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Problem with 4 YO


Jan 25, 2007
My 4 YO just recently asked Jesus in her heart (salvation prayer). She was very sincere and I think she really knew what she was doing, but how can you be sure? This frightens me especially because out of the blue, she started talking about dying and if she would have dollies with her in Heaven. The way she speaks, it is as if she thinks that death is near. I guess I have 2 questions, how can you be sure that a child is "saved" and can people, children in particular, be aware of things to come? I asked this because she spoke of something weird out of the blue one day and a week later it happened. This is why it sends chills up my spine when she speaks of dying so bluntly. Please help me understand what might be going on.

Thank you
Sheridan i just got the chills reading that post. My own daughter who is an adult has experienced somethings similar.

I think young children can believe and have great faith as they do not question things like us adults. Jesus said we are to be like children childlike faith is good. You will see the fruit as she grows in the Lord.

It would be good to sit down and read Bible stories for children with her and help her to grow in her relationship with Jesus. Children do not have the fears that we adults do. Now she has asked Jesus into her young heart she can be assured that she will go to heaven. We know that when we get to heaven it is a wonderful place with no sadness no sickness no pain and we can look forward to that day. I think it is wonderful that she has already prayed the sinners prayer. The angels are rejoicing indeed.
Hi Sheridan

I have a child about the same age who has recently started to take a real interest in death - asking questions about who is old and who is likely to die next and so on.

He is absolutely matter-of-fact about the whole business: "You will die soon won't you Daddy?" For my part I am taking this as a learning stage. He has just become aware that people don't live forever and wants to know about it.

As with the embarrassingly frank questions about sex, I have decided to answer as simply and truthfully as possible.
Totally understand your chills. One day my nephew said that the fireman were going to help "Billy", the little neighbor boy and ask to pray with his parents at night for the fireman. This went on for about a week, that he wanted to pray for the fireman. Then that night he said that the firemen would save "Billy" tomorrow and we should pray extra hard for them. The next day, "Billy" and his mom were in a car accident and the firemen pulled "Billy" out of the car just before the entire thing went up in flames. We to this day still take anything my nephew says VERY seriously. He was 3 at the time when he talked about the firemen. We too question how God uses "premanitions" and are all "visions" coming from an evil source.

I know we are told not to look to Mediums, and fortune tellers, but does God give people a "gift of premanitions" or are all "visions" bad?
OH MY!!!

That is almost exactly what happened with my daughter. She told me we should pray for the ambulance. I asked her why and she said that they were coming to help Daddy. We had know idea what she was talking about, but everynight for a week we prayed for the ambulance, then one night while she was praying for the ambulance she said that they would help daddy tomorrow. Again, we were very perplexed why she was praying this. Sure enough, the next day, my husband fell from a ladder and put 6 nails through his foot with a nail gun. How did she know??? It is very freaky and she had just turned 4 when this happened. I wonder the same thing about visions. I have always been taught that visions were bad and people with visions were evil until I experienced this. That is why my question was 2 part and maybe should have been 2 seperate post.

I am glad to report that my 4-year-old is very healthy and happy and her talk of death has subsided but it was quite chiling there at first, after what had happened before.

Hi Sheridan,

One day some parents brought their little children to Jesus so he could touch and bless them. But when the disciples saw this, they scolded the parents for bothering him. Then Jesus called for the children and said to the disciples, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children. I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.” Luke 18:15 NLT

Children hold a very special place in our world and although one of our roles is to guide them, it is often them who can astonish us with their pure clarity of sight! :star:

God Bless

:love: Eve
God uses prophecy throughout the Bible. Jesus promised us that we would do everything He did here on earth and more just before He went back to the Father. And remember, He never breaks a promise. If the prophecy or the one delivering the prophecy brings glory/praise to God then it is of Him. If they glorify anyone/any thing other than God, then that's a clear sign it from the Enemy. Focus on the message...does it shows God's power to love, save, redeem, etc?

I hope this helped.
death and prophecy

At age 17 I accurately predicted my father's death, but blew it off as a stress reaction because he'd just survived an extended fight with cancer. We (and his doctors) never expected him to drop dead of a sudden *heart* attack.

Had I *listened* to the message God sent me, I could have changed my plans for college and stayed closer to home and had more time with him. I might even have convinced him to get to a doctor where they could have perhps found the heart problem and done something preventative.

But I was silent, having no faith in my vision because I had no relationship with the One who sent it.


I would sit my child down and find out why he or she believed death was coming soon. I would also ask if the child thought he'd be the only one to die soon or if I'd be going too. Given the constant possibility these days for natural or political disaster, it's concieveable that this child is predicting a future event.

We know from our own Bible that God gives mankind prophecy, and that on occasion He gives it to the young.

So while it is possible (and probably most likely) that your child is just fascinated with death and looking forward to going to Heaven to be with God, it wouldn't hurt to sit down and talk and find out if God is sending a *specific* message to you.

It could be that you are being given a chance to change something so that this event does not occur. But even if you *have* been given advanced warning that God plans to call you or your child home soon, then be thankful for that information so that you may properly cherish the time you have.

And don't be afraid to say "Father, if it be Your will...I'd really rather not see anyone die anytime soon." It's OK to ask God to adjust His plans for our sake, so long as you're willing to continue to worship, love, and obey Him when His plans and yours don't match up.