom you shall fear; fear Him (Father God) for once he (devil) has killed, He (the Lord) has the power to cast into hell. Yea, fear HIM.

If someone is not ready to hear the Gospel or seek God, then how do we share the Gospel?
HE said, go about and preach (speak the Word of God) to the rocks, the trees, the animals, speaking to God.
Do all things, as we would do unto God.
Serving God first; He, alone, will draw the hearers. But we have to speak it forth.
Or how shall they know where to gather?
There is power in the tongue, a two edged sword, speaking forth eternal life or eternal death.
We have a choice; it is what comes out of the mouth that defiles the man.
And we must never leave our first Love.

All praise, glory and honor be unto God. Amen
I am sorry for speaking out ao strongly.

There is so much pain in my spirit lately.
I am sorry for speaking out ao strongly.

There is so much pain in my spirit lately.
Greetings in the Lord,
God forgives you, and so do I.
Cling to Him, He will never leave you, nor forsakes you.
Seek Him, as a little child (knowing nothing, and looking to one way bigger), with all your heart, all your mind, all your body, all your strength; He will meet you there.

All praise glory and honor be unto God. Amen
Then your "deception" is complete. ALL have sinned, and fallen short of God's glory (Rom 3:23).

Until you come to grips with THAT truth, you'll get nowhere.
Greetings in Lord,
There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.....finish reading Romans 8.

Do you know Him?
Is God first, or self?
How was Jesus justified when flipping over the money changers table?

Not by power, nor by might, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord.

Stop throwing people under the sin bus. Some has actually gone further then John 3:16.

All praise glory and honor be unto God.
As far as I know,

There's only one sin and I haven't broken it.

That's rejecting Jesus.

If I reject Jesus, then I reject also the Law and the Father that sent Him; how then am I a sinner? I am not a sinner.

Even Jesus spoke of the blind man, saying neither him nor his parents sinned.

I will also say this: Jesus had a criteria for disciples, else they COULD NOT be His disciples.

Remember friends, what He spoke! For He said: 'Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.'


'Luke 14:26-28 KJVIf any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.'

I was baptised at a young age. In ignorance I did err in my ways! That is not SIN. SIN is the willfull disobidience and falling away (revealing the man of sin) from the truth (love God, and love one another; keep the commandments). One who has not rejected the laws of God and repents of IGNORANCE is not a sinner. That one is righteous.

Again, JESUS Himself spoke these words of His! How do so many nit believe on His words?

Remember the words of the scriptures, where it says: 'rightfully DIVIDING the word of truth'

I have had romans quoted against me time and time again, and I have been bashed as a sinner. I am no sinner. I am righteous, and my eye is on God, if it were not so then how could the Holy Spirit keep me in the narrow way that leads to life, and is life? I have struggled for years, but I have never rejected God.

Paul said these words, and remember, he was an apostle who persecuted Christians:

Romans 3:23 In-Context23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

The same man, who fervently called himself a sinner, wrote these same words, and mind us that he IS a man! Read:

God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.

I have GREAT FAITH. For it I also suffer greatly. This is why: God's law of righteousness is PERFECT. I have never turned my face from Him, neither have I rejected Him. I HAVE turned my face against man at many times, for righteousness sake, ans for my own errors also, in that I have beheld IN ALL TRUTH that it IS the children of men that BEAR THE INIQUITY OF THE FATHERS, the children, even as the Son of God, WHO KNEW NO SIN.


Jesus, who also said the blind man nor His parents sinned, said alao this: 'I have not come to call the Righteous (those who have not departed from the truth), but sinners (those that departed from the truth; these were tempted and abandoned their first estate and their families also, and loved darkness (wickedness) more than righteousness (light)) to repentance.

I have unserstood deep spiritual truths for a very long time and the law of love has led me continually. I have never denied the Spirit of Truth, no matter how deep the pain of the truth goes, because it is the law of life. If all men followed this truth we would not see this monstrosity:

Once again, I say hear me for I am justified, though I have errored in my youth, in ignorance: I am not a sinner, for I have denied not the Spirit of God nor His Word.

How can I not suffer? How can I turn my face? How can I live among the blind and pretend? How can I proclaim falsehood and put it above the blood that falls from the face of a child?

I am crushed in my spirit and daily filled with sorrows and anger; the world has come against me and told me to bow, and the life has told me to listen and see.

I searched out the scriptures for hope! For OTHERS. I did not desire fame or wealth or glory or forgiveness OR ETERNAL LIFE.

