Really long ..
sorry guys.
Ok, Firstly, I had no idea that I was going to type so much! I just got way to carried away, and im a reasonably fast typer…. before I knew it, I wrote all this!! Gosh.. I doubt you will read it all, but scan your eyes through it, and tell me…
is this ridiculous, or what?
My brother is much to spoilt
Firstly.... i just want to point out that he is only seven years old. Seven! Did we get that everybody...?? Make note of it, because its goes far beyond the norm for a child to be THIS spoilt.
My mother especially, is bad when it comes to saying "no". All he has to do is whinge, and carry on, and she gives in...just like that. .... for real.
So the reason for writing this, is because I’m really annoyed in my mothers lack of authority here... Last week, we went to the city (shopping centre).. I spent the morning with my mum and bro.. We go very rarely, but because Christmas is so soon.... well, we had to go... get things out of the way.. And I’m saying this, because this is a good thing!! If we were able to go out of town more often, we would probably go broke!!
So any hoot.. we entered our first store. It had electrical bots and pieces.. computers and gadgets. My brother got extremely excited when he saw the DVD players, and mother felt we needed another one.. (the last one, mind you, he broke..) She said it was for all of us to share..
So we are about to leave, and my brother spots the IPODS! He gets really, really excited... ! He notices how oh, so cool they look!!.. the nice shiny metallic colours……. the cool colour screen. He tells my mother he wants one.. My mother said no! (bravo!!) but he started to create a public scene.. At this point…… my mother looked at me and said.. "should i?" Which offcourse i responded in shock! "no way, are you kidding!!" She wasn’t kidding... I continued.. “MAAA! NO!..Im telling her how crazy she is for even thinking it!!”” And i start telling my brother that ipods are for big people. That they cost too much money.. (darn right... the cheapest being, like $250 man, and the most expensive going way, way up into the $500 zone.. and my brother liked the look of the 4.. or was it 3?... hundred and something dollars... People were looking at us (humiliating), and I told my mother to pay for the things she had and that I’ll deal with him. I told my brother no repeatedly, and unlike my mother, I’m not going to say yes, to keep the kid quite.
I was pretty disgusted at the time, that my mother was considering buying one.
So after we left the store, my brother would not stop talking about the silly Ipod! He said over and over!"" I want one ""!!! And was sulking. We took him into a sports store and he was being a real grump, and was not co-operating at all. So while my mother was doing some Christmas shopping, i tried to get my brother to focus his mind of the ipod, by talking to him about all sorts of fun stuff... and i have a way with my brother... I get really into my stories and make them exciting, and after about half an hour, he had forgotten all about the ipod.
So i thought it was time for me to go solo.. i had things i needed to do too. I had a word with my mother, and told her... ""Dont even think about getting him something like an ipod...! He's seven! C'mon... just say NO!!"... i leave.
We met up again, after a few hours, when it was time to go home... Its about a two hour drive back, and in this time, my brother was talking about some recorder.... at the time, i had no idea what he was talking about.. When he got home, he got really cross at my mother when she wouldn’t give him his...ahem... "recorder"... She kept saying it was for Christmas, but no! NO, no... he wouldn’t hear any of it!!
Later, he searched my mothers room, and yelled out excitingly.. "i found it!!!" When i saw his so called recorder, i almost lost it! I was absolutely gob smacked!! It was that expensive ipod.. just the one he wanted! And i started to say something, but she mouthed the words "shut it!".. and pointed out that my father was in the other room... And i knew that it wasn’t the time or place to say anything, when he's there...
I know that they will get into a huge argument, which would probably result in broken plates, and my mother in tears... Which i don’t want.. however, i do want her to be told off! To have some sense knocked into her! This is absurd... that’s 4 hundred dollars to a seven y.o kid! I would be guilt ridden, if i spent so much on myself...
How many 7 y.olds have an ipod???! hello, huh??? That’s just embarrassing... and i cant believe just how silly she is, for encouraging him to have this "i can have whatever i want, whenever i want" attitude...
It bothers me... and makes me really angry.. BECAUSE its really my sister and i, who are the ones who really work hard for this money! We are the ones wasting our lives away, putting aside our wants and our needs, to work for them, when they are fully aware that we never wanted this. My parents have a supermarket, right?.. and as soon as i finished school (years back)... my father (without my knowledge, or permission) arranged to have all of our checkout ladies sacked, (and for this reason, they really hate me) and have me to take over full time. I had absolutely no choice what so-ever. So pretty much, i was forced into lessons, and placed on customer service...Just me! Day after day... week after week, month after month... And i rarely get any help.. except when im desperate, and when its extremely busy.. my mother will help!
I remember being upset about it at the beginning (and its a shame too... because, i had such high hopes to get into childcare.. but im way over it now...
My sister does all the work out the back. I tell ya, she is a hard worker. It works well for her, caus she hates dealing with people…
We both have many other, other jobs which we have to find the time for.. (you have no idea, just how many jobs are involved in running a supermarket....) Gosh, it would be exhausting typing it all down. Honestly, normal bosses running a store our size, would have a large staff doing each separate thing, on shifts..
