The bible tells us to think on things that are pure, holy, truth, righteous, etc. All music has concept and a meaning behind it. What is the name of the song, who wrote, what were they're intentions of writting it? These are questions that i ask before i choose to hear music.
What I have realized lately, God-based musicians are just as good as secular musicians. Personally I listen to hip hop and my favorite artist were Common, jay-z, Lil Wayne, etc. I did some studying on Holy Hip Hop and found that there are artist out there who are just as good, but every song that they sing, write, produce, glorifies the Lord. Whatever genre you like to listen to, there is someone out there who sounds identical, but they give God glory in all they do.
Music is spiritual and every song that you like is tied to a memory becuase it because part of you. Who are you? You are God's most beautiful masterpiece. i know its not easy to make that transition, but its not impossible.
Are you sinning by listening to secular music? No. Are you strengthening youre spirit by promoting and retaining secular music? No. I put it this way. Who do you promote and represent? I will never listen to anything that God would not be proud of.
But you are not condemned for listening or liking secular music. Just make sure that music does not injure your spirit, or disrupts your salvation to the point where the Word has no effect on you. God Bless and we'll keep you in our prayers....