As far as I know,
There's only one sin and I haven't broken it.
That's rejecting Jesus.
If I reject Jesus, then I reject also the Law and the Father that sent Him; how then am I a sinner? I am not a sinner.
Even Jesus spoke of the blind man, saying neither him nor his parents sinned.
I will also say this: Jesus had a criteria for disciples, else they COULD NOT be His disciples.
Remember friends, what He spoke! For He said: 'Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.'
'Luke 14:26-28 KJVIf any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.'
I was baptised at a young age. In ignorance I did err in my ways! That is not SIN. SIN is the willfull disobidience and falling away (revealing the man of sin) from the truth (love God, and love one another; keep the commandments). One who has not rejected the laws of God and repents of IGNORANCE is not a sinner. That one is righteous.
Again, JESUS Himself spoke these words of His! How do so many nit believe on His words?
Remember the words of the scriptures, where it says: 'rightfully DIVIDING the word of truth'
I have had romans quoted against me time and time again, and I have been bashed as a sinner. I am no sinner. I am righteous, and my eye is on God, if it were not so then how could the Holy Spirit keep me in the narrow way that leads to life, and is life? I have struggled for years, but I have never rejected God.
Paul said these words, and remember, he was an apostle who persecuted Christians:
Romans 3:23 In-Context23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.
The same man, who fervently called himself a sinner, wrote these same words, and mind us that he IS a man! Read:
God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.
I have GREAT FAITH. For it I also suffer greatly. This is why: God's law of righteousness is PERFECT. I have never turned my face from Him, neither have I rejected Him. I HAVE turned my face against man at many times, for righteousness sake, ans for my own errors also, in that I have beheld IN ALL TRUTH that it IS the children of men that BEAR THE INIQUITY OF THE FATHERS, the children, even as the Son of God, WHO KNEW NO SIN.
Jesus, who also said the blind man nor His parents sinned, said alao this: 'I have not come to call the Righteous (those who have not departed from the truth), but sinners (those that departed from the truth; these were tempted and abandoned their first estate and their families also, and loved darkness (wickedness) more than righteousness (light)) to repentance.
I have unserstood deep spiritual truths for a very long time and the law of love has led me continually. I have never denied the Spirit of Truth, no matter how deep the pain of the truth goes, because it is the law of life. If all men followed this truth we would not see this monstrosity:
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Once again, I say hear me for I am justified, though I have errored in my youth, in ignorance: I am not a sinner, for I have denied not the Spirit of God nor His Word.
How can I not suffer? How can I turn my face? How can I live among the blind and pretend? How can I proclaim falsehood and put it above the blood that falls from the face of a child?
I am crushed in my spirit and daily filled with sorrows and anger; the world has come against me and told me to bow, and the life has told me to listen and see.
I searched out the scriptures for hope! For OTHERS. I did not desire fame or wealth or glory or forgiveness OR ETERNAL LIFE.
Then I met the law, and sin, and death, and darkness, and deception, and terrifying temptations of every kind, and terror and horrors of every kind, and every abomination of man, and it is all recorded in the Holy Scriptures. I was already in deep grief, and then it became as an abyss.
I am told that God has taken all unto Himself and to walk in faith! Hear me as I speal the truth! Faith and love, which are both the essence of my soul and spirit, are what have led me to the truth! Man CAN NOT LOOK AWAY FROM THE ABOMINATIONS IN THE WORLD, FOR ALL THESE ABOMINATIONS HAVE LEAD TO A SUFFERING GREATER THAN OUR HEARTS, OUR SOULS & SPIRIT & MIND CAN BEAR!
I had never been so crushed, for I already knew because of the teachings of Jesus Christ in my youth that the tranagressions of man against God have led to the sickness and destruction and plagues that are seen in the world today. Am I to accept defeat to something unknown and make my witness False? For my mother is a godly woman in whom I was blessed with life, and by her spirit was I blessed to know love! Her, and many others!
I would never raise accusation to them. EVER. I would NEVER depart from them. EVER. But I have seen how the Word is spoken today, and how it is used, and the way that it is used, it broke my spirit. My spirit split because I have loved God, and Man, and Jesus, and Life, and the poor and needy, and the prisoners. It is the Rulers of office and government only that I have not loved with merciful compassion as I was taught of my mother and Jesus, for I have seen with my own eyes that the love of God is not in them.
