So what would that be in the Greek?
The best I could do, not really knowing Greek, and using an online translator would be Theou tou lexi (minus the accent marks)
This translator probably uses modern Greek, so the older Koine might be something different. How different I really couldn't say.
On to the video!!! :crying:
This man takes much out of context, to make his point. Oh, don't get me wrong. He makes some very valid points. However, that doesn't support other issues of the video content. He cuts down the writings of the Epistles because people have used it to support their own agenda, which is kind of what he is doing to support his own. Funny, because I disagree with some of what he has said, does it make me look at the Gospels as being less??? No. Yet apparently that is what he is saying, instead of pointing out that lack of spiritual understanding is probably the cause. Even though at the end he does say that he believes the Bible to be inspired.
However, to also look at the Gospels without context, and many of the group who have showed up here at TJ espousing similar thoughts actually reflect what the speaker in this video has accused others of doing and that is nit picking verses to make a point. Really is the pot calling the kettle black.
I could have gone point by point but to what avail? It's not the first time the subject matter within this video has been brought up on TJ and yet it persists still, if a bit more pysops method to it this time. This is not the first video link of the set that I've deleted. I would greatly appreciate it if you won't add them again.
Personally, I would be interested in hearing your 'point by point' analysis. Mainly from experience, I've noticed that when two scriptures seem to contradict, one being a teaching of Jesus and one being found from another part of the Bible, it seems that Jesus' words become the one that we need to interpret, rather than having Jesus' words interpret the rest of the Bible...
This happened in a past thread where I shared that Jesus taught us that we can only serve one master, God or Money. What happened is that everybody "freaked" out at this teaching and started searching the scriptures diligently to make Jesus not mean what he is recorded as saying. This is concerning to me. Considering that the words that we will be judged by on judgement day are Jesus' words (John 12:48), it is natural that I will be concerned for people that claim to believe in Jesus, yet they do all that they can to deny what he said by
using other parts of scripture to twists Jesus' words.
It isn't just with Matthew 6:24. I can give another one and the immediate reaction will be that Jesus didn't really mean what he said.
Let's try, Shall we?
Matthew 23:8-10, "But you are not to be called ‘
Rabbi,’ for you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers.
9And do not call anyone on earth
your father, for you have one Father, who is in heaven.
10Nor are you to be called
instructors (master), for you have one Instructor, the Christ. "
Now all I am going to do is say let's apply the words we see Jesus teaching. Are you ready?
If we are not to call or be called teacher, then that means we shouldn't call our school teachers "teachers" right? Therefore we shouldn't refer to them as MR. and MRS. since these are shortened versions on master. Amen?
Next, we shouldn't call nobody on earth father (that would include the equivalent 'dad'). So, our human father we don't call dad or father, nor do we allow our kids to refer to us as this.
Simple, isn't it.
Yet I am prepared to read the sparks fly and an enormous amount of resistance to this simple command of Jesus. To those that are seeking for truth and enjoyed the video, please do keep checking others as they are released. If you would like any links then please PM me and I will be more than happy to send them.
Out of respect and courtesy to the wishes of the MOD team, I won't post any links to the videos anymore.
Peace be to everyone who hears these words of mine.