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What Is Prophecy?
By Betty Miller
As some may not be familiar with prophecy in the church, we want to share this short explanation of Biblical prophecy before we share an actual prophecy from God.
First, what is godly prophecy? It can be summed up as words that are spoken on behalf of God. A prophet or prophetess is one who is a spokesman for God. It is a divine utterance that comes from the Holy Spirit. (Note: Just as there are prophetic words from God, there are also false prophecies that the Lord warned us about in the Bible. In Matthew 7:15-16 Jesus said, "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits--." We must prove the source of prophecy before accepting it as coming from the Lord). God is raising up many prophetic voices in the earth today. His gifts of prophecy are basically of two types. One is the "simple gift of prophecy" which every believer can express under the unction or direction of the Holy Spirit after they have been filled with the Holy Ghost.
The other is the "office gift" of the spirit which is given to a prophet or prophetess who is called to the "five-fold" ministry office as outlined in 1 Corinthians 12:28 which says "And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues." Also Ephesians 4:11-12 which says" And he gave some, apostles; and some prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers. For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ."
The basic difference between these two types is, the simple gift of prophecy is given to all spirit filled believers as spoken of in 1 Corinthians 14:31, "For ye may all prophesy one by one, that all may learn, and all may be comforted." It is for the purpose of edification, exhortation and comfort as spoken of in 1 Corinthians 14:3, "But he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort."
The "office gift" of a prophet or prophetess is given to speak to the body of Christ at large. The ministers who are called to the office of a prophet or prophetess will deliver messages also which include edification, exhortation and comfort but their messages can also be directive in nature and futuristic in content as well (Ephesians 4:11-15).
Presently God is leading His people with prophetic preaching and teaching. A prophetic movement is taking place in the world.
Americans Are "In Trouble" With God
A Word From Henry Blackaby
Blackaby warns that Americans are "in trouble" with God. The United States is in danger of God’s judgment, but Christians don’t really believe it, Henry Blackaby says. "Everyone focuses on 2 Chronicles 7:14," Blackaby, the Southern Baptist speaker and author, said. The verse says that if God’s people humble themselves, pray, seek His face, and turn from their wicked ways, God will forgive their sins and heal their land. But subsequent verses add, in essence, that "If you abandon Him, He will abandon you," the author of the popular Bible study, Experiencing God (Broadman & Holman), told Religion Today. "We don’t believe that any more. We don’t believe anything can or will go wrong." "There is a line that, when crossed, ...there is no return."
"In chapter 7 of the Book of Jeremiah, God tells Jeremiah not to pray for the people of Israel. There were godly people present, but the nation had passed the point of God’s blessing. We need to be on our knees today. If you put this country up against Scripture, we are in trouble. Either the United States turns to God in repentance and revival, or there is going to be judgment," he said.
Blackaby said he is not so much concerned about the way secular society is living, but about how the church is doing. He cited a survey by George Barna indicating that in each of 150 lifestyle areas, including divorce and abortion, "the church is no different than the society around them. All through Scripture the Bible indicates that if the people of God lose their saltiness, there will be nothing else to save the nation. There is a movement of God in some churches, but overall it seems to be small. Of the many claims of revival there doesn’t seem to be much result."
In addition to writing books, Blackaby speaks at numerous churches and conferences. "The prosperity-preaching in churches today is astounding," Blackaby said. "I just read a book from a very prominent Christian leader who said we should focus on hope and not preach anything negative. Jeremiah 23 speaks of prophets who preach of ease, when sinfulness and godlessness are all around. This is like it is today. Where are the preachers today leading the people to repentance? When God’s people don’t realize how far they have gone from Him and they don’t turn in humbleness and repentance, they are at risk."
