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Sharia Law

Brad Huber

Jul 7, 2012
Does anyone here think living under sharia law would be okay? Its common in many countries where Islam has a large presence. Often people migrating in from those countries liked sharia laws, just not other aspects of the culture. Islam sadly does not need violent overthrow to take over the world. The followers of Islam are often poor people who are angry at the establishment, have large families, and these children are taught to follow Islam without question. Any group of people that fell into these catagories gains much power in "this" world, like catholicism promoting large families, many poor, and unhappy with their lot in life, and it continued growing until they stopped promoting large families. And the same holds true with mormons, and they are still growing with large families promotion where the children are taught not to question their elders.
Sharia law, created and dictated by Islam, not GOD. So my answer is no, living under sharia law would not be ok. It's clearly opposite of what GOD teaches under the law of love, it's oppressive.
I woudnt want to live is such a society either. But just want you to know that Allah is simply the name for the same God of Abraham that we believe in, but their version branches away into a different story about God and nearly everyone after Abraham.
Brother @Brad Huber
I can't think of anyone here at TJ except possibly one that I haven't seen for a bit that would say yes to your question. That this person happens to be a Muslim would probably be the reason why ;) but then again, one never knows.....

I don't know if one could correlate large families, poverty and anger at the establishment as being the general reason for acceptance of Sharia law. That you have locations where either the population is primarily Islamic or the society is considered progressive in nature might be more telling factors with it's acceptance. UK I believe has allowed for it in a limited fashion, but then it like most of Europe is progressive in nature. So it would not be too strange that it would be endorsed. The USA will probably follow it in limited fashion, once the Supreme Court of the Land faces a case in which they must decide the yea or nay of it. Until that time I don't see the wide spread of it in the USA. After the case is heard. It would be at that time that the spread of it would occur. Meaning that an un-elected few will determine it for all and will either rule for allowing it outright or state that each state must determine on whether it should be applied or not. Either one of cause will be the death keel for the legal system as it is known here in the USA.

Besides the above...I will say one thing :rolleyes: You've painted a pretty wide swat with this post brother :whistle to correlate existing conditions (outside of Islam) and Sharia law. However, it is something that can be debated, if we can find someone to take the other position! :)

As far as large families:
And God blessed them, saying, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth." ... 28 Then God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth." Genesis 1:22,28

Behold, children [are] a heritage from the LORD, The fruit of the womb [is] a reward. 4 Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So [are] the children of one's youth. 5 Happy [is] the man who has his quiver full of them; They shall not be ashamed, But shall speak with their enemies in the gate. Psalm 127:3-5
The Lord will shorten the times for the sake of the elect. As Islamic influence grows in any country, they will influence laws toward being shariah like, which includes not abiding christians to practice their faith openly.
Does anyone here think living under sharia law would be okay? Its common in many countries where Islam has a large presence. Often people migrating in from those countries liked sharia laws, just not other aspects of the culture. Islam sadly does not need violent overthrow to take over the world. The followers of Islam are often poor people who are angry at the establishment, have large families, and these children are taught to follow Islam without question. Any group of people that fell into these catagories gains much power in "this" world, like catholicism promoting large families, many poor, and unhappy with their lot in life, and it continued growing until they stopped promoting large families. And the same holds true with mormons, and they are still growing with large families promotion where the children are taught not to question their elders.

My answer is a definite NO! I would never submit to this demonic law..
Can you imagine brother Brad, you are nice enough to invite me to your house for dinner, and when I arrive I tell you ,how you are to prepare it, and how you should change your lifestyle to agree to mine??? As if that is not enough for you, I also condemn you for the way you invited me to your house?? LOL That is Sharia Law, Then as a sin to me I throw you out of your own house and make it mine because some dead guy named Allah told me it was ok to do it? YIKES! Where every woman is a slave, and every man is Lord and Master of all women who will not bow down to them? We see how things have been in the Middle East with this kind of mindset, I am sure we have more then enough division without inviting more of it. ( 1 Cor 14:40) Under this law there is no order to those outside there belief! Only death! It would be amusing if it was not so dangerous! Christians are being put to death everyday because of this mindset, where is ones freedom? Where is free will and choice? Under this law there is none of it!! I take a very dim view to say the least of this cult!
Well check out the different fruit of Allah as opposed to our Jesus, the same?? They may wish to call them the same but the result is in the fruit! death to the infidels,as opposed to love one another as i have loved you is sure not the same to me bro LOL(John 13:34)
Well check out the different fruit of Allah as opposed to our Jesus, the same?? They may wish to call them the same but the result is in the fruit! death to the infidels,as opposed to love one another as i have loved you is sure not the same to me bro LOL(John 13:34)

