My dear and much loved brothers and sisters in Christ, I am aware of your prayers and so grateful for them.
Bless you all.
As some of you know I am disabled, a wheel chair user and have many health issues, but all in all I am in His Grip. PTL
Every day is a struggle, every day has pain to be endured, it is only by adjusting how and when I move that I can minimise the pain, it is a battle, but we all have battles, we all have issues, we all have to cope with what ever comes our way in this life. It doesn't make thing easier to know that there is always someone worse than us, suffering more than us, and as I have said many times, and mean with all my heart, no matter what we go through in this life, will never be anywhere near what our Lord went through for us, what ever we suffer will never match what our Lord suffered for us, He went through so much in fulfilment of the Father's love for us all. Amazing love, amazing grace.
I have wanted to reply, to leave a message of thanks but have struggles so much, again thanks for your heart felt love and prayers, Bless you all in Jesus name.
The worsening started in August, I had another fall, this time in my bedroom, in the past I have had to ring the emergency services, it takes to to lift me carefully due to my back and hip injuries. But due to Covid I wouldn't let my wife telephone then, it was in the bedroom, how I missed the mirrors I do not know, but I forced myself, in pain to pull myself on the bed, as a result I pulled by back bone, all I need to say is I went through it and struggled for weeks ahead.
Then about a month ago I had another fall, my knees just give way, without warning, down I go. This time in a passageway at the side of the bungalow, my head went straight towards the rustic brick wall, somehow I twisted and my forehead and nose hit a rubber step of some steps, I rolled as I hit the steps and my body went again some cardboard boxes of geranium cutting that had only been put there 48 hours before! Caught by an angel, I do not know, I just know it could have been much worse, but this time there was no way I could get up, my wife said we have to telephone the paramedics, I said no I will be OK, she said, how will you get up, I couldn't. I came up with excuse after excuse, covid and more, eventual I gave in, I had no option and the emergency services was contacted. I remained on the cold floor with a blanket for more than an hour with a blanket over me, my wife said you must be so cold, I was, but told her I was, but now we must realise how the homeless must be every night.
The emergency services eventually came out, they lifted me with care and the shrilling cry of pain as they did, they checked my over as they do, asked question after question as they do, they considered talking me to the hospital, I said there was no need, it would be wrong to take me in for something so trivial, after all I had not hit my head on the wall, they finally agreed, did a few more checks then left.
I wish brothers and sisters I could say that was it, but sadly not so. I have in the past had 3 stokes, each left me with sagging to the face which partially returned over time, but more so was the attack on my eyes, it left me with double vision, the x/y axes of the eye out of line with each other, I couldn't drive for six months until they levelled and became stable and safe for me to drive. But just over a week ago I had a mini stroke, again in the head to shoulder, not a full one side of body stroke. We had no option, I actually asked my wife to telephone the emergency services, they came out quickly and took me to the hospital for further examination.
I was placed in a corridor with others, waiting my time and praying. Behind me was a lady complaining about everything, I shouldn't be left in a corridor this is unacceptable, I could get covid, and on and on she went. Eventually I was admitted and the examinations commenced, but my worst fear was evident to me from the start, I am very deaf, I lip read a lot, everyone had masks on! I had to ask every nurse, every doctor, every specialist to remove their masks so I could lip read their conversation to me. They discussed allergies etc, I had to confirm past liver disease due to prescribed overdose and that I am allergic to drugs, but we do not know which! Very helpful a chemist guy said.
I was then transferred to another ward form further tests and the same happened all over again. The risk was high, I had to Trust in the Lord, remember the words of Proverbs I had shared with so many.
To cut the story short, I would hate to bore you guys, I am home, very tired, on drugs that I can take, within reason, I am far form right, struggling to cope, but getting by, my doctor will telephone me tomorrow as a follow up from the hospital discharge. I have never have the pneumonia jab, I have never had the flu jab, drugs are an issue, I don't know what will happen for me with covid injection, I have questions to ask, but here we cannot see a doctor, they telephone you, in my case telephone my wife and relay to me what is said.
I am not reading much due to the eyes situation, although this time it didn't cause major disruption to the eye alignment, it did affect one eye, I think PTL it was caught in time. I feel like a cat with nine lives at times, the good Lord must still have plans for me.
Anyway, enough for now, I have gone on a bit and my eyes are affected, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your heart felt prayers, Jesus is Lord, to the Glory of God our Father.
Bless you all in Jesus Name
It a big Amen from me. \o/