I enjoy seeing the different handles and screen names --very creative with some that make you wonder what the root for the name came from. The Word of God makes a big deal about names--it was one of Adam's jobs. When we get to heaven God will give us new names so it must be very special to Him.
I don't remember the circumstances that led me here, but my profile shows me as a member since January of '06. I came back because I received an e-mail asking where I had been. Here's what it said:
"Hello, Fitzman!
We've noticed that you've not been active on Talk Jesus for quite some time now, and we miss you! Please join us again and participate in our daily discussions. There are always new features being added as well for edification and enjoyment."
How could I resist such an appeal? The fact is, I hardly ever leave my house and need Christian fellowship so it seems to be working out. Jesus is my favorite subject--I owe Him everything for what He did for me. Can you remember the first flag you ever carried Zulu? I can. It was of a wolf when I was in Cub Scouts. I was 8 years old, I think.
Exo 17:15 And Moses built an altar and called the name of it, The LORD is my banner...
I don't remember the circumstances that led me here, but my profile shows me as a member since January of '06. I came back because I received an e-mail asking where I had been. Here's what it said:
"Hello, Fitzman!
We've noticed that you've not been active on Talk Jesus for quite some time now, and we miss you! Please join us again and participate in our daily discussions. There are always new features being added as well for edification and enjoyment."
How could I resist such an appeal? The fact is, I hardly ever leave my house and need Christian fellowship so it seems to be working out. Jesus is my favorite subject--I owe Him everything for what He did for me. Can you remember the first flag you ever carried Zulu? I can. It was of a wolf when I was in Cub Scouts. I was 8 years old, I think.
Exo 17:15 And Moses built an altar and called the name of it, The LORD is my banner...