Hi Namrata, lovely to hear from you and to hear a little bit about you. From what you've written in your post, I'm wondering if subconsciously maybe you're feeling a little bit left out by God? I think we both know deep down that there's nothing further from the truth.
You and I both know that God has a wonderful plan for you but like little kiddies at Christmas we can't wait for Dec 25th, we want it now!
We can speculate and guess. Is Namrata going to be a modern day Deborah (Judges ch. 4) and lead a massive campaign, or maybe she'll be more like Ruth who just seemed to fall in love with a gorgeous guy who fell in love with her and went to some lengths to marry her? More likely God has a Namrata plan individually tailored for you to suit His purposes and your best interests, and it's already underway. You mentioned ups and downs that God has got you through, that's part of your development.
Like many of the Old Testament heroes, God brought them to the front line relatively later in life, even Jesus himself kept His head down for the first 30 years of His life on Earth. Other examples, Abram, Joseph, Moses, Joshua and plenty more besides.
Meanwhile, keep reading and studying your Bible, reflecting on the goodness of God and seeking a deeper relationship and appreciation of God's amazing greatness and love of you.
You mentioned baptism, what a lovely idea - what are you waiting for?
With regards to romance I again counsel patience and wait upon God. If you go hunting you're more likely to make a bad choice. Widen your circle of both male and female Christian friends by going to Christan events (look online), visiting other local church events and Christian holidays. That way you're more likely to happen across that guy that's just right for you.
A verse that springs to mind is this well known verse -
But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31 NKJV
God bless you dear sister.
Dear Lord God, I pray you'll give both Namrata and me a little bit more patience and a greater faith to wait upon you. I confess that we get so excited about your plans for us that we want to press a fast forward button, but that's not you God.
Replace our impatience Lord with faith, we need to look to you for your timing, not ours. Meanwhile we ask for wisdom and a depth in our relationship with you that we can clearly recognise your leading and speaking to us.
We thank you God that you are in total control and even more than that, that you love us with a depth of love that's limitless. We love you too God.