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Question on Bible Codes

7's Guest

Jun 27, 2005
I would like to know what people's opinions are about there being a code in the bible? ala "The DaVinci Code" or "The Bible Code", there are a growing number of books that suggest that there are hidden messages, codes trying to tell us something.

I apologize for being particular, but when answering please use the following format. Either "yes" or "no" as to whether or not you believe there are codes, and at least one sentence explaining why. Please, please no scripture quoting, anyone can find a scripture that can justify almost anything. Just speak from your heart, either "yes" you believe or "no" you don't, and a brief explanation. And please, please no novels, long windedness kills a discussion. Thank you.
I believbe that no, there arn't any hidden codes in the Bible. I just...well...idk...I don't think that God wanted the Bible to be that complicated, though it is fun to think about and imagine. But, I think it sort of sounds far out, and your trying to maybe take the Bible for more then it is: A book of Truth and Hope for life. But it is interesting to think about, I do have to say.
I believe there are codes that are there to show you the complexity and powerful mind of GOD, yet the Bible overall STILL is generally simple to understand - GOD is loving and merciful and grants us eternal life through Jesus Christ. It is still a general book of life, authoritive book of life
I do not believe there are any "hidden" codes in the Bible. GOD has the power to give man the wisdom needed to understand what HE has written without trying to find the "hidden codes"...searching for codes will tend to get the person off track of what GOD is really saying. I think the authors of so many of the books, today, are just trying to make money from gullible Christians and are being used by the devil to deceive many.
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I have read the Bible Code in about 2000/01 and one of the reasons was that it claimed to be a book of non-fiction, I think its entirely possible that God could have hidden messages in the dead sea scrolls which could only be read with the advent of computer technology, after all he knew the end from the beginning, and if the code is really a warning that we should awaken at this time, 2006 has been prophesied for a great earthquake in Japan, and if it comes to pass then people might take it more seriously. As for the Da-vinci code, I haven't read it - and can't therefore comment.
I saw a programme recently about bible codes and what men had supposedly "found out" by repitition of certain letters in a certain order etc.The whole thing fell on its face when a sceptic was challenged to do the exact same thing with a secular book.Moby **** was chosen and he proceeded to find hidden messages in that!The fact of the matter is in any large book purely through chance and circumstance can contain any number of patterns that make seemingly interesting messages but are just a pure coincidence.

*(no intentional swearing i can assure you)
Amen soldier.Why do we need to decipher secret codes when the truth shines from the bibles pages like a beacon!
hmm interesting, Soldier. i am trying to make sense of your post, you lost me with 'almost coded for christians'. by saying 'almost coded', are you saying it's slightly coded? by saying 'for christians' do mean coded so only the christians can decipher it? to me it sounded like you believe there is some code there. could you maybe elaborate more? thanks.

sparky certainly thinks you were saying that there is not a code, or at least projecting his opinion through you. so it kind of sounds like 2 people interpreted what you said completely differently. either way any elaboration would help us understand what your stance is.
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I think what they are saying is that a true Christian is all that gets a true message from what GOD says in HIS word. HE speaks to the Christian's need through HIS word. Sometimes, we may read the same portion of Scripture and it speaks a different message each time...according to that need, then we must apply it to our daily living.
TDS52 said:
Sometimes, we may read the same portion of Scripture and it speaks a different message each time....

and if i hear you correctly, you do not believe that qualifies the scripture as an encoded message. and as you stated earlier you do not believe the bible is encoded.

then i guess soldier was saying he also does not believe the bible is encoded. please correct me if i have misunderstood.

thanks to everyone for replying so far, I hope to hear plenty more!
The DaVince Code is not true- He says terrible, ridiculous, false, ungodly things about Jesus and the Bible. No one should read the book or see the program. Its blasphemous. However, the Bible code that I am slightly familiar with, if done by one who knows what they are doing, has caused sceptics and unbelievers to become believers. The reason is, events, people, dates, etc that have ALREADY happened are in the verses in certain intervals. So who but God could have caused this to happen in His Word? I dont know enough about it to say its true, but only the fact that there are some who are now believers because this convinced them of it. The person I have seen several times who knows about this is not the secular reporter who wrote a book, but is Yacov ( Jacob), a Jewish man who now believes Jesus Christ is the Lord and Messiah, Saviour of the world. I cant remember his unusual last name but if you are interested let me know and l' ll find out.
I believe the bible *may* look foreign as Solider said to those who do not have an ear to listen

Revelation 2:17
He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to him who receives it.

But I also know that if one seeks GOD, he seeks wisdom and shall receive it.
Ok first of all I agree with Gloria about the Divinnci code completely!!!!! I can not stress it enough . As far as the bible code I agree with Soldier. Also the bible is what we live by and well ..... everything should be answered with scripture . Joyfully ~ Jlu
I just want to clarify something

There is no "code" in the Bible that is supposedly hiding the gospel message- No way! It is plain and simply written so a child can understand, believe and be saved because God is not willing that any perish but that all beleive.

That wasnt what I was referring to at all. It sounds like we are talking about two different things all together. This is if you count every so much letters, and I think its in the Hebrew language ( not sure). it will spell out things that have happened in the past - like 911- terrorist - airplane - that sort of thing, all in a few verses or passages. It has nothing to do with the gospel that God loved us so much he sent Jesus to save us.
yes they are two seperate things altogether. the davinnci code is a terrible lie spreading piece of fiction that has caused more confusion and " amo" for some unbelievers.

Bible code is where a computer program that uses a "grid" and counts out so many and gives "words". Like sparky (I think it was him) said they used the Novel Mobydick and got the same kind of results.

So Davinndi code = complete work of fiction where the author is in need of prayer

Bible code = a man made computer program that finds phrases in the bible.
Jesuslovesu said:
Bible code = a man made computer program that finds phrases in the bible.

I'd like to add that I believe this to be a completely random event. (the finding of words or phrases withing scripture) Reason? Well among other things...IF their was messages hidden in scripture and this method can decipher them, then it would be in that scripture REGARDLESS of the language written in. In other words...
If you find the words 911-terrorits-plane in the hebrew text of Mat.1:1-10, then 911-terrorists-plane better be found in the english, spanish or chinese texts of Mat.1:1-10, OR that is just more "ammo" for the enemies of Jesus Christ to say the old...
..."the Bible was written by man and is fallible, It is NOT inspired/guided by God/Holy Spirit OR these hidden codes would be in ALL translations".
It's typical of Satan. Think about it. He devises this code to pull people towards Christ. (even an atheist won't follow Satan knowingly, so they are tricked, and confused by him, and by default they become his) This code is more proof that God is real and the Bible is all true rite? So it appears to be true, and good, but what he is really doing is having people study the createion and not the createor. He is taking the focus from Gods word and making the Bible out to be this mystical, magical book. This smacks of the occult! Don't fall into this trap. Worship the creator not the creation.

God bless us all,
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This is merely heresay but I heard that before Christ, priests would look at a scroll and verify it's authenticity by looking at every seven or so letters that would spell a message(Again, this could be total baloney). And if I'm not mistaken, doesn't the DaVinci code claim that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene? I have heard other blasphemous things about the DaVinci code. :thumbs_do