Not us. But it works out well for my parents.. They make a nice nifty profit from us... To hire more workers means losing money...
So my parents have it easy... Now don’t get me wrong, they do work... they help. But they don’t do as nearly as much as us. My dad is able to go home, and have a nap occasionally when he's tired.. I do see him sitting around often eating, or taking it easy. My mother works, but yeaah, she has it much easier too.... whereas my sister and i are constantly doing things. It can get exhausting... Especially when i have problems sleeping at night, or when im sick sick ((( i dont get sick days either!!... hah, i lost my voice for a week earlier this year, and had to spend it working in a way where i was using my hands a lot and pointing.... which was, just well, embarrassing... ))) But anyhow, ALL this is off topic! You really didn’t need to know all of this, but it would be a waste of typing if i deleted all this unimportant stuff……
The big concern is my brother here! My mum! My dad spoils him too... He goes out of his way often, to get my bro, what he feels he needs... To please him, because he feels he deserves it. My dad has always treated my brother on much higher grounds than he ever has, my sister or I. Why?... because he's the boy. My dad has always wanted a boy.. But the difference with my dad is, that when he says no, my brother actually listens.
To sum it up... My mother will (and has on many occasions) spent hundreds of dollars, just to keep him quite, and my Dad will do whatever he can to make the boy happy... and that doesn’t necessarily mean, by buying him things all the time... but also taking him wherever he wants, whenever he wants. Just everything he can, to give the kid a chance. Something he was never willing to give us..
I love my brother. I really, really do... I try and spend as much time with him as possible, and he really gets me to embrace my inner kid! He's wonderful! but i don’t like the fact that he is becoming way too spoilt and bossy, and my parents are much too soft on him.
So my question is, to get you responding,,,
Do you have any kids, can you relate??
Do you think that continuing this will make hi some rebellious, hard to control, bratty teenager, who casually takes money, goes out whenever, and doesn’t listen to anything anyone says?? (.i worry.......maybe i am looking far too into things...... )
Do you believe in disciplining a kid? A smack for instance... ? I know people who are completely against the idea of hitting a kid in any way, but nah.. i may sound bad here, but i think a petty smack, may be necessary in some cases…
If you were in public, in, say, a computer store (sound familiar?)... What would you do if the child throws a tantrum?
I see a problem here, yet my parents don’t. I know i may sound like a snob because im NOT a mum, therefore you could say im in no position to criticize ones parenting skills, but I see this as a huge problem.
And btw, you don’t have to answer all these questions, or any… but I want someome to respond, and tell me whether all this is common..? Am i over reacting here?
sorry guys.
Ok, Firstly, I had no idea that I was going to type so much! I just got way to carried away, and im a reasonably fast typer…. before I knew it, I wrote all this!! Gosh.. I doubt you will read it all, but scan your eyes through it, and tell me…
is this ridiculous, or what?
My brother is much to spoilt
Firstly.... i just want to point out that he is only seven years old. Seven! Did we get that everybody...?? Make note of it, because its goes far beyond the norm for a child to be THIS spoilt.
My mother especially, is bad when it comes to saying "no". All he has to do is whinge, and carry on, and she gives in...just like that. .... for real.
So the reason for writing this, is because I’m really annoyed in my mothers lack of authority here... Last week, we went to the city (shopping centre).. I spent the morning with my mum and bro.. We go very rarely, but because Christmas is so soon.... well, we had to go... get things out of the way.. And I’m saying this, because this is a good thing!! If we were able to go out of town more often, we would probably go broke!!
So any hoot.. we entered our first store. It had electrical bots and pieces.. computers and gadgets. My brother got extremely excited when he saw the DVD players, and mother felt we needed another one.. (the last one, mind you, he broke..) She said it was for all of us to share..
So we are about to leave, and my brother spots the IPODS! He gets really, really excited... ! He notices how oh, so cool they look!!.. the nice shiny metallic colours……. the cool colour screen. He tells my mother he wants one.. My mother said no! (bravo!!) but he started to create a public scene.. At this point…… my mother looked at me and said.. "should i?" Which offcourse i responded in shock! "no way, are you kidding!!" She wasn’t kidding... I continued.. “MAAA! NO!..Im telling her how crazy she is for even thinking it!!”” And i start telling my brother that ipods are for big people. That they cost too much money.. (darn right... the cheapest being, like $250 man, and the most expensive going way, way up into the $500 zone.. and my brother liked the look of the 4.. or was it 3?... hundred and something dollars... People were looking at us (humiliating), and I told my mother to pay for the things she had and that I’ll deal with him. I told my brother no repeatedly, and unlike my mother, I’m not going to say yes, to keep the kid quite.
I was pretty disgusted at the time, that my mother was considering buying one.
So after we left the store, my brother would not stop talking about the silly Ipod! He said over and over!"" I want one ""!!! And was sulking. We took him into a sports store and he was being a real grump, and was not co-operating at all. So while my mother was doing some Christmas shopping, i tried to get my brother to focus his mind of the ipod, by talking to him about all sorts of fun stuff... and i have a way with my brother... I get really into my stories and make them exciting, and after about half an hour, he had forgotten all about the ipod.
