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So afraid to go to mum & Dad is sad


Feb 3, 2006
I am so sad about the young girl who felt there was no way out, who just could not face her parents, who did not want to disappoint them. She was so scared to tell them of her pregnancy and terminated the baby.

When I read this news it broke my heart and I cried.

If only one thing that can be taken from this tragedy is maybe for parents to acknowledge the need for more honest and open communication with our children. We need to pray to our Father in heaven to show us and guide us so our children are not afraid to approach us with anything, I mean ANYTHING.

How tragic for a son or daughter to feel she/ he cannot turn to her mom or dad in a time of need.

I talked with my son this evening. I told him again that his dad and I love him. I explained to him if ever he was in any trouble, as devastating it might appear to be, never be afraid to come to us for help, that God is with us and will help us through anything.

Nothing in this world is worth taking our own lives or the life of another.

(Of course we teach him and pray that he wouldn't stray that far from God in the first place. )

:love: Calluna

You are 100% correct in what you have said. Parents need to let their children know that no one is perfect and that they should always strive to do the right thing. But if they are in any kind of trouble that they can come to them. Mistakes happen , teenagers are human and make mistakes sometimes as all do. I feel terrible about this little life and I feel sad to think of this young girl who will have to live the rest of here life feeling devistated that she felt she had to do this .
i agree you are so right with this one
We always said we would make it clear to our daughter no matter what the problum is no matter how bad we will help her and love her notting will stop our love for her
It is important every child knows this because so many take there own lives feeling they cannot go home it is very sad indeed