I have such a heavy burden on my heart for my parents salvation. My husband and I have tried to witness to them but they all they do is argue about it. I have realized that we may need to step back and just pray about this for a while and let our actions speak louder than words. They see the joy that we have and the peace and calm in difficult situations and comment on how much we have changed. They just do not seem to want that for themselves. I have our prayer warriors at church praying for this but I also ask for your prayers in this matter. We do not know when our Lord will return and when He does it will be too late for all those who are lost. Oh that we may have a heart for the lost not just our family members and friends but a stranger on the street. May we pray that we touch someone's life. God Bless You All!
Have added them to my prayers for the lost. God bless your situation as it is a tough one. I hope the best for you
Also I must add that it is my belief that God will save many before Christ comes. The rapture I think will shock so many people into believing because of it's greatness that they can be saved before the tribulation period in the 2nd half of the 7 years. I believe Christ comes in the middle, and the rapture happens first.
I know everyone is just so sure lately that Christ is coming back in the next few years, so the above thought might be a peace of mind for you all. You may not get to see them come to Christ if you get taken in the rapture, but they are far more likely to see the rapture as an act of God if they have been told of Christ by their families. So God bless what you are doing, it can only do good things.
I am with you in this issue. I also am in the same situation. I have decided to let my actions speak loder to them as well as persistent urging. I pray that the lord mignify Himself in our parent' lives in Jesus name. Amen.