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scared daughter


Nov 25, 2007
Hello all, I have a wonderfull 3 year old daughter who has been having trouble at night. She seems to be afraid of something at night when she is supposed to be sleeping. A couple of nights ago she got up and came into my room wimpering and said "I scared". Of course I tried to ask her what she is afraid of but she is 3 and her vocabulary is limited. I tried to comfort her and then put her back to bed. She immediatly covered her head with her blanket.

She has been getting up 5 times a night telling me she has to go potty when I know most of the time it is just an excuse to get me up with her. Today my wife put her to bed for a nap about one in the after noon. My wife said she heard her scream in her room and then she ran up stars crying.

What bothers me is I don't know whats really going on because the communication isn't there. I can't explain to her that whatever is scaring her cannot hurt her or isn't real all together. Is this just a phase or something? Do I just need to comfort her as best I can and not worry about it too much? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Well, I went through the very same thing.

As a child I couldn't sleep because I would see things in my room. I still today remember the stuff because it was so real and I know I wasnt sleeping. I was 5 and my mom (God bless her for having patience )would come to my room and pray with me, and stay until I fell asleep.

I spend many nights in my parents room,my older sister was forced to share a room because I couldnt sleep alone. It would stop but they would come back into my room. I would be saying " Jesus" repeatedly with my eyes closed waiting for them to leave.

What really helped me was the fact my mom was there and she told me God was there. She never once told me I was lying or nothing was there, she always came prepared to kick them out in the name of Jesus...and I followed that pattern.

You need patience, you and I dont know what she's seeing but you need to assure her that mommy and daddy will always be there, that God is watching.

Keep observing her patterns, take note of what she's saying even if its broken sentences, but eventually you will find the root.

When did it start ?
what is she watching on tv ?
Is anyone telling her scary stories?
Did she watch the news and something stuck with her?
Ask family members if they were discussing anything,maybe she overheard ...
But most importantly just comfort her.

You're doing good.
Thank you sister.The only answer is 'images'.
A great man once said that you can do everything neccesry to bring up a child...play, teach, but one thing you musn't do is scare a child.
My life today is still affected by the fear occasioned upon me in childhood.
Like my sister Rizen said, its all about the images and surrounding circumstances, Brother.Its about what the child learns and observes.This is now taking a turn in her little heart.She will outgrow it though...she just needs time.
And oh!...do stop the practice of leaving her in a different room.Get her closer .Let her stay with you.Cuddle her, tell her stories, enlighten her mind.
Bravo brother, you're living the dream.A lot out here dream of having female children because it seems the men are getting to wise... and stubborn:sun:
God bless
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Do not fear

I don't understand why you are letting a three year old daughter of yours to sleep alone in other room.
Always tell beautiful stories from the Bible to her when ever she has any fear.Have good attachment with her .

"Train up the child in the way he should go ,and when he is old he will
never depart from it"

If you take her to a good christian pastor and pray for her.

. and the Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward.”
(1 Samuel 16:13)

With the Spirit of the Lord, we have nothing to fear!

Let’s go back to David’s story. Remember what happened in 1 Samuel 17? The battle was set in array. The Phillistines were on the mountaintop, with the children of Israel on the other and a valley in the middle. Goliath entered the scene, just shy of 10 feet tall. He was decked out in armor. He hurled out threats toward the Israelites, and what did they do? They dug a little deeper in their foxhole .

Now, David just happened to be on an errand for his father and came across the situation. There wasn’t a man in that entire army who wanted to face Goliath, but God sent a little shepherd boy with the anointing. That’s all it takes!

David was not afraid to go out against Goliath. He was bold because he knew God was with him. You can be bold like that, too! You don’t have to let the devil intimidate you. You are anointed for battle!
May God bless your family and esp. your daughter.
Praise the Lord.:love::love::love::love:
I don't understand why you are letting a three year old daughter of yours to sleep alone in other room.

I can give you 2 important reasons.
1) parents need privacy
2) Its always best to get them in their new room sooner than later, else you'll have problems.

Nothing is wrong with a 3yr old having their own room, thats what monitors are for.
Its important that the parents develop a sense of security and comfort with the child. There should be a door connecting the both rooms. Plus this decision is usually based on the child readiness, you cant force them into their "Big girl " room.

In a situation like this all she wants is mummy and daddy to make things better
My daughters room is right next to mine and we keep the doors open so I can hear if they make any noise. She is also in there with her 6 year old brother. The only thing I can come up with is she got some ideas in her head from halloween. I tried to keep her isolated from that whole scene but thats hard to do.

Wether or not thats were the problem started I don't know. I prayed that the Lord would comfort her and protect her when I tucked her in. Haven't had any problems for a few days.

I'm not too worried about it, its just that this is the first time I had to deal with something like this as a parent. I also had an unhealthy fear/interest in ghosts when I was a child which really scared me at times.

Thank you all for your input!
Wether or not thats were the problem started I don't know. I prayed that the Lord would comfort her and protect her when I tucked her in. Haven't had any problems for a few days.

Amen...Praise God
When i was a young child i went through the same thing. I would often wake up screaming or run into my parents bedroom crying at night out of fear.
My own daughter who has just turned four has started to go through this also.
Later in life i discovered i have an anxiety disorder,which was why i suffered from so much fear as a child, i now see very simliar traits in my daughter. Often it can begin with a child having reacurring nightmares or a fear of sleeping at night. All you can do is give her Alot of prayer and cuddling, letting your daughter know you are only a few feet away,
I wouldnt suggest bringing her into your bedroom, she needs to feel secure in her own bed.
Im sure you are a great parent and Jesus is by far the best medicine for your daughter, i remind my daughter every day Jesus is bigger and stronger than anyone, she now calls Jesus her superhero.