Sue J Love
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- Mar 27, 2015
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“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” (Matthew 6:33-34 ESV)
We can get so caught up in today, and with all that is going on in our lives, and with our schedules, and our jobs, and our families, and our activities, that we can lose sight of why we are here, for what purpose, and by whose design. We can get so distracted by the craziness going on in our world and in our individual nations and lives that we can forget that God created us with a purpose in mind to love and to serve him with our lives, and not self.
It is possible that we can get caught up in all the “What ifs?”, so that we lose sight of God’s sovereignty and his control over all of our circumstances. Especially if we are avid news watchers, we may possibly get all worried about what is going to happen next. For there is much craziness going on in our world and nations right now, and the news media seems to like to accentuate the worst possible scenarios of what might happen next.
So this is a reminder to us all to get our focus off all the stuff going on in the world, and to bring it all to the Lord in prayer, and to seek his face and his counsel, and to see our world through his eyes, from his perspective, especially in light of prophecy of Scripture regarding these last days before the return of Christ. And we should cease with worry about tomorrow, if we are worried, and follow our Lord Jesus day by day, one day at a time.
Yes, we should be aware of our surroundings and of what is happening in the world and in our nations, but we can’t even be sure that what we are being told is happening is the truth of the matter. I believe that much of what is being passed off as truth today is not truth, but lies, very clever lies, indeed. But we need to be people of God who put God/Christ and his kingdom first in our thoughts, our words, and in our actions, and who leave the rest to God.
Our life focus should be our relationships with the Lord Jesus, and then with the people he has placed in our lives. And our focus should be on following our Lord in walks of obedience, in surrender to his will in holy living. We should be living to please the Lord in all that we are and do and say, and be certain that we are being led by the Spirit of God and not by our flesh. And then we will be at peace, even if the world around us is in chaos.
And worrying about anything that we hear or read or think we see, that others are telling us about, perhaps to try to get us to be afraid, never accomplishes anything good. Worrying never makes anything better, but usually makes things worse. And worrying is lack of trust in our Lord and in his plan and purpose, and in his ability to provide for our needs. So we need to rest in the Lord and in his all sufficiency to meet our every need, and trust him that when tomorrow comes, that he will show us what he has for us.
His Tender Mercies
An Original Work / January 26, 2014
Christ’s Free Servant, Sue J Love
Fear not! I’m with you.
Be not dismayed!
God watches o’er you.
Trust Him today.
He’ll lead and guide you;
Give you His aid.
He’ll love and keep you
With Him always.
Walk in His footsteps.
He’ll lead the way.
Trust in His love;
Believe that He cares.
He will not leave you.
Faithful He’ll be.
His tender mercies
Now you will see.
Fellowship with Him
Throughout the day.
Tell Him your heartaches.
He’ll heal always.
Rest in His comfort.
He is your friend.
Your faith He’ll strengthen,
True to the end.
Seek First the Kingdom of God
An Original Work / February 8, 2025
Christ’s Free Servant, Sue J Love
We can get so caught up in today, and with all that is going on in our lives, and with our schedules, and our jobs, and our families, and our activities, that we can lose sight of why we are here, for what purpose, and by whose design. We can get so distracted by the craziness going on in our world and in our individual nations and lives that we can forget that God created us with a purpose in mind to love and to serve him with our lives, and not self.
It is possible that we can get caught up in all the “What ifs?”, so that we lose sight of God’s sovereignty and his control over all of our circumstances. Especially if we are avid news watchers, we may possibly get all worried about what is going to happen next. For there is much craziness going on in our world and nations right now, and the news media seems to like to accentuate the worst possible scenarios of what might happen next.
So this is a reminder to us all to get our focus off all the stuff going on in the world, and to bring it all to the Lord in prayer, and to seek his face and his counsel, and to see our world through his eyes, from his perspective, especially in light of prophecy of Scripture regarding these last days before the return of Christ. And we should cease with worry about tomorrow, if we are worried, and follow our Lord Jesus day by day, one day at a time.
Yes, we should be aware of our surroundings and of what is happening in the world and in our nations, but we can’t even be sure that what we are being told is happening is the truth of the matter. I believe that much of what is being passed off as truth today is not truth, but lies, very clever lies, indeed. But we need to be people of God who put God/Christ and his kingdom first in our thoughts, our words, and in our actions, and who leave the rest to God.
Our life focus should be our relationships with the Lord Jesus, and then with the people he has placed in our lives. And our focus should be on following our Lord in walks of obedience, in surrender to his will in holy living. We should be living to please the Lord in all that we are and do and say, and be certain that we are being led by the Spirit of God and not by our flesh. And then we will be at peace, even if the world around us is in chaos.
And worrying about anything that we hear or read or think we see, that others are telling us about, perhaps to try to get us to be afraid, never accomplishes anything good. Worrying never makes anything better, but usually makes things worse. And worrying is lack of trust in our Lord and in his plan and purpose, and in his ability to provide for our needs. So we need to rest in the Lord and in his all sufficiency to meet our every need, and trust him that when tomorrow comes, that he will show us what he has for us.
His Tender Mercies
An Original Work / January 26, 2014
Christ’s Free Servant, Sue J Love
Fear not! I’m with you.
Be not dismayed!
God watches o’er you.
Trust Him today.
He’ll lead and guide you;
Give you His aid.
He’ll love and keep you
With Him always.
Walk in His footsteps.
He’ll lead the way.
Trust in His love;
Believe that He cares.
He will not leave you.
Faithful He’ll be.
His tender mercies
Now you will see.
Fellowship with Him
Throughout the day.
Tell Him your heartaches.
He’ll heal always.
Rest in His comfort.
He is your friend.
Your faith He’ll strengthen,
True to the end.
Seek First the Kingdom of God
An Original Work / February 8, 2025
Christ’s Free Servant, Sue J Love