"In Jesus’ day, people were feeling good and praising their blessings, but He was weeping. How can we not know His heart? We miss it, because we want to feel good. That is our goal and focus." Blackaby criticized a pragmatism that downplays preaching. "Many are doing surveys to find out what people want in their church experience. We don’t need to do that. In the evangelical community, there is a pragmatism that says that the Word of God is not enough to attract people. There is almost a disdain of Biblical preaching being irrelevant. God will grow the church from His word. God always deals with leaders. The tragedy is so few have earned the right to be heard. So few have an authentic platform. We need strong prayer. We need a spiritual anointing and ordained proclamations. Non-anointed words will fall useless to the ground. Proclaimers must live lives of holiness and humility. It is life and death when they speak. The three things the church needs are "prayer, Holy Spirit anointing, and men living out holy lives. God will draw people to hear them. They must proclaim God’s standard. They need an authentic relationship with Christ. Pastors don’t have a sense of the urgency of our times."
The outspoken Blackaby says he receives his "share of backlash" from Christian leaders who tell him that he "shouldn’t be putting people down" and that he should give people hope. "I believe hope comes out of repentance," he said. "At a major evangelistic meeting recently attended by many evangelical leaders, the focus was on reaching non-Christians. To my great surprise there wasn’t a mention about sin and the need for repentance. Hope in Jesus was the focus. When it was my time to speak, I talked about our sin and the need for repentance. Later, many of those there came up to me and said that they sincerely appreciated and needed my comments. We are at a time of God’s judgment and Christian leaders are not bringing the message of the Lord. There is hope. I see a younger generation turning. They feel the older generation has betrayed them, and they want authentic relationship. They sense the urgency."
Economic Shakings:
The Lord spoke strongly of economic shakings coming. Several dreams have been given to various prophets about disaster striking the nation; in particular, the east coast. The Lord was showing that we are not ready in any measure for what is coming and that it will be titanic in proportion when it hits in its fullness.
Because of our prayers and standing in the gap (it seems this meant because of the tears and deep intercession that came upon us as a group of prophets at that time, joined also by the intercession of God's people world-wide); one of His last words for us was that complete destruction will be averted, but He is still going to discipline or "spank" America. This would not be averted. In the coming shaking, so many things will be happening, that those in the church who have been against spiritual warfare are going to be awakened and realize their great need and stand up and fight against the enemy in that day.
Again, by the revelation of several prophetic voices, we were warned that the "Accuser of the Brethren" is coming with a fresh onslaught. There will be Islamic terrorist attacks that will be launched against children. It will only be as many as 10-20 such episodes, but it will put tremendous fear and even terror into the heart of the nation. This fear will boomerang, especially against those who are in militia organizations and certain groups of Christians. As a result, a wave of persecution could come against the whole Church.
Colorado Springs:
Another word was specifically given for Colorado Springs, stating: that in a time of war or attack it would be one of the primary first targets--and they are not ready in the spirit. Our walls are broken down and we do not have the prayer coverage we need to withstand the onslaught. Complacency needs to be broken and prayer watches and spiritual coverage put in place to rebuild the walls of the city. We are vulnerable to attack. God spoke to us deeply about the need for humility. Colorado Springs (as other cities) is vulnerable to attack.
God spoke to us deeply about the need for humility. Those of us from Colorado Springs confessed the sin of pride, that they had believed their own "public relations." Many had been hearing from the Lord of the need for brokenness and humility and the need to seek His face and His presence afresh with prayer and fasting.
The President:
Other words came forth indicating that the Lord is angry at the church for not praying for President Clinton, even as we are commanded to in 1 Timothy 2:1-4: "I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
It had not been God's will for the things that he did and that happened to him and these may not have occurred if we had really cried out to God for him, rather than condemning him. It was shown to us the intensity of the spiritual warfare surrounding the Presidency, and that even the strongest Christian leader could not have stood under such an onslaught without heavy intercession and prayer covering. We entered into repentance for our sinfulness in these regards.
Days of Glory:
For a closing addendum: It is also believed that if the church of Jesus Christ will arise in 1999 and lay hold of this window of opportunity that lies in front of us, that the days of hardship could be turned into days of great hope. It is a time for humility; a time for intercession; a time for spiritual and natural preparation; and a time for God's glory to shine forth and let the light overcome the darkness. There is a coming wave of God's great glory that will supersede anything we have seen in recent church history. The call is for us to shake off our apathy, arise as a beacon of light and through prayer and compassionate deeds of the saints, seize the moments while we still can.
