Anita , I want to let you know that you are a special person, you care so much for you siblings and wish them all the good things you wish for your self. You are a choosen one. I want to let you know the reality about the situation with your relation in question, the best thing you can do for her is to let him accpect jesus christ as his lord and personal saviour, let her take christ as the owner of her life and submit her self to the word of God, The BIBLE, its the first steps you need bring to her. Then always have a fellowship with her, share the word of God with her, Play films on how christ heald the sick, rose the dead, in other to awken her Faith, remember faith cometh by hearing and by the heraing of the word of God.
Anita, you are a special woman that really care about how people feel and most importantlly how if possible can make Heaven. I live you with this word from my heart as you have decided to take the work of making sure that any body you meet know Christ, i want to let you know that you will be the head in all you put your hands, in Jesus name AMEN.
Tony Eziashi.