Dear Brothers & Sisters,
The results are what I expected, but not what my wife was looking to hear!

Sadly, I believe she didn't understand fully what the test was supposed to determine. Which was not a possible cure, or that the diagnosis by the Dr. was wrong, but rather whether the disorder was closer related to Parkinson's or purely Ataxia which has more to do with Cerebellum Atrophy. Neither is curable, but in the case of Parkinson's more research and so medicines dealing with the symptoms of the disorder are available to assist. Ataxia doesn't actually have any dedicated medicines to assist with the symptoms, so has to look to borrow from other disorders that may have similar symptoms.
In this case I was hoping and yet not hoping that the results were closer to Parkinson's, due to what I stated above. Yet, who could be happy in a test that has really no curable results? Not I, and surely not my wife. Who took it rather hard. After the initial shock to her, in which we cried and prayed. The week following the resulting test which did have her disorder leaning closer to Parkinson's. Her Spirit has been lifted from the hopelessness she had been feeling. God is good and doesn't give us more than what we can handle, when we look to Him. Only by Him and through Him can the strength to overcome be found and so it has been for my wife.
She continues to do an online Scripture Study with other Sisters in Christ Jesus who are located throughout the U.S.A. and her accountability partner whom she met through this study, has been a blessing. Though this older woman herself is not going through any physical issues, her husband is. So, the different perspective she is able to receive from this Sister in Christ, has really allowed my wife to give and receive comfort that in turn has given her at least a greater since of peace than she has had since the test results have come out.
Thanks for your prayers. They are appreciated, and I know is the reason why my wife has found respite from the burden of hopelessness she had been feeling.
Love you all!
With the Love of Christ Jesus.