Happened....You gotta read this.....This is a testimony to the Power of the Holy Spirit working in my life and at Talk Jesus and through it's members.
This morning, 4 different threads, 4 different posts, all worked synergetically to minister to my heart, helped me to think and led me to pray. And something amazing just happened.
I took a break from the computer to do some things. And I took a moment to stop and start praying to God. Things from each of those posts, and something that I had written led me to pray for physical healing, as I have often asked God for before.
It is too complicated how each post and each message all interconnect but it is all by the Power of the Holy Spirit and me praying and listening to God, that I received a message that is making me cry, laugh and praise God. During my prayers I was praising God for the emotional/mental healing He has done in me, slowly but surely over the years.
I also confessed my sin, sin that maybe obstructing His healing in me physically. And God told me so clearly that He will heal me slowly but surely physically just as He is doing emotionally/mentally, and it is only through my obedience to Him that these things have happened and will happen. Like God told me to forgive my father and I obeyed and did this, and obeying His Word about telling others about Christ, I do this all the time, and loving others and just seeking Him and His will. Now I know I have not been obedient in the area of my life regarding eating the right things and excercising etc to help with this autoimmune disease that I have. There are things God has directed me before that I should not eat and I obeyed for a short while, He even led me to do a very long fast and I completed it, all in His strength and to His Glory. But then I reverted back to my old ways.
Anyhow this prayer time was different to my previous prayer when asked for healing, because I realized this time it is my sin that is getting in the way of my healing, my sin of not obeying God.
Also, I actually experienced a physical sensation throughout my body, it was like a zap of God's healing power going through me. God also spoke to me saying that He wants to use me more, but He can't while I am still so sick in my body. I know some of this may not make sense to some, if you knew my struggle with this disease and it's whole effect on my life and the journey I have been on, you will have a better understanding.
I just had an amazing experience and I hope you all rejoice and praise the Lord with me.
And I forgot to add, thank you to my brothers and sisters in Christ, Apple, LadylovesJesus, SLE, Dreamer, ShortLady, all in particular, thank you all for following the Lord's direction, for being obedient to Him. God has used you all in a mighty way. God bless each and everyone. Thanks to Chad aswell for keeping this website going.
This morning, 4 different threads, 4 different posts, all worked synergetically to minister to my heart, helped me to think and led me to pray. And something amazing just happened.
I took a break from the computer to do some things. And I took a moment to stop and start praying to God. Things from each of those posts, and something that I had written led me to pray for physical healing, as I have often asked God for before.
It is too complicated how each post and each message all interconnect but it is all by the Power of the Holy Spirit and me praying and listening to God, that I received a message that is making me cry, laugh and praise God. During my prayers I was praising God for the emotional/mental healing He has done in me, slowly but surely over the years.
I also confessed my sin, sin that maybe obstructing His healing in me physically. And God told me so clearly that He will heal me slowly but surely physically just as He is doing emotionally/mentally, and it is only through my obedience to Him that these things have happened and will happen. Like God told me to forgive my father and I obeyed and did this, and obeying His Word about telling others about Christ, I do this all the time, and loving others and just seeking Him and His will. Now I know I have not been obedient in the area of my life regarding eating the right things and excercising etc to help with this autoimmune disease that I have. There are things God has directed me before that I should not eat and I obeyed for a short while, He even led me to do a very long fast and I completed it, all in His strength and to His Glory. But then I reverted back to my old ways.
Anyhow this prayer time was different to my previous prayer when asked for healing, because I realized this time it is my sin that is getting in the way of my healing, my sin of not obeying God.
I just had an amazing experience and I hope you all rejoice and praise the Lord with me.
And I forgot to add, thank you to my brothers and sisters in Christ, Apple, LadylovesJesus, SLE, Dreamer, ShortLady, all in particular, thank you all for following the Lord's direction, for being obedient to Him. God has used you all in a mighty way. God bless each and everyone. Thanks to Chad aswell for keeping this website going.
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