So i thought it was time for me to go solo.. i had things i needed to do too. I had a word with my mother, and told her... ""Dont even think about getting him something like an ipod...! He's seven! C'mon... just say NO!!"... i leave.
We met up again, after a few hours, when it was time to go home... Its about a two hour drive back, and in this time, my brother was talking about some recorder.... at the time, i had no idea what he was talking about.. When he got home, he got really cross at my mother when she wouldn’t give him his...ahem... "recorder"... She kept saying it was for Christmas, but no! NO, no... he wouldn’t hear any of it!!
Later, he searched my mothers room, and yelled out excitingly.. "i found it!!!" When i saw his so called recorder, i almost lost it! I was absolutely gob smacked!! It was that expensive ipod.. just the one he wanted! And i started to say something, but she mouthed the words "shut it!".. and pointed out that my father was in the other room... And i knew that it wasn’t the time or place to say anything, when he's there...
I know that they will get into a huge argument, which would probably result in broken plates, and my mother in tears... Which i don’t want.. however, i do want her to be told off! To have some sense knocked into her! This is absurd... that’s 4 hundred dollars to a seven y.o kid! I would be guilt ridden, if i spent so much on myself...
How many 7 y.olds have an ipod???! hello, huh??? That’s just embarrassing... and i cant believe just how silly she is, for encouraging him to have this "i can have whatever i want, whenever i want" attitude...
It bothers me... and makes me really angry.. BECAUSE its really my sister and i, who are the ones who really work hard for this money! We are the ones wasting our lives away, putting aside our wants and our needs, to work for them, when they are fully aware that we never wanted this. My parents have a supermarket, right?.. and as soon as i finished school (years back)... my father (without my knowledge, or permission) arranged to have all of our checkout ladies sacked, (and for this reason, they really hate me) and have me to take over full time. I had absolutely no choice what so-ever. So pretty much, i was forced into lessons, and placed on customer service...Just me! Day after day... week after week, month after month... And i rarely get any help.. except when im desperate, and when its extremely busy.. my mother will help!
I remember being upset about it at the beginning (and its a shame too... because, i had such high hopes to get into childcare.. but im way over it now...
My sister does all the work out the back. I tell ya, she is a hard worker. It works well for her, caus she hates dealing with people…
We both have many other, other jobs which we have to find the time for.. (you have no idea, just how many jobs are involved in running a supermarket....) Gosh, it would be exhausting typing it all down. Honestly, normal bosses running a store our size, would have a large staff doing each separate thing, on shifts..
Not us. But it works out well for my parents.. They make a nice nifty profit from us... To hire more workers means losing money...
So my parents have it easy... Now don’t get me wrong, they do work... they help. But they don’t do as nearly as much as us. My dad is able to go home, and have a nap occasionally when he's tired.. I do see him sitting around often eating, or taking it easy. My mother works, but yeaah, she has it much easier too.... whereas my sister and i are constantly doing things. It can get exhausting... Especially when i have problems sleeping at night, or when im sick sick ((( i dont get sick days either!!... hah, i lost my voice for a week earlier this year, and had to spend it working in a way where i was using my hands a lot and pointing.... which was, just well, embarrassing... ))) But anyhow, ALL this is off topic! You really didn’t need to know all of this, but it would be a waste of typing if i deleted all this unimportant stuff……
The big concern is my brother here! My mum! My dad spoils him too... He goes out of his way often, to get my bro, what he feels he needs... To please him, because he feels he deserves it. My dad has always treated my brother on much higher grounds than he ever has, my sister or I. Why?... because he's the boy. My dad has always wanted a boy.. But the difference with my dad is, that when he says no, my brother actually listens.
To sum it up... My mother will (and has on many occasions) spent hundreds of dollars, just to keep him quite, and my Dad will do whatever he can to make the boy happy... and that doesn’t necessarily mean, by buying him things all the time... but also taking him wherever he wants, whenever he wants. Just everything he can, to give the kid a chance. Something he was never willing to give us..
I love my brother. I really, really do... I try and spend as much time with him as possible, and he really gets me to embrace my inner kid! He's wonderful! but i don’t like the fact that he is becoming way too spoilt and bossy, and my parents are much too soft on him.
So my question is, to get you responding,,,
Do you have any kids, can you relate??
Do you think that continuing this will make hi some rebellious, hard to control, bratty teenager, who casually takes money, goes out whenever, and doesn’t listen to anything anyone says?? (.i worry.......maybe i am looking far too into things...... )
Do you believe in disciplining a kid? A smack for instance... ? I know people who are completely against the idea of hitting a kid in any way, but nah.. i may sound bad here, but i think a petty smack, may be necessary in some cases…
If you were in public, in, say, a computer store (sound familiar?)... What would you do if the child throws a tantrum?
I see a problem here, yet my parents don’t. I know i may sound like a snob because im NOT a mum, therefore you could say im in no position to criticize ones parenting skills, but I see this as a huge problem.
And btw, you don’t have to answer all these questions, or any… but I want someome to respond, and tell me whether all this is common..? Am i over reacting here?