Greetings Melissa Chan,
I think that when HisFollower posted,
"Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ." (
Galatians 6:2),
the idea was an encouragement for others to help you by doing this, bearing one anothers burdens.
That's how read it, and I was encouraged by it.
I don't think that the post was telling you to do that in your situation, but I can not say so definitely. However, it is also a good encouragement for you and me and everyone in that if we busy ourselves doing that, we begin to see differently the situation at hand.
Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ." (
Galatians 6:2)
Regarding your situation at home,
Often we can get very caught up by the antagonising ways of others and we desperately seek for change and we want it more and more rather than less and less. Why? Because it is an insatiable way. What we all too often forget is that the trial of our faith which is more precious than gold which perishes is really what we want. At times of provocation we have opportunity to allow the situation to refine us because we want God to refine the other person(s) instead!
Believe it or not, God wants to refine the other person more that we do and for the right reasons and in the right way, His way, but He also wants to refine us.
Are we aware of the LORD's hand upon us at times of trials and testings?
If we don't pass through the fire, how else will we be refined?
AND, He does this because He loves us, not because we are getting a bum deal or because of punishment or because He is a task master who wants us to suffer. No! It is because He loves us and knows much better than we do exactly what trials we need in order to be rid of our dross... not someone else's
You might find that if you can let go of the intensity you are feeling when your aunty plays her radio and instead receive it with joy, knowing the Lord is working a good work in you, that the episodes cease?
Another way some may put it is that the devil is trying to break you and cause division and despair. He always is, but who do we look to? Again, by you stopping reacting to the annoyance the devil will soon realise that he's wasting his time trying to bug you in that way... BUT, if you have not been refined through it, he will come at you another way... which is why we need to learn how to stand.
You see, God wants to teach you how to do that. To stand. Why? Because He loves you and knows that for you to be able to stand and withstand, you will not be broken by the evil attacks that come through others or from circumstances that would otherwise knock you off your feet.
I know it is hard. But I also know that it harder to not trust the Lord for His beautiful way with us. I confess to you that I am slow learner and often resist the trial and miss the opportunity to be refined.... and that in turn makes me realise even more how much I need the trial!
So, don't despair and allow the radio or you aunt or lack of sleep get at you. I know it might seem impossible, but it is not. Sometimes we are the ones who really are causing ourselves grief and trouble because we so easily focus upon the things we don't like. We need to praise the Lord, to give thanks to Him. The more we praise him the more we have His strength and the sooner we see change for the better. We don't always know where or how change will manifest but with the love of God in Christ Jesus the Lord, our Lord, we know for sure that He will only be perfecting us for His Kingdom, for eternity.
Sounds like a good plan and road to take to me. And the cost? Well in your case, A few nights of radio bugging you and not as much sleep as you might like.
A pair of headphones might help, too... one for your aunt perhaps and/or one for you.
Imagine living next to a busy road or train line. Or perhaps we could imagine living in a war zone, with fighting and noise and screams day and night.
Try to see your situation as not as bad as it seems and try gladly taking the opportunity to have your life refined.
and, try not to snap at fellow members here when they post replies to you, please.
Praying that this makes some sense and that you find and hold on to God peace,
Bless you ....><>