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Pretty, smart, or nice?

Which is most important? Being pretty, smart, or nice?

  • Pretty

    Votes: 4 8.5%
  • Smart

    Votes: 14 29.8%
  • Nice

    Votes: 34 72.3%

  • Total voters
Apr 24, 2005
Pretty, smart, or nice? Which one is most important to you, and why? Be honest with this one. Which falls most important to you? Which one do you think should be most important to people of the world? Either answer personally for yourself, which one you take more seriously, or what you think is the most important of all of them, vote and then explain why.

We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us!!,
i said nice, yo can be the prettiest or smartest person in the world but if your not nice to people then noone cares what you have to say or wants to be around you.
Smart . Proverbs teaches us that wisdom is the key to all things in life . Plus , I am not too good at the other two choices ! lol . Mike :sleep:
Hey, thanks for your thoughts Brother and Created! In another way to look at it, from my point of view, I know most of the time niceness goes to the bottom of my list because it's one of the hardest to do. I tend to work harder on being smarter and being more appealing that I forget a good part of life, treating people with love. You can be smart and pretty but no one will ever listen to you if you're not genuine or nice. I sometimes put beauty and intelligence as the top of my priorites.
Anyway, thanks for your thoughts again!
In him,
Sissy J.
I want to be pretty :) LOL

Smart is one I chose, like brother said - wisdom is the key to all things in life.

Nice will be part of smart anyway, if you are indeed a wise man of GOD
According to my Mother, I was pretty, but then I reached by 2nd birthday...and it has been down hill from there...so pretty is out of the question. I have learned that no matter how you try to be nice to everyone, some people just refuse to allow you to be. You can't please everyone, so nice is hard, and sometimes leads to political correctness.
That leaves me with only "Wise", like Brother and Chad, I seek the wisdom of the Lord. When it comes down to it, if you can be wise in dealing with others, that comes across as "nice" and shows real concern. So like Chad said, nice is a part of smart. True Wisdom, shows love.
Psa 90:12 So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.
Hey thank you so much for your replies. It gave me a lot of food for thought. I really appreciated your thoughts and expirence. It's nice to hear from Christians who've had more time in life than I have. I think y'all brought up a lot of interesting points and I enjoyed reading your comments. I like that you based it on the Bible too, and not just simply your own opinions. Thanks again!
God bless you,

I would say nice because to God it doesn't matter if you are smart or pretty, he cares if we are nice to others and treat others with respect.
I would choose smart, but even more than smart, I would definitly choose to be wise. I seek God's wisdom daily. I don't know that this makes sense but I find that being nice isn't always possible, but being kind is. ;)
Jesus is Lord!

Child_of_faith said:
Pretty, smart, or nice? Which one is most important to you, and why? Be honest with this one. Which falls most important to you? Which one do you think should be most important to people of the world? Either answer personally for yourself, which one you take more seriously, or what you think is the most important of all of them, vote and then explain why.

We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us!!,

Child of Faith:

I think it is important to be nice (pleasant, kind, and good).

Your Sister in Christ,
Dr. Bon Vie
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Well why can't i pick all 3..(LOL) JK!!!! If youre pretty and smart but youre not nice then that can take away from your beauty so i think ...nice.
The big command

Nice, because that is the big command :-)
Matthew 22:34-40, Marc 12:28-34 and Luke 10:25-28

"If you see someone without a smile, give him one of yours!" = my simplified conclusion of the the big command. Being pretty: well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder... and being smart (wisdom): I seek that, but until than I just smile a lot :-)
personally, i would rather be thought of as being nice, wise, and then ok-look'n.

i respect a person who can be nice when the world is being mean, and i have met very rude smart people in my day.... but there is a difference between being wise and being smart, isn't there? :)
I think being nice is the most important. You don't have to be pretty to be a great person. And if you aren't smart you can be taught. Being nice is the most important!
I would have to say none of them honestly... for me it would be about compasion. i know alot of smart people who have no compassion and beautiful people be twisted into their own little world. Nice just doesnt cut it lost of people are "nice".

I would say nice, because nice is the closest to loving others as you love yourself, and it's the most difficult commandment to live - believe me I'm trying and it's just so much work to make other people feel nice even if you don't like them

Thank you everyone for your replies! I believe nice is also the most important, but Beardy you brought up an interesting point. There's a difference between "Compassion" and "nice." You're right, a lot of people can be nice and go home and be terrible to their family. But in regular day life, "nice" isn't always what I put on top of the list. I center my thoughts on looking good and catching an eye, or using big words and appearing smart. I'd have to say on usual days, I think I place "pretty" at the top of my list more often than I do nice. Thank you all once again, a lot of good points!