Daniel Hoseiny
- Joined
- Apr 20, 2024
- Messages
- 2
For the Holy Trinity
Life is buried in the tomb,
And risen up again in glory,
To grant His Life to humankind,
To snatch from hell the fallen Adam.
The Son of God and Son of Man,
He was betrayed for 30 coins,
He humbly stood before the evil judges,
And paid the prize of sins that we committed.
He took our sentence in our stead,
Enduring all the pain, our shame, humiliation.
Being lifted high upon the Cross,
He shed His blood as Lamb of God.
You took our sins upon Yourself,
And going down into hell,
You set the captives free.
Your lifeless body, buried in the tomb,
Was resting on the Sabbath day,
Awaiting Resurrection Day,
Your splendid victory of fame.
You were triumphant over death;
It was predicted by the prophets.
Condemned is satan by Your death,
And death is trampled by the death,
Cause You are only Sinless One,
So devil couldn't catch You,
Your life will reign for evermore,
Cause You are Judah's Lion.
On Judgement Day we shall arise,
Like You arose before us,
Ascending high above the sky,
You are the Universal King
Along with God the Father.
With God the Father and the Holy Ghost,
You are the God eternal.
And Judge of living and the dead,
Your second coming is at hand.
On Pentecost You sent Your grace of Holy Spirit,
You built Your Church on You as cornerstone,
You took our human flesh and blood through Virgin Mary,
And was conceived by Holy Ghost,
While still remaining God forever.
Your precious Body, holy Blood,
You gave for us as bread of life,
Imparting life divine and everlasting,
For the forgiveness of our debt,
To make us sons of God of Heaven.
You wash our sins away from us in holy waters of the baptism,
When we sincerely convert to You,
Renouncing evil, devil, all his pride,
Along with worldly passions,
Repenting of our formal sins,
Confessing them aloud.
You give Your grace of Holy Ghost,
Proceeding from the Father,
As earnest of the inheritance above,
Until salvation is accomplished.
Like with apostles long before,
You are with us forever,
Performing miracles and signs,
Expelling evil spirits.
We magnify and thank You, Jesus, Lord of hosts,
And hymn and praise Your Holy Ghost,
Exalt and worship God the Father,
For who You are and what we are in You,
For what You do for us,
Both now and forever.
Let all the people say 'amen', so be it, halleluYah!
Thanksgiving for the Law and deliverance from slavery
To Him who led His people through the desert,
Destroyed His proud enemies in sea,
Conferred His blessings on the chosen people.
To You be all my adoration,
My praise, my love, my jubilation,
My thanks, my song and admiration.
You brought us out of damnation,
Delivered us from condemnation,
And saved Your slaves from slavery.
To You we sing the hymn of worship,
And eat the holy paschal sacrifice,
Of Lamb, whose blood redeemed us from Thy wrath.
On Sinai-mountain You revealed Your presence,
In darkness of Your brightful light,
As Moses has related us.
On holy path of righteousness,
In justice of the covenantal Law,
You have instructed us in order to obey.
By Moses You predicted coming of Messiah,
The One prefigured by the paschal lamb.
We cherish hope for freedom
From devil, sin and all the evil.
The freedom, lost through Adam's fall in Eden,
our lost and sweetest paradise,
where we will hopefully return forever.
For the memory of saint Willibrord
Saint Willibrord had a great desire,
To turn the heathens from darkness unto Light.
Christ's faithful servant, Willibrord had travelled,
From native England down to the Frisian lands
From early childhood he desired,
To know nothing but Christ alone.
Being pious son of pious parents,
He chose the narrow path of Christ.
On Irish soil he labored like a great ascetic,
Acquiring patience, love, humility.
His lamp could not remain under a bushel,
And Willibrord was made a priest.
Like another Paul being sent to other nations,
He travelled far for the sake of Truth by him so loved.
Like the Apostles, all of them were twelve,
And they departed for a missionary work.
Their labor was by God rewarded,
And many Frisians, Danes and other Germans were converted.