Jesus Christ International
The hour of decision is at hand. The hour for all men of all nations to turn to me with their whole heart. The hour to ask for My salvation, My wisdom, My knowledge, My understanding, My mercy, My peace, My love, and My justice...For only in Me will you find healing, deliverance and restoration for your soul and for your nations.
For each one who will seek me with their whole heart, I will impart My nature. For each one who will repent with their whole heart, I will lift them up to heavenly places with My Son. For those who will count their life as nothing, I will cause them to gain my power and authority. My anointing will come forth in those who have been humbled by me.
No weapon that is formed against Me shall prosper, and no weapon that is formed against My Own shall prosper! No one can stand against my plan for the coming kingdom of My Son! Only those who have allowed me to cleanse them and impart myself to them will stand in joy and victory. They are the ones who will be waiting patiently for my return...They are the ones who praise me.
Can two walk together except they be agreed? No, they cannot! And unless men and women of all nations come to Me, there will be no peace. Only in Me is there peace. I have heard the cries of the oppressed of all nations and I have arisen on their behalf. I will not withdraw my hand until justice is accomplished.
The religious confusion that has grown strong throughout the world has caused many to fall. My message is simple: I Am is love. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Love is gracious, patient and kind, and it is not rude or proud. Love does no wrong to its neighbor regardless of their color, race, or religion. I have not changed, nor will I change...So it is My people who must change and be conformed into My image and character. I will have a holy people!
The whole earth groans in the pain of birth. The birthing of My own. The birthing of My delight and My pleasure. The birthing of My will and My plan for the earth. The birthing of the day of the Lord. The day of the return of the Messiah to gather His own unto Himself for eternity. It is a day to look up! A day to rejoice, for your King is returning in His glory-- the glory of the Everlasting One!
Those who have an upright heart will be gathered to Me. Those who are full of sin and the evil works of Satan will perish. The ones who have received new birth and redemption by the blood of the Lamb will be saved. To those who hear my voice and obey me you must, "take up your cross and follow Me!"
Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me will never go hungry, and he who believes in Me will never be thirsty. But as I told you, you have seen Me and still you do not believe. All that the Father gives me will come to Me, and whoever comes to Me, I will never drive away. For I have come down from Heaven not to do My will but to do the will of Him who sent Me, and I shall lose none of all that He has given Me, but WILL RAISE THEM UP IN THE LAST DAY. For My Father's will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in Him shall have eternal life, and I will RAISE HIM UP AT THE LAST DAY" (John 6:35-40).
Beloved, speak to My people. Tell them of My love for them. Tell them of My yearning to be totally with them. Tell them for Me. Speak for Me...For many who say they are Mine cannot hear My voice.
Was My agony on the cross not enough for you, My people? Was My blood not perfect enough to make atonement for you? Did My beating with the whip not heal you? Was My resurrection not enough to set you free? Must you continue to trample underfoot My sacrifice on the cross? Where is the love and harmony between My people? Where is the tenderness and fellowship of the cross? Where is the Mind of Christ that is available to every Christian? Have you no kingdom within you?
The love of the Father sent Me to you. The love within Me caused Me to obey the desire of Our Father. It was because of love that I went to the cross to bring forth your redemption with My blood. It was because of Love that I have forgiven all your sins. It was because of love that I made available resurrection life to all who come to me. Ask them to receive My redemption and new life and be healed!
Tell them of the incredible riches that are their inheritance from Me as they abide in Me. Tell them that I will withhold nothing from those who walk with an upright heart. Tell them that I reward those who seek me and that a crown of life is stored up for all those who will walk completely into their inheritance in Me. They will suffer persecution for their godliness because the world hates My Holiness, but My life in them will keep them from turning back to the filth of the world.
Evil is increasing in the final hour, but My love for all men remains constant. My creative power, My authority, and My wisdom is available to those who will come and eat from my hand.
I yearn to hear the voices of My own--voices raised in harmony and love--voices that will sing the high praises of Our Father. Sing forth My people! Let Me hear your voice! Even as you desire to hear My voice, so I desire to hear yours! Sing, shout, make a joyful noise and I will hear you and I will respond with my own rejoicing over you!
