I am a strong Christian and I have had a wonderful family nucleus; but now I feel the devil has invaded my family and we as a family are having a terrible time accepting God's grace and His will at this time. My husband of 22 years has decided that an affair that he started in February was enough to ask for a divorce in May. I filed for divorce after much praying and soul-searching; knowing that adultery is addressed in the Bible. During the summer, my sister's only child, my nephew was killed in a car accident - he was only 20. My only child, a boy, was closely attached to this nephew; considering him his big brother and best friend. My son has recently moved to a new school and the transition has been hard for him to leave his friends behind. Also, during counseling, my son admitted to the counselor that his father had been abusing him for a good two years and that he had been talking to my son about divorce for a couple of years; yet my husband kept telling me he loved me. I have an audio tape of my husband threatening my son and it has been horrible to deal with such hatefulness coming from a man who professes to be a christian and is "adultering" with a "strong christian woman". His picture appeared in the local Sunday paper with his girlfriend the day before our divorce was to be final; and the next day; he contested the "uncontested" divorce he had orginially agreed to. He has only asked to "see" his son one time since May 25th and that was on my son's birthday. My son has told his dad (whom he no longer refers to as his dad) that he wants no contact whatsoever with him and yet his father still cannot understand that pain and suffering my son is going through. He has been diagnosed with "post tramatic stress disorder" and is "moderately depressed". His father blames me and the death of his cousin as the reason. Please pray for my family; and for me; as I have lost the soulmate that I thought God had placed here for me.
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