Then I met the law, and sin, and death, and darkness, and deception, and terrifying temptations of every kind, and terror and horrors of every kind, and every abomination of man, and it is all recorded in the Holy Scriptures. I was already in deep grief, and then it became as an abyss.

I am told that God has taken all unto Himself and to walk in faith! Hear me as I speal the truth! Faith and love, which are both the essence of my soul and spirit, are what have led me to the truth! Man CAN NOT LOOK AWAY FROM THE ABOMINATIONS IN THE WORLD, FOR ALL THESE ABOMINATIONS HAVE LEAD TO A SUFFERING GREATER THAN OUR HEARTS, OUR SOULS & SPIRIT & MIND CAN BEAR!


I had never been so crushed, for I already knew because of the teachings of Jesus Christ in my youth that the tranagressions of man against God have led to the sickness and destruction and plagues that are seen in the world today. Am I to accept defeat to something unknown and make my witness False? For my mother is a godly woman in whom I was blessed with life, and by her spirit was I blessed to know love! Her, and many others!

I would never raise accusation to them. EVER. I would NEVER depart from them. EVER. But I have seen how the Word is spoken today, and how it is used, and the way that it is used, it broke my spirit. My spirit split because I have loved God, and Man, and Jesus, and Life, and the poor and needy, and the prisoners. It is the Rulers of office and government only that I have not loved with merciful compassion as I was taught of my mother and Jesus, for I have seen with my own eyes that the love of God is not in them.

Shall I rejoice and close my eyes? Am I a sinner? Have I not obeyed the truth? Have I not borne in my own body and spirit the truth AND the tranagressions of man?

For I was commissioned to walk in the truth, to know it and obey it, and the crown of thorns has been thrust upon me from my youth, and the sword has pierced me to the splitting of my spirit and my soul, and I have borne in my body and my spirit death, and I speak no lie in my words. For I have loved with the love of God in my body and spirit, and that love has been deep, excruciating, and painful beyond comprehension--but it has not been with the same regard, and glory, and Godliness as His own, for I am a mortal, and He IS The Almighty.

I am truly grateful that God has had such mercy and compassion upon all that have sought Him and love Him, for He is The LORD.

I have seen truths in the scriptures that no man has recorded by pen and paper. I have seen what true terror is. I have seen through His Word the greatness of His love to those that love Him, through their (keyword) FEAR of Him! Why is it that people had to be elected, and chosen, and sanctified to go into the holy of holies? It is because man would die if he were not worthy (sanctified) to behold His Glory. I feel as though I am transgressing Him just by reading His Word now!

Who is decieved?

Is it the one who reveals the nakedness of His OWN Father?

Or the one that caused him to SEE the NAKEDNESS of HIS FATHER?

How can I not be troubled, and pained, and grieved, and sorrowed, and broken? Yet have I to turn away; no, I have not denied God, nor His Son, neither have I defiled their garments, neither have I betrayed them.

In Genesis the serpent lied to Eve saying that they would 'become like God.'

Then, Lucifer, a guardian cherub of The LORD defied God and saught to be an equal with Him, HIS CREATOR. Then, as a child, I was taught to 'Be like Christ.' As an adult, returning to the House of Prayer, I have been told that we would 'Become like God, and reach Godhood.'

I connect the dots of this, which to me appears to be a deception, and the greatest deception of all, because GOD is our Law, our Lawgiver, and His Law is our righteousness, and our LIFE.

But mean have taught me to 'become as God' and to 'be like God'

Am I the Law? God forbid.
Am I like God? God forbid that I should issue laws out of my mouth! What greater transgression is there than the record of Lucifer?
Am I like God? God forbids it in every way! A man that does not know God by the letter of the law may be lawfully a law unto himself, but the man that knows God by the letter of the law falls under it also if his spirit and the written law is in agreement; this really is a truth... in ao much as I have learned. I am not the Law giver nor the Law, and so I cannot, ever, be like God.

I can be like a mortal, who has been loved, and loves, and knows the law, and knows love, and knows how to love.

But I speak the truth, because of the love that I have for the life of man, my soul has borne great pains, and my spirit has borne great darkness not my own.

Lastly... when Jesus said to the woman, 'go,' and 'sin no more,' he forgave her, he healed her heart, and he threw no stones at all. He did not say 'be my disciple' nor did he say 'go and preach' to her. He said, 'go and sin no more.'

I truly in my heart feel as though I have not only been decieved in many ways, but also betrayed in many ways--for if I were to go and preach the kingdom, and yet in me is such great pain, then how is it righteous that I should draw so many into my own pains having not brought them all into resolution?

