I am unable to open or see this that you have shared but can pray that because our Lord knows what it is about He also can do and give life to this little child
Hi @Br. Bear Greetings! I apologise for the late reply. I am trying to post here the photos of levi but i am not sure if it is available here but this is the prayer request of the parents.
Update 8/11/19: Thank you everyone for sharing and praying for us and with us. It means more than we could ever say. I wish I could respond to each of you but the outpouring of love and support has been so incredible that I can’t keep up. Just know that we see them and most importantly God hears your prayers. We will be setting up a Facebook page for anyone who would like to continue to have updates on our journey. I will post a link to it as soon as it is up. Thank you again
I don’t even know how to say this. Levi has an inoperable, incurable, aggressive brain cancer called Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG). The tumor is inside his brain stem and growing outward. They are telling us that we probably only have a few months. My mind and my heart can not fathom any of this, much less accept it. Right now he is doing well except for his balance and coordination. We just got home but will be going back to the hospital early Friday morning to have a shunt put in to drain cerebrospinal fluid and have a biopsy done. We are devastated. Holding onto our faith in Jesus and asking him for strength we do not have. This path is too unthinkable. We feel all of your love and prayers and it means more than we can express.
They have a page for levi in facebook.
Thank you @Br. Bear the parents ( though they do not know ) will surely appreciate your prayers.