There was a time in my life I went church hopping because of discontent with teachings, leadership, etc. I ended up backsliding altogether through lack of fellowship, friendship, truth, encouragement etc. I have seen others who apostatise , "being carried about with every wind of doctrine", and float around making major nuisances of themselves insinuating themselves into churches for a time then leaving behind controversy and dissent. I know of others, personal friends, who have left the church to form independant ministries. They have a small support base, and cleave to the scriptures and minister in many ways and are an influence wherever they go. Leaving the church if it is awol is an option that should be taken very seriously, but not all churches are that way.
Jesus is coming soon. You can believe that when He comes His people that He comes for will be Methodists, Catholics, Pentecostals, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Adventists, of every tribe, language, and nation. Two things they will all have in common.
1. They will all be trusting in the death and resurrection of our Lord and Saviour as the sole basis for their redemption. They will not be relying on their goodness, their denomination, their cultural heritage, their experience, nor anything else. Not even their knowledge of the scriptures, whether it be critical or otherwise. They will not even be trying to be like Jesus, as much as they may be an admirer of Him. WWJD will not be the basis for their faith. No, they will be ultimately saved because of their faith in Jesus. And only that.
2. They will be living up to what light they have. Their lives will match their profession. Their works, the fruit of their faith, will be evdience that their faith is truly grounded in Christ alone. There will be no disharmony between their profession of faith and their practice of faith.
Certainly, many churches are corrupt, empty of spiritual life, imposters of the truth. Yet in them are many of God's children. To them is the message to be given..."come out of her My people....". Many individuals shall indeed do that as those who are annointed with the Spirit and have a passion for truth minister to these people who in their ignorance worship God in systems that are in error. Even entire churches I believe will repent and turn to Christ in these last days. There will be many repentant Laodicean churches, churches (and indiviiduals) who no longer will consider themselves rich in scriptural truth, blessed of God with material possessions, needing nothing. They will recognise their nakedness, their blindness, and their lukewarmness and indifference and will be found of Jesus when He comes to be faithful, loving mercy, doing justly, and walking humbly with their God.
It may however do us all well to consdier that the non-denominational church is now one of the fastest growing and largest denominations in the world.:wink:
PS It may also be worthwhile considering where we lead people as we witness to them What do we offer them as far as fellowship is concerned. If you cannot in all good conscience lead them to a church you trust, then you personally must take up the slack. Are you up for that? New Christians need fellowship more than anything else you can offer them. Your friendship, suppoprt, and encouragement is essential if you are unable to direct them to a good sound Bible based fellowship in your district. And if you cannot spend the time neccessary to personally do this, then you need to shed your prejudices, find somewhere as close to scriptural truth and direct them there, trusting in the Holy Spirit to guide them and lead them into all truth. If they are folowing Jesus sincerely and desire to know Him, He will watch over them.