Is there one among you that will believe My love for you? Is there one among you that will believe that I am who I said I am--and that I would not lie or deceive you? Is there one who desires to be recreated in My likeness? To be as Me you must spend time with Me. You must desire to be with Me more than you desire to be with the world. If you seek Me you will find Me if you seek Me with your whole heart! Rejoice in Me! Sing praises to Me and unto those who do not know My name! Let Me break forth from within you, to bless a dying world. My Father will love those who have loved Me. The Holy Spirit will teach those who desire to know Me as the "I Am" instead of as you "think" I am. Let My people praise Me and render unto My Father the holy praises of a holy people.
Come to Me as a little child. You do not need long religious phrases to talk to me. I hear even the quietest prayer from the heart of a sincere believer. I will answer you in a still small voice. I will not embarrass or frighten you. Come unto Me and I will give you rest."
The Wealth of the Sinner
by Cindy Jacobs
There is a shifting in the spirit in the area of finance. For I, the Lord have tested and tried the hearts of my people concerning mammon. The wealth of the sinner has been heaped up for these end times when I will use it to fund the end-time revival. Some of the greatest and most influential economic strongholds will crumble, as I, Jehovah Jireh, position my people to harvest what is necessary to see that the gospel be taken to the ends of the earth.
Violent warfare in the heavenlies has, and is, being fought, against those to whom I desire to release My heaviest anointings to fund this end time move. The enemy is attempting to squeeze the life out of My chosen ones; the Jobs and Josephs. Intercessors arise! Cry out to me for a breakthrough in the area of finance. Pray that those who are called to provide great blessings through the gift of giving will not be discouraged in the day of battle, but stand firm.
In this coming move of the spirit, in the area of Harvest financing, I will only use those who keep their hearts pure and are not out for personal gain, but who will simply be conduits of the blessings. I am pouring out a large vision to My Christian leaders, and will link and network them with those to whom I am giving the power to get wealth.
Believe me for the outpouring. Stand against Satan’s plan to stop what I am sending from the windows of Heaven. Keep giving and do not withhold from Me. Be alert to those places the enemy will try to rob from you. Live a life of integrity and you will see rivers of prosperity pour into the storehouses of My ministries for My end-time harvest of the nations of the earth.
By Betty Miller
As some may not be familiar with prophecy in the church, we want to share this short explanation of Biblical prophecy before we share an actual prophecy from God.
First, what is godly prophecy? It can be summed up as words that are spoken on behalf of God. A prophet or prophetess is one who is a spokesman for God. It is a divine utterance that comes from the Holy Spirit. (Note: Just as there are prophetic words from God, there are also false prophecies that the Lord warned us about in the Bible. In Matthew 7:15-16 Jesus said, "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits--." We must prove the source of prophecy before accepting it as coming from the Lord). God is raising up many prophetic voices in the earth today. His gifts of prophecy are basically of two types. One is the "simple gift of prophecy" which every believer can express under the unction or direction of the Holy Spirit after they have been filled with the Holy Ghost.
The other is the "office gift" of the spirit which is given to a prophet or prophetess who is called to the "five-fold" ministry office as outlined in 1 Corinthians 12:28 which says "And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues." Also Ephesians 4:11-12 which says" And he gave some, apostles; and some prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers. For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ."
The basic difference between these two types is, the simple gift of prophecy is given to all spirit filled believers as spoken of in 1 Corinthians 14:31, "For ye may all prophesy one by one, that all may learn, and all may be comforted." It is for the purpose of edification, exhortation and comfort as spoken of in 1 Corinthians 14:3, "But he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort."
The "office gift" of a prophet or prophetess is given to speak to the body of Christ at large. The ministers who are called to the office of a prophet or prophetess will deliver messages also which include edification, exhortation and comfort but their messages can also be directive in nature and futuristic in content as well (Ephesians 4:11-15).
Presently God is leading His people with prophetic preaching and teaching. A prophetic movement is taking place in the world.
