Well I'll start straight off, I come from a very large family who do not belive in God. If you mention the name they'll frown at you and be disappointed, but for the past couple of months I've been going to a church where it's only youth (14-20). I enjoy it there, the atmosphere is amazing and there's amazing Christians there aswell, but I want to believe in jesus but I can't stop sinning. I have demons in me that keep pulling me back into my old ways of smoking and drinking and having sex with my partner any chance I get, I believe he's up there, I've been on the altar three times now and been prayed for, opening my heart to Jesus, but I just don't change. I can't change. I get the goosebumps when we're worshipping or praying. It's a very warm feeling, people say it's his presence but is it really? There's lambs at the church who are open to Jesus but don't preach or worship. I want to be a soldier. I want to be able to pray for people and bring people the church and make their lives better but I don't feel like I'm open enough. I don't feel that connection with Jesus as much as others but I want to. I've opened my heart and offered my life to him multiple times but I just get back into my own ways. I try give up my addictions but I fall back into them and don't know how to not. I need jesus in my life but I feel that I don't have him. What can I do to seriously feel his presence? What can I do to believe more? Please...