Actually....If we were to follow sharia, we would be practicing opposite to the Word...Our law is LOVE and sharia is based on hate....Islam is based on hatred.
Maybe we should all be reminded that the God of Islam is the same God as Abraham. The only difference is that their Prophet is not Jesus Christ but Muhammed.
We are lucky that the world is rapidly modernizing so that this violent law dies out,similarly as to how we no longer practice some of the (violent) laws of the Old Testament.
Maybe we should all be reminded that the God of Islam is the same God as Abraham. The only difference is that their Prophet is not Jesus Christ but Muhammed.
We are lucky that the world is rapidly modernizing so that this violent law dies out,similarly as to how we no longer practice some of the (violent) laws of the Old Testament.
Don't have time to reply in full! Off to work!
However, your opening statement is incorrect.
You've associated Islam with Abraham. Just because they say the association exists it does not. Islam does not predate Muhammed. It came into existence because of him and the Koran written if I'm not mistaken on the overall timeline it would be about 3-600 years after his death. It's origins are not from Abraham other then you have some not all of the Arab people who practice it. What did they practice in between those few thousand years?

Also, if you don't know the difference between Jesus & Muhammad. You've come to the right site!!!
In a nut shell not having the time. Muhammad is till in his tomb in Mecca and Jesus well.......HE HAS RISEN!!!!!!!!! For whereas Muhammad is identified as a prophet. He was no more than a man. While Jesus was God incarnate!

The site allows you to do some searches. There have been a few threads created in this area that you have brought up.
Hope to have more time later to discuss all this.

Only with the Love of Christ Jesus!!!
Maybe we should all be reminded that the God of Islam is the same God as Abraham. The only difference is that their Prophet is not Jesus Christ but Muhammed.
We are lucky that the world is rapidly modernizing so that this violent law dies out,similarly as to how we no longer practice some of the (violent) laws of the Old Testament.

Well young'un...you could not be more wrong! For one thing a God of Love such as our Christian God, the ONE God would not push a religion of hatred.
The word allah means god and the islamic god was given the word allah as a name but he is not God...he is a god, a demon god.
Our God, our Christian God has a name but it is not allah. It is I AM. It is Love, Elohim.Yaweh. Jehovah..and allah does not hold a candle to God
You had better go back to school and learn the truth instead of listening to the lies of islam
Maybe we should all be reminded that the God of Islam is the same God as Abraham. The only difference is that their Prophet is not Jesus Christ but Muhammed.
We are lucky that the world is rapidly modernizing so that this violent law dies out,similarly as to how we no longer practice some of the (violent) laws of the Old Testament.
If you really believe that modernization via technological advances such as computers is a solution to men's problems, perhaps you don't understand either men or God. God has never changed, but men have continued to grow worse as they have followed their own ways instead of God's Way.
Maybe we should all be reminded that the God of Islam is the same God as Abraham. The only difference is that their Prophet is not Jesus Christ but Muhammed.

In Christianity, Jesus isn't merely a prophet. He is the Son of God and God Himself.
Do Muslims believe that Allah = Jesus? If not, Allah is not God.
Christians do not recognize Muhammed as a prophet of God, but rather a prophet of Satan.
In Christianity, Jesus isn't merely a prophet. He is the Son of God and God Himself.
Do Muslims believe that Allah = Jesus? If not, Allah is not God.
Christians do not recognize Muhammed as a prophet of God, but rather a prophet of Satan.
Does that mean that the Jewish God is not the same God as the God of Abraham? Or that they are the same God but the Jews don't believe that Jesus = God, thereby creating some false God or is there something else that happens.
Well young'un...you could not be more wrong! For one thing a God of Love such as our Christian God, the ONE God would not push a religion of hatred.
The word allah means god and the islamic god was given the word allah as a name but he is not God...he is a god, a demon god.
Our God, our Christian God has a name but it is not allah. It is I AM. It is Love, Elohim.Yaweh. Jehovah..and allah does not hold a candle to God
You had better go back to school and learn the truth instead of listening to the lies of islam

That's factually incorrect. Allah is a neutral word for God. It is not a name. Arabic speaking Christians today use the word freely. Christian service in Baghdad open with the words "Allah hu ma'na wa Ruh al-Qudus ma'na aithan" - (God is here and his Holy Spirit is with us)
Does that mean that the Jewish God is not the same God as the God of Abraham? Or that they are the same God but the Jews don't believe that Jesus = God, thereby creating some false God or is there something else that happens.

@Adam Smith

There is something else that happens. :) = :thumbsup:

There is only one God in the three persons of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. The Jews believe that Christianity worships three Gods and Islam believes we have made a God of Jesus who was only a prophet. Both are erroneous which makes their positions as they perceive the Godhood false. So by rejecting Jesus they are rejecting God. For they deny the very essence of God which we as Christians know is Love and as the Word became flesh in the form of man, Jesus Christ.

So is it the same God? By their very own definitions of who God is and still requires of them to do. The answer must be no.

Should this position be untenable to them or anyone else? The only conclusion I can come up with is that they do not know God and by not knowing Him. They will be unable to please Him.

"I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the [life] which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. "I do not set aside the grace of God; for if righteousness [comes] through the law, then Christ died in vain." Galatians 2:20-21