Americans Are "In Trouble" With God
A Word From Henry Blackaby
Blackaby warns that Americans are "in trouble" with God. The United States is in danger of God’s judgment, but Christians don’t really believe it, Henry Blackaby says. "Everyone focuses on 2 Chronicles 7:14," Blackaby, the Southern Baptist speaker and author, said. The verse says that if God’s people humble themselves, pray, seek His face, and turn from their wicked ways, God will forgive their sins and heal their land. But subsequent verses add, in essence, that "If you abandon Him, He will abandon you," the author of the popular Bible study, Experiencing God (Broadman & Holman), told Religion Today. "We don’t believe that any more. We don’t believe anything can or will go wrong." "There is a line that, when crossed, ...there is no return."
"In chapter 7 of the Book of Jeremiah, God tells Jeremiah not to pray for the people of Israel. There were godly people present, but the nation had passed the point of God’s blessing. We need to be on our knees today. If you put this country up against Scripture, we are in trouble. Either the United States turns to God in repentance and revival, or there is going to be judgment," he said.
Blackaby said he is not so much concerned about the way secular society is living, but about how the church is doing. He cited a survey by George Barna indicating that in each of 150 lifestyle areas, including divorce and abortion, "the church is no different than the society around them. All through Scripture the Bible indicates that if the people of God lose their saltiness, there will be nothing else to save the nation. There is a movement of God in some churches, but overall it seems to be small. Of the many claims of revival there doesn’t seem to be much result."
In addition to writing books, Blackaby speaks at numerous churches and conferences. "The prosperity-preaching in churches today is astounding," Blackaby said. "I just read a book from a very prominent Christian leader who said we should focus on hope and not preach anything negative. Jeremiah 23 speaks of prophets who preach of ease, when sinfulness and godlessness are all around. This is like it is today. Where are the preachers today leading the people to repentance? When God’s people don’t realize how far they have gone from Him and they don’t turn in humbleness and repentance, they are at risk."
"In Jesus’ day, people were feeling good and praising their blessings, but He was weeping. How can we not know His heart? We miss it, because we want to feel good. That is our goal and focus." Blackaby criticized a pragmatism that downplays preaching. "Many are doing surveys to find out what people want in their church experience. We don’t need to do that. In the evangelical community, there is a pragmatism that says that the Word of God is not enough to attract people. There is almost a disdain of Biblical preaching being irrelevant. God will grow the church from His word. God always deals with leaders. The tragedy is so few have earned the right to be heard. So few have an authentic platform. We need strong prayer. We need a spiritual anointing and ordained proclamations. Non-anointed words will fall useless to the ground. Proclaimers must live lives of holiness and humility. It is life and death when they speak. The three things the church needs are "prayer, Holy Spirit anointing, and men living out holy lives. God will draw people to hear them. They must proclaim God’s standard. They need an authentic relationship with Christ. Pastors don’t have a sense of the urgency of our times."
The outspoken Blackaby says he receives his "share of backlash" from Christian leaders who tell him that he "shouldn’t be putting people down" and that he should give people hope. "I believe hope comes out of repentance," he said. "At a major evangelistic meeting recently attended by many evangelical leaders, the focus was on reaching non-Christians. To my great surprise there wasn’t a mention about sin and the need for repentance. Hope in Jesus was the focus. When it was my time to speak, I talked about our sin and the need for repentance. Later, many of those there came up to me and said that they sincerely appreciated and needed my comments. We are at a time of God’s judgment and Christian leaders are not bringing the message of the Lord. There is hope. I see a younger generation turning. They feel the older generation has betrayed them, and they want authentic relationship. They sense the urgency."
Economic Shakings:
The Lord spoke strongly of economic shakings coming. Several dreams have been given to various prophets about disaster striking the nation; in particular, the east coast. The Lord was showing that we are not ready in any measure for what is coming and that it will be titanic in proportion when it hits in its fullness.
Because of our prayers and standing in the gap (it seems this meant because of the tears and deep intercession that came upon us as a group of prophets at that time, joined also by the intercession of God's people world-wide); one of His last words for us was that complete destruction will be averted, but He is still going to discipline or "spank" America. This would not be averted. In the coming shaking, so many things will be happening, that those in the church who have been against spiritual warfare are going to be awakened and realize their great need and stand up and fight against the enemy in that day.
Again, by the revelation of several prophetic voices, we were warned that the "Accuser of the Brethren" is coming with a fresh onslaught. There will be Islamic terrorist attacks that will be launched against children. It will only be as many as 10-20 such episodes, but it will put tremendous fear and even terror into the heart of the nation. This fear will boomerang, especially against those who are in militia organizations and certain groups of Christians. As a result, a wave of persecution could come against the whole Church.
