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Reassurance & Advice


Apr 27, 2005
Hello - I'm new. I was just wondering if anyone can give me any advice/reassurance? I'm a christian but haven't been going to church for nearly three years now - I'd like to think this hasn't played a part in slipping in my faith but I would be lying, so I know I should start going to church. But I'm scared. I live in a small town and there is only really one option of church to go to. The problem is I used to go to that church, and felt very much at home there, but when I got engaged to my now husband I sort of fell out with the pastor - well, we didn't exactly fall out, except he didn't think I should marry my husband as he isn't a christian. I understand everyone is entitled to their views on this and that's fine. But the pastor, I thought, was more than just a pastor to me - I used to go on holiday with his family and stuff. Nothing has ever been said since. Since I stopped going to the church I have bumped into him and his family (as I said it's a small town) several times and we've chatted kind of as if nothing has happened but just chit chat. I really would like to go back to the church (my husband has offered to start coming too) but am so scared I will get hurt, or rejected, or made to feel inadequate or unwelcome. I have a few friends who still go there but none of them really know what happened. I'm also scared that if my husband comes too then he might get put off because of the history. But recently when I pray about it I get the real sense that I should go back, but I just can't find the confidence to do it (I'm not hugely confident anyway). Does anyone have any advice? I would be vey grateful! Thanks.
Pray for the confidence to do it and then go and do it. I sense your current situation is uncomfortable and it is wearing away at your heart. So what do you have to loose by testing the waters? If i saw you coming back to fellowship with your non-believing partner i would be overjoyed.

No matter what happens as long as you believe in The Messiah Jesus as your Lord and Savor you are a part of the Body of Christ.

PS: you can always come and fellowship with us anytime you like, :thumbs_up

All praise The Ancient of Days
Hello mrsB,
I read your post and wanted to confirm somethings and help you understand your situation. I believe that God is wanting you to go back to that specific group of believers, but not because He wants you to be a part of religious ceremony or an institution, because He doesn't. He wants you to go back to them so that your relationships with them can be mended, remember we're supposed to be a family. You need to ask them to forgive you for not heeding the Godly counsel that they had given you, you see you weren't just disobeying their instruction but God's word, and it is very clear that we should not be unequally yoked or connected in marriage with unbelievers. No matter what they have done wrong in this circumstance, if you will humble yourself and do as God is leading, you will be surprised at the outcome. I believe if you will be honest with yourself and with God, that your relationships with these people will be restored and even bettered and this could possibly be the kind of sign to bring your husband to Christ (you know; your husband witnessing you practicing the Gospel). Even if they dont respond favorably, at least you will be free of any guilt and your relationship with God will be enhanced. Now pray and see if the advice I have given bears witness with the Holy Spirit, and if it does than ask the Lord to help you carry it out and I wouldn't be surprised if your husband mrB soon becomes part of our family. God Bless
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Well mrsB they've already said it. Go to the church you're saying with your husband or without. One thing, whatever happens, accept it. It will release you from fear. If the pastor will give you a cold treatment, so be it. As long as you obey God the Holy Spirit's leading. ACCEPTANCE is the key. You're there for and because of God not because of people. Hebrews 12:2 says that let us look unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. LOOK ONLY TO JESUS, not to the people or leaders, only to Jesus our Lord.

God bless us. Peace is with us MrsB.
Only God Almighty knows why He wants you to go back to this local church. For, about a couple of years or more I have not attended "church" regularly. I have to say it was the Lord Himself who took me out of it, but that's my story. You have to go back, because if you don't you'll never know. I don't like phrasing it like that, because I know that God will show you whatever He is going to, no matter what. Let me share this one other thing with you. I married a man who did not even believe there was a god of any kind. For years I prayed for his salvation. I gave up hope. But, there was one person that never gave up. Every time I would see her; she would ask how he was. I would say the same as he ever was. But, one day I didn't give her the chance to ask. I shouted he's saved, because my precious God revealed Himself to my husband. How it happened and what God used is a long story. Bottom line for you: Go back, maybe you will be used of God to show someone else there; that God chooses us from the foundation of the world. God is using this persistance for you to return there for many glorious reasons. He said that His Word WILL not return void unto Him. Your husband will realize the seed that the Almighty placed in him from the foundation of the world. When your husband sees his Savior I would love to know about it. It surely will happen!!! Believe upon the Lord and you and your whole house shall be saved. Ain't it the truth? I'm sorry that's the Kentucky coming out in me.......jmh137
try as much as possible to continue going to church, because God said we should not despise the assembly of ourself.Since you have prayed about it and get the real sense of going back, please, heed the advice and going back.
gentle said:
Well mrsB they've already said it. Go to the church you're saying with your husband or without. One thing, whatever happens, accept it. It will release you from fear. If the pastor will give you a cold treatment, so be it. As long as you obey God the Holy Spirit's leading. ACCEPTANCE is the key. You're there for and because of God not because of people. Hebrews 12:2 says that let us look unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. LOOK ONLY TO JESUS, not to the people or leaders, only to Jesus our Lord.

God bless us. Peace is with us MrsB.

Thank you gentle. . . I feel the same way MrsB. . . .

God says:
Come, as you are!

He wants to draw you near to His fellowship and with other brothers and sisters. .. if you will get cold treatment then it defenitly it is from people and institution. . . but never ever from God. . .
And for your husband: God holds His Arms wide open. . .
And He will be greeting your husband first. . .

God will let Himself be found from whosoever searches and calls onto him! ! !

May God bless you and your husband and your marrige .. . dont let doubt keep you bound .. .you are ok and on your way .. .look up and step forward in faith!!! :thumbs_up
Today's Verse

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.

Isaiah 40:28-29/NIV

Jesus is Lord!


I am writing to let you know that I am praying for you and your husband.

Your Sister in Christ,

Dr. Bon Vie
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