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Single again


Dec 12, 2007
As a singlemom, dating has indeed been a nightmare. I know many think that I should be single for the rest of my life since I am divorced.
But sometimes life throws curve ball that our totally out of our control and that leaves us with a broken heart and broken dreams. I have discovered that dating is something that the devil loves to use to try to destroy us and am realized that being alone is not so bad after all. But I still dream of someday having a marriage like my parents have and pray that God sends me the man he wants me to have.
You know everything happens for a reason and God will never put more on us then we can bare. But you know God has a purpose for your season of singleness. Your not going to always be single because God knows that He made His people to be loved, cherished and to have sex (UNSINFULLY DONE) lol meanin in a marriage. He also says in His word that He is not a man that He should lie right. Well He says that "If we delight ourselves in Him He will give us the desires of our hearts" so do you desire to be married again? Because God can make it happen you know. He's a promise keeping God so He'll do just what He says.

GOD doesn't wat his daughters with a BOZO, but with a BOAZ, in the meantime I believe God wants us to become a RUTH!!! Lets us surrender all of our dreams to the heavenly Prince JESUS! YAWEH! He knows what is best even we we just don't understand. I too have been waiting many years for my helpmeet and when it becomes too heavy we must give it to ABBA and shift our focus on heloing others. I suggest my sisters to go to Joyce Meyers Website and check out the broadcasts and let God speak too you. Her messages are exactly what we need. I give Jesus all the glory! Hang on tight my sister and smile because he thinks of you every second.
i'm sorry to hear about that. must have been tough on you :[
god understands your wants. keep talking to him. he IS listening.
I am amazed

Thank you so much, each one of you for your support to my post. You really don't know how much that mean to me. Often when you go through divorces you feel like other christain look down on you and I am very touched by each one of you being so supportive.

Love you sister in Christ
I would love to say that I am pulling through and all is just wonderful. I believe it takes walking with Christ daily and knowing that God is with us every step of the way. Thank you for your support. It really has touched my heart.
I love the way you worded that about Bozo and Boaz. I have never heard it put that way. This site has always been so supportive and I thank you so much for you encouraging words. They have really touched my heart.
Ashantaliyah, Thanks for your forwardness. That is a subject that can be an issue in many divorcees and I appreciate you being open about it. True, God has made us a certain way and it is a troubling throught to think about how empty life would be without someone. Thank very much for your encouragement; it really has touched my heart.
As a singlemom, dating has indeed been a nightmare. I know many think that I should be single for the rest of my life since I am divorced.
But sometimes life throws curve ball that our totally out of our control and that leaves us with a broken heart and broken dreams. I have discovered that dating is something that the devil loves to use to try to destroy us and am realized that being alone is not so bad after all. But I still dream of someday having a marriage like my parents have and pray that God sends me the man he wants me to have.

I know how you feel , I have had my heart broken 2 times
so , all I can do is just hope that someone will come to me .
I courted instead of dated. Dating and courting aren't the same thing. You have to have your mind in the right place.

Get your mind off of having a guy...a relationship...and then marriage...and then happily ever after...etc.

God already has your happily ever after planned. He knows your heart and He knows what you need. That might be no man at all. Who knows?

God knows the best timing for everything. Work in HIS time, not yours.

I understand completely. I've been divorced for two years and have not had any luck with dating as it seems like alot of people think that you should sleep with them on the first date or at some point and if you don't there is something wrong with you. Or they think your'e weird if you don' t do drugs or anything like that. I think what is most important is to ask God what is His will for your life.
You are dating the wrong men. You need to find a committed Christian to start with, one that truly loves God and does not lie, swear, drink, smoke or do drugs and they will not want to sleep with you until after you are married. Then you need to check out how compatible you are with them. Do you share the same likes and dislikes? What does he spend his time doing? How is he with his family and friends? Then see how he treats you. Does he put you first before the others? Does he like to spend time with you alone? Then take your time and each date you will find out more and more about him as he also will about you. Be friends for a long time first before moving on to boyfriend/girlfriend. There is no rush for something you are going to get into for the rest of your life. Be honest with each other. If either of you want out be glad that you weren't married and found it out later.