Colorado Springs:
Another word was specifically given for Colorado Springs, stating: that in a time of war or attack it would be one of the primary first targets--and they are not ready in the spirit. Our walls are broken down and we do not have the prayer coverage we need to withstand the onslaught. Complacency needs to be broken and prayer watches and spiritual coverage put in place to rebuild the walls of the city. We are vulnerable to attack. God spoke to us deeply about the need for humility. Colorado Springs (as other cities) is vulnerable to attack.
God spoke to us deeply about the need for humility. Those of us from Colorado Springs confessed the sin of pride, that they had believed their own "public relations." Many had been hearing from the Lord of the need for brokenness and humility and the need to seek His face and His presence afresh with prayer and fasting.
The President:
Other words came forth indicating that the Lord is angry at the church for not praying for President Clinton, even as we are commanded to in 1 Timothy 2:1-4: "I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
It had not been God's will for the things that he did and that happened to him and these may not have occurred if we had really cried out to God for him, rather than condemning him. It was shown to us the intensity of the spiritual warfare surrounding the Presidency, and that even the strongest Christian leader could not have stood under such an onslaught without heavy intercession and prayer covering. We entered into repentance for our sinfulness in these regards.
Days of Glory:
For a closing addendum: It is also believed that if the church of Jesus Christ will arise in 1999 and lay hold of this window of opportunity that lies in front of us, that the days of hardship could be turned into days of great hope. It is a time for humility; a time for intercession; a time for spiritual and natural preparation; and a time for God's glory to shine forth and let the light overcome the darkness. There is a coming wave of God's great glory that will supersede anything we have seen in recent church history. The call is for us to shake off our apathy, arise as a beacon of light and through prayer and compassionate deeds of the saints, seize the moments while we still can.
Jesus Christ International
The hour of decision is at hand. The hour for all men of all nations to turn to me with their whole heart. The hour to ask for My salvation, My wisdom, My knowledge, My understanding, My mercy, My peace, My love, and My justice...For only in Me will you find healing, deliverance and restoration for your soul and for your nations.
For each one who will seek me with their whole heart, I will impart My nature. For each one who will repent with their whole heart, I will lift them up to heavenly places with My Son. For those who will count their life as nothing, I will cause them to gain my power and authority. My anointing will come forth in those who have been humbled by me.
No weapon that is formed against Me shall prosper, and no weapon that is formed against My Own shall prosper! No one can stand against my plan for the coming kingdom of My Son! Only those who have allowed me to cleanse them and impart myself to them will stand in joy and victory. They are the ones who will be waiting patiently for my return...They are the ones who praise me.
Can two walk together except they be agreed? No, they cannot! And unless men and women of all nations come to Me, there will be no peace. Only in Me is there peace. I have heard the cries of the oppressed of all nations and I have arisen on their behalf. I will not withdraw my hand until justice is accomplished.
The religious confusion that has grown strong throughout the world has caused many to fall. My message is simple: I Am is love. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Love is gracious, patient and kind, and it is not rude or proud. Love does no wrong to its neighbor regardless of their color, race, or religion. I have not changed, nor will I change...So it is My people who must change and be conformed into My image and character. I will have a holy people!
The whole earth groans in the pain of birth. The birthing of My own. The birthing of My delight and My pleasure. The birthing of My will and My plan for the earth. The birthing of the day of the Lord. The day of the return of the Messiah to gather His own unto Himself for eternity. It is a day to look up! A day to rejoice, for your King is returning in His glory-- the glory of the Everlasting One!
Those who have an upright heart will be gathered to Me. Those who are full of sin and the evil works of Satan will perish. The ones who have received new birth and redemption by the blood of the Lamb will be saved. To those who hear my voice and obey me you must, "take up your cross and follow Me!"
Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me will never go hungry, and he who believes in Me will never be thirsty. But as I told you, you have seen Me and still you do not believe. All that the Father gives me will come to Me, and whoever comes to Me, I will never drive away. For I have come down from Heaven not to do My will but to do the will of Him who sent Me, and I shall lose none of all that He has given Me, but WILL RAISE THEM UP IN THE LAST DAY. For My Father's will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in Him shall have eternal life, and I will RAISE HIM UP AT THE LAST DAY" (John 6:35-40).
Beloved, speak to My people. Tell them of My love for them. Tell them of My yearning to be totally with them. Tell them for Me. Speak for Me...For many who say they are Mine cannot hear My voice.
Was My agony on the cross not enough for you, My people? Was My blood not perfect enough to make atonement for you? Did My beating with the whip not heal you? Was My resurrection not enough to set you free? Must you continue to trample underfoot My sacrifice on the cross? Where is the love and harmony between My people? Where is the tenderness and fellowship of the cross? Where is the Mind of Christ that is available to every Christian? Have you no kingdom within you?
The love of the Father sent Me to you. The love within Me caused Me to obey the desire of Our Father. It was because of love that I went to the cross to bring forth your redemption with My blood. It was because of Love that I have forgiven all your sins. It was because of love that I made available resurrection life to all who come to me. Ask them to receive My redemption and new life and be healed!
Tell them of the incredible riches that are their inheritance from Me as they abide in Me. Tell them that I will withhold nothing from those who walk with an upright heart. Tell them that I reward those who seek me and that a crown of life is stored up for all those who will walk completely into their inheritance in Me. They will suffer persecution for their godliness because the world hates My Holiness, but My life in them will keep them from turning back to the filth of the world.
Evil is increasing in the final hour, but My love for all men remains constant. My creative power, My authority, and My wisdom is available to those who will come and eat from my hand.
I yearn to hear the voices of My own--voices raised in harmony and love--voices that will sing the high praises of Our Father. Sing forth My people! Let Me hear your voice! Even as you desire to hear My voice, so I desire to hear yours! Sing, shout, make a joyful noise and I will hear you and I will respond with my own rejoicing over you!
Is there one among you that will believe My love for you? Is there one among you that will believe that I am who I said I am--and that I would not lie or deceive you? Is there one who desires to be recreated in My likeness? To be as Me you must spend time with Me. You must desire to be with Me more than you desire to be with the world. If you seek Me you will find Me if you seek Me with your whole heart! Rejoice in Me! Sing praises to Me and unto those who do not know My name! Let Me break forth from within you, to bless a dying world. My Father will love those who have loved Me. The Holy Spirit will teach those who desire to know Me as the "I Am" instead of as you "think" I am. Let My people praise Me and render unto My Father the holy praises of a holy people.
Come to Me as a little child. You do not need long religious phrases to talk to me. I hear even the quietest prayer from the heart of a sincere believer. I will answer you in a still small voice. I will not embarrass or frighten you. Come unto Me and I will give you rest."
The Wealth of the Sinner
by Cindy Jacobs
There is a shifting in the spirit in the area of finance. For I, the Lord have tested and tried the hearts of my people concerning mammon. The wealth of the sinner has been heaped up for these end times when I will use it to fund the end-time revival. Some of the greatest and most influential economic strongholds will crumble, as I, Jehovah Jireh, position my people to harvest what is necessary to see that the gospel be taken to the ends of the earth.
Violent warfare in the heavenlies has, and is, being fought, against those to whom I desire to release My heaviest anointings to fund this end time move. The enemy is attempting to squeeze the life out of My chosen ones; the Jobs and Josephs. Intercessors arise! Cry out to me for a breakthrough in the area of finance. Pray that those who are called to provide great blessings through the gift of giving will not be discouraged in the day of battle, but stand firm.
In this coming move of the spirit, in the area of Harvest financing, I will only use those who keep their hearts pure and are not out for personal gain, but who will simply be conduits of the blessings. I am pouring out a large vision to My Christian leaders, and will link and network them with those to whom I am giving the power to get wealth.
Believe me for the outpouring. Stand against Satan’s plan to stop what I am sending from the windows of Heaven. Keep giving and do not withhold from Me. Be alert to those places the enemy will try to rob from you. Live a life of integrity and you will see rivers of prosperity pour into the storehouses of My ministries for My end-time harvest of the nations of the earth.
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