I haven't been a good believer, Im weak when it comes to Lust I always fail. I feel like there a spirit controlling my thinking and people around me. yesterday I seen a old school bully and it brought back fear in my heart, I went to sleep last night with a bad dream. Now Im thinking about turnining away from god but always comes back. every time something bad happen I turn away from god. How do I be strong person in the faith?
Most likely you have assume right concerning unclean spirits. You mean, you have been sinning and doing unclean things and giving place for demons to enter, i said; demons "plural". You have given place by not staying on the path. "Bad company" corrupts good morals or godly morals. "what fellowship do we have with the table of demons" "we are to bring every thought captive unto the word of God" we are to "guard our Hearts" "because our hearts are wicked" that is where the vile things come from. You have been invaded by unclean spirirts, that is why you cannot control yourself, "Lust' is vile spirit" It fights against the "HOLY SPIRIT" of GOD! You have yield to The enemy of your soul and now you have become a slave of demons and you cannot resist. This did not come on like a flicker of a light switch. You have been living in or practicing for some while to let the enemy get this "stronghold" on you. You can be delivered by Jesus Christ" himself, "repent" and speak the TRUTH, admit your wickedness, and battle this being and fast and pray and feed upon the Word of GOD! And stay away from ungodly counsel and friends' "come out from among them"! bring froth the "fruits of repentance", pray without ceasing. Hard case reading you Bible! This is not a joke! The devil and demons are real! For stay on the Path of GOD no matter what happens, You are going to suffer but it is better to suffer serving GOD, Than suffering for living in "Rebellion"! You grow in "Christ Jesus" for suffering for doing well and be in obedience. It is better suffering in the love of Christ!
you sound like the "Prosperity Gospel" has trip you up and made you fall into a despair. by thinking all should go well with your life like others , that seems that all have "prosper" and not you! And you have replace your "JOY in the LORD for the pleasures of Sex" and have found out that, it all was a trap and you want to get out! But the "pangs of his claws" has grip your heart and he will not let go! But i am here to tell you, you have a way out, obey His Word and Trust No man or woman, pastor, priest or prophet! Just say Pray for me and don't tell them what to pray for or reveal your problem to them! And go into your closet and pray in secret and confess all your sins that the "Holy Spirit" reveals to you! and blame no one for the sins you have commited and that his will may be done and not your wlll be done, and forsake all ambition, and all success, because you have a lot of "Idolatry" going on as well! and let the SPirit of GOD reveal your "Idolatry" and confess it "for your "High Priest" who is in Heaven is listening and making "Intercession" for you unto God the Father who is in Heaven! This is not going to be easy, short and quick,, You are going to have a "Battle" on your hands. You are going to stumble, cried, fear, and will not be able to pray at times, when you cannot pray, TALK and tell him how you feel, and cry have mercy Lord, And when you finally come out, it will be like a dream He must burn that dross off of you, You must go through the Fire! And when you come out, you will know why! You are not going to wish this process on your worst of enemies!
New Living Translation
When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you.
For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior. I gave Egypt as a ransom for your freedom; I gave Ethiopia and Seba in your place.
There are many on 'TalkJesus" that will be praying for you! For you do not walk alone for you are a part of the "Body of Christ" no matter how you may feel and how dark it may get you are never alone, for we are One and Place by God from the Foundations of the COSMOS in the "Body of Christ" and on our "Coronation Day" all our tears will be wipe away.
And all our pain and suffering will be worth every bit that we endured.
How do you become strong person in faith? By God the the Father "Tapping that Behind"!
Now ask me how I know! So if I was you i would start reading my Bible beginning from Genesis to Revelation' with a dictionary in the other hand, as if my life depends on it! I would bring my body into subjection and make it read it , without ceasing, take command and read. for the Battle is on. READ!