And Willibrord was consecrated as a bishop,
His name being changed to Clement by the Pope.
Life is buried in the tomb,
And risen up again in glory,
To grant His Life to humankind,
To snatch from hell the fallen Adam.
The Son of God and Son of Man,
He was betrayed for 30 coins,
He humbly stood before the evil judges,
And paid the prize of sins that we committed.
He took our sentence in our stead,
Enduring all the pain, our shame, humiliation.
Being lifted high upon the Cross,
He shed His blood as Lamb of God.
You took our sins upon Yourself,
And going down into hell,
You set the captives free.
Your lifeless body, buried in the tomb,
Was resting on the Sabbath day,
Awaiting Resurrection Day,
Your splendid victory of fame.
You were triumphant over death;
It was predicted by the prophets.
Condemned is satan by Your death,
And death is trampled by the death,
Cause You are only Sinless One,
So devil couldn't catch You,
Your life will reign for evermore,
Cause You are Judah's Lion.
On Judgement Day we shall arise,
Like You arose before us,
Ascending high above the sky,
You are the Universal King
Along with God the Father.
With God the Father and the Holy Ghost,
You are the God eternal.
And Judge of living and the dead,
Your second coming is at hand.
On Pentecost You sent Your grace of Holy Spirit,
You built Your Church on You as cornerstone,
You took our human flesh and blood through Virgin Mary,
And was conceived by Holy Ghost,
While still remaining God forever.
Your precious Body, holy Blood,
You gave for us as bread of life,
Imparting life divine and everlasting,
For the forgiveness of our debt,
To make us sons of God of Heaven.
You wash our sins away from us in holy waters of the baptism,
When we sincerely convert to You,
Renouncing evil, devil, all his pride,
Along with worldly passions,
Repenting of our formal sins,
Confessing them aloud.
You give Your grace of Holy Ghost,
Proceeding from the Father,
As earnest of the inheritance above,
Until salvation is accomplished.
Like with apostles long before,
You are with us forever,
Performing miracles and signs,
Expelling evil spirits.
We magnify and thank You, Jesus, Lord of hosts,
And hymn and praise Your Holy Ghost,
Exalt and worship God the Father,
For who You are and what we are in You,
For what You do for us,
Both now and forever.
Let all the people say 'amen', so be it, halleluYah!
Thanksgiving for the Law and deliverance from slavery
To Him who led His people through the desert,
Destroyed His proud enemies in sea,
Conferred His blessings on the chosen people.
To You be all my adoration,
My praise, my love, my jubilation,
My thanks, my song and admiration.
You brought us out of damnation,
Delivered us from condemnation,
And saved Your slaves from slavery.
To You we sing the hymn of worship,
And eat the holy paschal sacrifice,
Of Lamb, whose blood redeemed us from Thy wrath.
On Sinai-mountain You revealed Your presence,
In darkness of Your brightful light,
As Moses has related us.
On holy path of righteousness,
In justice of the covenantal Law,
You have instructed us in order to obey.
By Moses You predicted coming of Messiah,
The One prefigured by the paschal lamb.
We cherish hope for freedom
From devil, sin and all the evil.
The freedom, lost through Adam's fall in Eden,
our lost and sweetest paradise,
where we will hopefully return forever.
For the memory of saint Willibrord
Saint Willibrord had a great desire,
To turn the heathens from darkness unto Light.
Christ's faithful servant, Willibrord had travelled,
From native England down to the Frisian lands
From early childhood he desired,
To know nothing but Christ alone.
Being pious son of pious parents,
He chose the narrow path of Christ.
On Irish soil he labored like a great ascetic,
Acquiring patience, love, humility.
His lamp could not remain under a bushel,
And Willibrord was made a priest.
Like another Paul being sent to other nations,
He travelled far for the sake of Truth by him so loved.
Like the Apostles, all of them were twelve,
And they departed for a missionary work.
Their labor was by God rewarded,
And many Frisians, Danes and other Germans were converted.
And Willibrord was consecrated as a bishop,
His name being changed to Clement by the Pope.