The same is of the brothers and sisters who have been so good to me! I would have to bring accusation and witness against them also, and that would mean to turn against those who deliver the Word of God... with the Word of God... I will not even begin to expound on this as I am certainly bearing no false witness... and the Church is Christ's ...

Life ia sacred... friends... this is why the commandments of Moses were so important.. the land, the air, the sky.. the water, the spirit in us... our families... all sacred, and none of it is 'of the world' or 'things.' Life is of life, and life is of Spirit--that which is of Spirit... is sacred, and holy... it is very good as God had spoken... He never spoke against His own Words which He spake: "Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day."

I'm 32 and my whole life has been adversity stacked upon adversity.. Yet will I praise God for indeed He revealed to me what is good and true... it is good that a MAN should BLESS HIS MOTHER.

Not follow the deception of serpents who say to the righteous: "forsake all."

That's evil.

I don't suppose that words will show forth how great the pains of my spirit have been for the greatness of transgressions against me from a young age, even my own error, and how great the transgressions of men to their own children in our sight as it is this day.

If there is anyone here that will hold against me the Word of God that I should be a 'sinner,' tell it me now, for I have suffered my whole life and have never thought to bring harm to any but good to all my whole life.

Let this be the last day that accusation will be brought against me.
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1Jn 1:7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
1Jn 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
1Jn 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
1Jn 1:10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.
People ask for help understanding a certain subject,then go on a tirade telling them they are wrong and then proceed to tell they have all knowledge of the subject they asked for help with.
Mind boggling.

I would say if a person gets it in his head he is no longer a sinner,that would be a clear sign of having been deceived.
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People ask for help understanding a certain subject,then go on a tirade telling them they are wrong and then proceed to tell they have all knowledge of the subject they asked for help with.
Mind boggling.

I would say if a person gets it in his head he is no longer a sinner,that would be a clear sign of having been deceived.
Greetings in the Lord,
Are you a blood bought, Holy Ghost taught, born again believer?
Know ye not that your sins are hid in Christ and you have been raised up and new creation; in Him, by Him, for Him?
I have been freed from the law of sin and death (the law). How? By the blood of the Lamb.

Who is being deceived?

Do we not believe on the only begotten Son of God? Yes, yes I do.

All praise, glory and honor be unto God. Amen
Hello everyone,

I have this very strong, and by strong I mean BONE chilling fear about one thing.. please help me understand.
I was not born with knowledge of God or Jesus Christ.
I have only one thing that I fear, and that is transgressing God.

When I started studying the Word seriously a few years ago I had such strong despair, and I lamented greatly.

My twin brother has served in the military for more than 10 years. He's taken life.
We know what the scriptures say. I can tell you for certain that his heart is from God.
I lamented so greatly because of what the Word had written about taking life,
and I woke one morning during that time and heard these words pass through me:

It was a devil who fought sin
It was an angel who fought war

SIn is spiritual and war is physical. He's my twin. I took it to mean this: I am a devil and he is an angel.
Scriptures give me the impression that man is seen as angel & devil and each have their own Word of Law written in their hearts.

Back to the subject:
Why do I have such a powerful fear of Gospel preaching?
It is not the Gospel or the preaching of Righteousness that I fear, rather it is this:

And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan,
which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

This to me is life or death; the deception.
If someone is not ready to seek God or to hear the Word of God then how does one share the Gospel?

Rather, this very thought has caused a rift in me. I do not wish to share any lie with anyone, ESPECIALLY concerning the scriptures.
'For God so loved the world,
that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in Him
should not perish, but have everlasting life.
For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world;
but that the world through Him might be saved.'
(Joh 3:16-17)

Hello @twcstp:

It must be rather wonderful to be one of twins. Yet it must have been very worrying when your twin joined the military, because of the danger he could possibly face. You say that he has taken the life of another while performing his duty as a soldier. Surely the responsibility for a death at the hands of a soldier in a conflict is squarely upon the shoulders of those for whom he fights, for he acts upon orders, he has pledged allegiance and is therefore duty bound to obey. Yet it must weigh heavily upon him.

You can pray for him, and commit him to the Lord: if the Lord would have you share the good news of salvation with your brother, He will provide the opportunity, and the words to say.

Trust God.
He is a loving Heavenly Father,
Cast all your care upon Him for He cares for you.

In Christ Jesus
People ask for help understanding a certain subject,then go on a tirade telling them they are wrong and then proceed to tell they have all knowledge of the subject they asked for help with.
Mind boggling.

