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Jun 13, 2008
well for teenagers like me :P lol, school can have alot of effects on us and can have a huge impact on how we view things in school...

for me i have problems with grades and tryin to stay pure.... some days i wish i could walk out of the door go home and sleep but im not allowed to by the school because im a minor...

How we can improve our selves for school well pleasing to god. I have a hard time with false teachings in Biology that have an anti biblical reason and philosphy's and some religious fendamentalists that say evolution is the way for everything being the way it is reguarding animals and plants.

Having discipline is very hard in school because for me i almost see no point to it. Learning is useful and needed but how school brings it upon kids make it so unintresting, we are at most forced at our will to go to a place that we never liked in the first place. I just wish there was a way for me to enjoy school more because I dont see much potential and joy in school and doing work for school.

Well all im just asking is for some suggestions and some good idea's for kids who need help with school even though it may not be where our intrests are. I do atleast wanna get by school and let God show me all the amazing things i will do in his name and for his glory.
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I feel school is not what the teachers want it to be, the only reason they really teach this stuff about evolution and all is because they are forced to by the government or they lose their job. idk racer, its crazy..
Hi edge.
Some suggestions:
* Think about where your life would go if you didn't have school qualifications ... Not so cool ... So actually you don't just go to school to please your parents or the government ... its really for your own benefit.

* Think about other kids who really wish with their whole heart they could go to school, but can't because of the chaos in their country, or they have to work to support their families, or they just can't afford it. This is not meant to be a guilt trip, but it's a fact!

* Meditate on Colossians 3:23. In whatever you do - try to glorify God!

* Try to get a new perspective on your studies. Be creative and do even more than the teacher required of you ... maybe that will be a bit more interesting! If you can choose topics and projects - try something nobody has done before, or something connected to your interests.

Good luck - and remember, even though school may feel like your whole life at the moment, it is really only a small part of your life!
I am on here instead of doing my homework, so I am not sure I am the best person to help you, but I just wanted to offer some encouragement. In most of my classes, I am in the same place it seems you are in. I get by by thinking how much I would want to be in school if I were living in a country where I could not have a free education. I also have a couple of classes I love and some good friends that help me get along.
Also, most of my teachers do not want to teach evolution and natural selction and all that, but they have to. It is required by law. I would not be suprised if your teachers did not agree with the views, either. I had to take Biology last year and my teacher clearly stated each time we went over it that it was required by law; he was not trying to force that belief on us and we could plug our ears if we wanted to.
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*sigh* ...school. (definition: a place of torture for teens.... lol jk) ok, i don't really stuggle with the grades thing, but I really used to struggle with the question "Why is it important to know this?" Some of the things we learn don't seem important, but try to have a better attitude about it. I highly recommend the book "Do Hard Things" by Alex and Brett Harris. It's a book written by Christian teenagers, and it changed the way I see school. ...God wants us to do our best in everything we do...even school. (Ecclesiastes 9:10)
I know sometimes it gets frustrating because of the worldy teachings in our science classes, but stay strong for God and have patience with the non-believers. As for trying to stay pure, I think that's a trial for most teens. I know it's a struggle for me deffinately. Personally, I wear a purity ring, and I know a few guys at my school who do too. Another thing to do is memorize a Bible verse that deals with your struggles, and when you need it...quote it over and over again in your head. I have 2 of 'em " The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body." (1 Cor. 6:13) or "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart." (Matt. 5:28) you can also read the book (or go to the website) Every Man's Battle. It can help you in EVERY area of staying pure.
Staying interested in school and staying pure can be hard to do but it's not impossible. Do your best and think of girls as sisters in Christ, not objects. God Bless brother. You'll make it, just hang in there. -Ashlee (sophmore :D )