death and prophecy
At age 17 I accurately predicted my father's death, but blew it off as a stress reaction because he'd just survived an extended fight with cancer. We (and his doctors) never expected him to drop dead of a sudden *heart* attack.
Had I *listened* to the message God sent me, I could have changed my plans for college and stayed closer to home and had more time with him. I might even have convinced him to get to a doctor where they could have perhps found the heart problem and done something preventative.
But I was silent, having no faith in my vision because I had no relationship with the One who sent it.
I would sit my child down and find out why he or she believed death was coming soon. I would also ask if the child thought he'd be the only one to die soon or if I'd be going too. Given the constant possibility these days for natural or political disaster, it's concieveable that this child is predicting a future event.
We know from our own Bible that God gives mankind prophecy, and that on occasion He gives it to the young.
So while it is possible (and probably most likely) that your child is just fascinated with death and looking forward to going to Heaven to be with God, it wouldn't hurt to sit down and talk and find out if God is sending a *specific* message to you.
It could be that you are being given a chance to change something so that this event does not occur. But even if you *have* been given advanced warning that God plans to call you or your child home soon, then be thankful for that information so that you may properly cherish the time you have.
And don't be afraid to say "Father, if it be Your will...I'd really rather not see anyone die anytime soon." It's OK to ask God to adjust His plans for our sake, so long as you're willing to continue to worship, love, and obey Him when His plans and yours don't match up.