Hi AkeliaLuvJesus,
One of the first things you can do to please Jesus in any relationship you are in is to build that relationship upon Him and keep Him first in your life and relationship always. Another thing that pleases God is for you to know He wants the very best for you and you shouldn't settle for less than that. Noone ever should be abused in any way..this includes physical, emotional or verbal abuse...these things God does not want for us because He is not willing that any hurt or suffer, but what He does want for His children is this..to have someone who is Godly, who loves them for who they are in God and for who they are inside and out, someone who will be there for them, will respect them, be honest with them, loyal, and since dating is designed to find your mate for life someone who will provide for you...all of these things we should look for in the man we are looking to find as our soulmate.
Pleasing God and the person you with...just remember that God requires as much if not more time than the person you are with, so keep on praying and reading your bible. Talk to Him about your relationship..spend time with Him because our Lord craves that time with us as much as we do with Him. There are others things as well that we do in a relationship that please both God and the person you are with. We are to love as God loves us, we are taught to submit to the Lord in everything...in a relationship the man and woman must submit to each other. There are things like respect, kindness, honesty that also please the Lord if you both have regard of these things for each other...also there needs to be communication between the both of you.. a relationship without that isn't going to last...sit and talk to each other about your hopes, dreams, your likes and dislikes and yes read your bible together and pray together. Remember a relationship takes work and there will be rough times and lots and lots of good times...be willing to work through the hard times don't give up..come together with your significant other and pray over these times and in the good times rejoice with each other in all the successes and joys that come your way...be there for each other in everything and doing this and knowing that you are built on a solid foundation which is Jesus you will be sure to have a lasting relationship.
There is a book I want to recommend to you its by Pastor John Hagee and His wife Diana Hagee. They co-wrote a book called " What Every Man Wants In a Woman and What Every Woman Wants In A Man" its an excellent book that tells what each the opposite sex is looking for in a potential mate, but it is also for those who are married and want to know how to make their marriage last. Its for those who are single, dating or married. If you can find yourself a copy of it I know you will like it too...I know I still read my over and over and
find something new each time.
You asked about if someone tells you " I love you not for who you are but who I am with you...a better person" This line doesn't settle with me because if the person truely loved you he would love you for who you are...he would say " I love you for who you are inside and out and for who I am with you..you make me feel like a better person...in this he is acknowledging that he loves you and your love in return makes him happy and like a person he has never been before..a better person.
I hope this has helped some. I want to leave you with some bible verses for you to reflect and read on. God bless abundantly now and always!
1cor.13:4-8 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil,does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth. bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things...love never fails.
This is our perfect example of love...That Jesus first loved us...He is our example and the love in the verses above are the kind of love He has for us...Let Him be your example
of Love and you will not go wrong.