some times i think this is as good as it gets. puting time in to work and work in to nothing, but nothing seems uesless to say none the least,but i keep trucking along singing the old sad song.and to think this is what they call the american dream.and to think that time is passing me by! day bye day i am getting left behind.i am wasting time in every thing i by day i feel older every moment feels wasted. now i feel like the only one,i feel like missing you is too much! to hard to take any more.i feel like its time to wake up now wake up!!!!!! i feel like i can do no good any more no more time to use, or should i say waste?i keep telling my self one more if i can help just one more person than maybe i wont feel so useless. when i do wrong the devil loves me i hate my self, and god forgives me, why i realy would like to know! some times i wish he did not.and when i come to the end of my life it wil not be hugs and kisses it will be
THE END steve f mar 25 06
THE END steve f mar 25 06