My 18 year old daughter is engaged to be married to this man that is 36
years old. They have only known each other for a few months. I just met him only a few weeks ago.
Although he seems like a nice guy I have some serious reservations about him.
My daughter just called me up one day and said, "Hey mom I'm getting married"!
Then a week or two after that she said that she was pregnant!
Boy is this alot to take in or what?? Anyway, after much prayer I called her today and spoke to her about him being saved. I told her that since he is not a believer she would be unequally yoked together and it would wind up being a mess for both her and the baby. If he will not accept his position as the spiritual head of the house and never has time for God now, that the chances of him doing so in the future is slim. It has to be his decision not hers. She said that she was going to talk to him and tell him that she loved him and he has to become a christian so that they can get married, but I told her that she could not do that. He has to come to Christ on his own, he has to want to. I told her she could not use Jesus as a bargining chip so that they could get married. He is not a child anymore. He must decide on his own about a personal relationship with Jesus. That is was not between her and him, but between him and God. I told her to pray for him and leave it up to God. He cries alot to get his way and I'm afraid that he will use that to manipulate her into a marriage that is not from God.
Please stand with me for her. Her name is Amanda. I told her one final thing,
that if she did not hear anything else I said that she had to hear this, " Be true to your own relationship with Jesus". Follow his ways no matter what.
God would do the rest.
If this man is not going to yield himself to the Lord I believe that he should not marry Amanda. Just because she is going to have a baby, doesn't mean she should marry someone who has no interest in God. He started out telling me that he was a Christian and that church was important and the Lord would be first, but that soon changed and now he has no time for the things of God, his church or his people.
Whatever happens I give it over to the Lord and pray that He will help Amanda to do what is right in His sight.
Thanks for your prayers.