I would say if a person gets it in his head he is no longer a sinner,that would be a clear sign of having been deceived.
Greetings in the Lord,

Go read 1 Cor. 6:9-20

Perhaps God will lift the dark veil.
All praise, glory and honor be unto God. Amen
Greetings in the Lord,
Are you a blood bought, Holy Ghost taught, born again believer?
Know ye not that your sins are hid in Christ and you have been raised up and new creation; in Him, by Him, for Him?
I have been freed from the law of sin and death (the law). How? By the blood of the Lamb.

Who is being deceived?

Do we not believe on the only begotten Son of God? Yes, yes I do.

All praise, glory and honor be unto God. Amen

Yes I am blood bought child of God. Yes I was forgiven my past sins. But I still fail. I fall. I sin from time to time. A lot more than I would like,but not as much as I did.
Sometimes I knowingly willfully sin.
To say I don’t sin would be calling God a liar as you are.
Yes I am blood bought child of God. Yes I was forgiven my past sins. But I still fail. I fall. I sin from time to time. A lot more than I would like,but not as much as I did.
Sometimes I knowingly willfully sin.
To say I don’t sin would be calling God a liar as you are.
Greetings in the Lord,
Yes I was a sinner (past tense), saved by Grace.
Yes and they scoffed Jesus as well.
Calling him a sinner, blasphemous...
Who is this man that forgives sins?
God, only, can forgive sins.
So have you been made one spirit, one body, in Him, by Him, for Him?

For it is not I that lives, but Christ lives in me.

Christ will not dwell in a dirty, sinful house; so your telling me you have not entered in.

Keep reading, perhaps God will deliver you out of yourself and in to Him.
He has a baptism to be baptized with; it is spiritual, man can not do this one. God, only, is able to deliver us.

He has made me free from the law of sin and death. And I will not allow you, or any church house to hold me under the condemnation of sin. The only thing that condemns us is our own unbelief. Now, you either believe the Word of God, or you don't. Perhaps, not leaning to your own understanding.

When one has truly entered in and knowingly sins against God, there are strong consequences. Have you not read Abt King David and his beloved Bethsheba? Life was taken away, because of sinful fornication; conspiracy to cause death... God took the life of their first born; but spare them both. Then blessed them mightily; and that is how we got Solomon.

I encourage you to seek Him, with all your heart, mind, body and strength; He will meet you there and introduce himself to you properly. Come out of the traditional teachings of man, who want to keep you bound in sin and death, least you grow up, and their deeds should be reproved. The Holy Ghost is the only true Teacher; and in Him (are you in Him?) there is no sin.

God is no liar, nor am I; perhaps you are unlearned.

Now here comes one preaching deliverance to you, and you call me a liar. Perhaps you also said you believed then stood in the crowd screaming "crucify Him!!" as well.
I praise God that he counts me worthy to suffer shame for his name sake.

All praise glory and honor be unto God.
Greetings in the Lord,
Yes I was a sinner (past tense), saved by Grace.
Yes and they scoffed Jesus as well.
Calling him a sinner, blasphemous...
Who is this man that forgives sins?
God, only, can forgive sins.
So have you been made one spirit, one body, in Him, by Him, for Him?

For it is not I that lives, but Christ lives in me.

Christ will not dwell in a dirty, sinful house; so your telling me you have not entered in.

Keep reading, perhaps God will deliver you out of yourself and in to Him.
He has a baptism to be baptized with; it is spiritual, man can not do this one. God, only, is able to deliver us.

He has made me free from the law of sin and death. And I will not allow you, or any church house to hold me under the condemnation of sin. The only thing that condemns us is our own unbelief. Now, you either believe the Word of God, or you don't. Perhaps, not leaning to your own understanding.

When one has truly entered in and knowingly sins against God, there are strong consequences. Have you not read Abt King David and his beloved Bethsheba? Life was taken away, because of sinful fornication; conspiracy to cause death... God took the life of their first born; but spare them both. Then blessed them mightily; and that is how we got Solomon.

I encourage you to seek Him, with all your heart, mind, body and strength; He will meet you there and introduce himself to you properly. Come out of the traditional teachings of man, who want to keep you bound in sin and death, least you grow up, and their deeds should be reproved. The Holy Ghost is the only true Teacher; and in Him (are you in Him?) there is no sin.

God is no liar, nor am I; perhaps you are unlearned.

Now here comes one preaching deliverance to you, and you call me a liar. Perhaps you also said you believed then stood in the crowd screaming "crucify Him!!" as well.
I praise God that he counts me worthy to suffer shame for his name sake.

All praise glory and honor be unto God.
You’re not preaching deliverance, you’re talking nonsense.
You picked the right thread,because if you believe that you can’t sin,you are most definitely deceived.