Ephesians 1:4,5 say that long ago before God created the world, He has laready chosen, elected and handpicked those who are His. So God already knows who are His children and who are not his. But many will ask that how can we know if you're chosen or not?Once a child of God is always a child of God no matter what happens.And here, there's no conflict. A real child of God doesn';t mean he's not sinning. He is but he confesses it to God and surrender it to Him and return to His love walk with God and continues to change from glory to glory. So we'll know who are chosen or not by their fruits, meaning their character and attitudes.I don't mean again that you do not sin, but the thing is you continue your walk with God.Keep on keeping on.So, I don't have any right to say to anyone that you are not chosen, only you can say that and the Holy Spirit witnesseth it to you (Romans 8:16).