Shall I rejoice and close my eyes? Am I a sinner? Have I not obeyed the truth? Have I not borne in my own body and spirit the truth AND the tranagressions of man?
For I was commissioned to walk in the truth, to know it and obey it, and the crown of thorns has been thrust upon me from my youth, and the sword has pierced me to the splitting of my spirit and my soul, and I have borne in my body and my spirit death, and I speak no lie in my words. For I have loved with the love of God in my body and spirit, and that love has been deep, excruciating, and painful beyond comprehension--but it has not been with the same regard, and glory, and Godliness as His own, for I am a mortal, and He IS The Almighty.
I am truly grateful that God has had such mercy and compassion upon all that have sought Him and love Him, for He is The LORD.
I have seen truths in the scriptures that no man has recorded by pen and paper. I have seen what true terror is. I have seen through His Word the greatness of His love to those that love Him, through their (keyword) FEAR of Him! Why is it that people had to be elected, and chosen, and sanctified to go into the holy of holies? It is because man would die if he were not worthy (sanctified) to behold His Glory. I feel as though I am transgressing Him just by reading His Word now!
Who is decieved?
Is it the one who reveals the nakedness of His OWN Father?
Or the one that caused him to SEE the NAKEDNESS of HIS FATHER?
How can I not be troubled, and pained, and grieved, and sorrowed, and broken? Yet have I to turn away; no, I have not denied God, nor His Son, neither have I defiled their garments, neither have I betrayed them.
In Genesis the serpent lied to Eve saying that they would 'become like God.'
Then, Lucifer, a guardian cherub of The LORD defied God and saught to be an equal with Him, HIS CREATOR. Then, as a child, I was taught to 'Be like Christ.' As an adult, returning to the House of Prayer, I have been told that we would 'Become like God, and reach Godhood.'
I connect the dots of this, which to me appears to be a deception, and the greatest deception of all, because GOD is our Law, our Lawgiver, and His Law is our righteousness, and our LIFE.
But mean have taught me to 'become as God' and to 'be like God'
Am I the Law? God forbid.
Am I like God? God forbid that I should issue laws out of my mouth! What greater transgression is there than the record of Lucifer?
Am I like God? God forbids it in every way! A man that does not know God by the letter of the law may be lawfully a law unto himself, but the man that knows God by the letter of the law falls under it also if his spirit and the written law is in agreement; this really is a truth... in ao much as I have learned. I am not the Law giver nor the Law, and so I cannot, ever, be like God.
I can be like a mortal, who has been loved, and loves, and knows the law, and knows love, and knows how to love.
But I speak the truth, because of the love that I have for the life of man, my soul has borne great pains, and my spirit has borne great darkness not my own.
Lastly... when Jesus said to the woman, 'go,' and 'sin no more,' he forgave her, he healed her heart, and he threw no stones at all. He did not say 'be my disciple' nor did he say 'go and preach' to her. He said, 'go and sin no more.'
I truly in my heart feel as though I have not only been decieved in many ways, but also betrayed in many ways--for if I were to go and preach the kingdom, and yet in me is such great pain, then how is it righteous that I should draw so many into my own pains having not brought them all into resolution?
The same is of the brothers and sisters who have been so good to me! I would have to bring accusation and witness against them also, and that would mean to turn against those who deliver the Word of God... with the Word of God... I will not even begin to expound on this as I am certainly bearing no false witness... and the Church is Christ's ...
Life ia sacred... friends... this is why the commandments of Moses were so important.. the land, the air, the sky.. the water, the spirit in us... our families... all sacred, and none of it is 'of the world' or 'things.' Life is of life, and life is of Spirit--that which is of Spirit... is sacred, and holy... it is very good as God had spoken... He never spoke against His own Words which He spake: "Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed
it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day."
I'm 32 and my whole life has been adversity stacked upon adversity.. Yet will I praise God for indeed He revealed to me what is good and true... it is good that a MAN should BLESS HIS MOTHER.
Not follow the deception of serpents who say to the righteous: "forsake all."
That's evil.
I don't suppose that words will show forth how great the pains of my spirit have been for the greatness of transgressions against me from a young age, even my own error, and how great the transgressions of men to their own children in our sight as it is this day.
If there is anyone here that will hold against me the Word of God that I should be a 'sinner,' tell it me now, for I have suffered my whole life and have never thought to bring harm to any but good to all my whole life.
Let this be the last day that accusation will be brought against me.