Pray that God give me a house of my own asap. I am tired of living in apartments. I am never at peace and always bothered by landlords every time they have an inspection, a building inspection, an apartment inspection. They always leave paper on the doors and it's always the same, another inspection. In one year it's like more than 5 inspections I don't feel comfortable at all. I am so fed up of it I have been going through all this stress and anxiety for 16 years now I just cant take it anymore.
Have you looked into a loan from a bank to buy a house? See what several banks would be willing to lend you to buy a home (with none in mind), and based on what they tell you and the amount they would finance, begin shopping then.
Well Jesus said in my Fathers house there are many mansions, I go to prepare a place for you. So maybe ask Him to be your landlord. Also dont look on inspections as a bad thing. If you have a responsible landlord they just want to check that you not living in a dump and everything is well maintained so you can be comfortable staying there.
Sometimes the cost of building or owning a home can be prohibitive, if you do decide that route make sure you count the cost before you enter into it! And whatever you do, dont pay interest on a loan..there are ways of buying a home without this burden.
Lord give christ child favour and show them exactly where you want to dwell.