Dear Jellani
@Jellani, thank you for sharing this wonderful story, to God be the Glory.
What we see here, is Faith that moves mountains and the early Church in action. God opens door when we have Faith, as believers we all have faith, that is true, but here in what you kindly share with us, was faith greater than any mustard seed.
But what is also so clear in the story sister, is how the community of believers, who had little, all gave of what they had for the benefits of each other, and the 'ekklesia', to bring Glory to God through Jesus Christ our precious Lord and Saviour. You are honouring God, you are Glorifying the Church of Christ and He is Blessing you for your faith and love, for Him, and for one another.
We come together in prayer, in faith, in love, in Jesus Name, and pray for the protection of all believers, we pray that the Holy Spirit will guide the hearts and minds of you all, may the light of Christ shine forth from every saved soul, bringing others out of darkness into the Glorious Light of Christ. May your future meetings be fruitful unto the Lord. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Jesus Loves you all, we do to.
In His Love \o/