It has come to our attention that some may not know how to report a post, or where the report post button is.
These are the forum rules for TalkJesus:
When you see a post that violates one of these rules, go to the bottom left of their post. You will see a triangle with an exclamation point inside. That is the report post tool. When you click that symbol, you will be directed to a box that will ask you to submit a message stating why the post violates one of the rules. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising messages, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. When we receive a report and find that there is a violation, the member will get a simple warning via private message if they break a rule. As stated by @Chad, please respect the community. Its a privilege to be here, not a right. You get banned immediately if you curse, insult someone else, or preach anything outside of Scripture purposely.
By reporting a post, you help us catch posts that violate the rules much quicker.
These are the forum rules for TalkJesus:
Forum Rules
- Treat others with respect when posting. Do not use harsh tones, respond in anger or belittle others' beliefs. No gossiping.
- No profanity or coarse joking
- No links (web addresses of any kind) unless you meet 2 requirements
- 100 posts minimum in the forums
- request Chad's permission via private message- No unbiblical teaching
- Cite author when pasting their works
- Provide Scripture when making a biblical point
- Follow simple forum posting etiquettes
- No soliciting anywhere on the site.
Rules for Posting in Forums
- Proper Editing Guideline
- Max 2 colors allowed
- Do Not Post
- only smilies
- one word responses
- double post
- all CAPS (considered shouting)
When you see a post that violates one of these rules, go to the bottom left of their post. You will see a triangle with an exclamation point inside. That is the report post tool. When you click that symbol, you will be directed to a box that will ask you to submit a message stating why the post violates one of the rules. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising messages, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. When we receive a report and find that there is a violation, the member will get a simple warning via private message if they break a rule. As stated by @Chad, please respect the community. Its a privilege to be here, not a right. You get banned immediately if you curse, insult someone else, or preach anything outside of Scripture purposely.
By reporting a post, you help us catch posts that violate the rules much quicker.
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