"...I know the thoughts that I think towards you,saith the Lord,thoughts of peace,and not of evil,to give you an expected end" Jeremiah 29:11.
"...An expected end"
You have a destiny in christ.You were created with a specific purpose.There is an expectation in the heart of God when creating you.God had a plan for your life and that is why He took time to design you the way you are.He made you white or black or whatever colour you are,God made you so to fulfill His plan concerning you.You are not a mistake!Many people are confused in life today because they have refused to diligently seek out God's plan and purpose for their lives.The resultant effects of this is ,a low life.
"ye are the salt of the earth:but if the salt have lost his savour,wherewith shall it be salted?it is thenceforth good for nothing,but to be cast out,and to be trodden under foot of men.Ye are the light of the world.A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid" Matt.5;13-14 .
Salt can only be appreciated when puts to its proper use.This implies that salt has its place and can only give good taste in its place"...A city that is set on an Hill cannot be hid"
Why Hill and not a valley or even a hole?you see, you cannot give brightness to your world until you locate yourself in divine plan and purpose.Only the plan of God for your life has the ability to annouce you to your world.Your litle and selfish plans would take you no where.They could give you some popularity here on earth with no eternal rewards.There is a seed which God has released in you.It's a great potential for kingdom exploit.Discover it and you'll become a blessing to your world.Become a light that is set on an hill that gives brightness to a whole lot of people.That seed in you is the hill, when you begin to release it and walk in God's plan and purpose,you become like the light set on an hill.your taste and brightness is about to be felt in your world.If where you are now or what you are doing now is not what you feel God wants you to do or where God wants you to be, please quit and ask Him for a new direction in your life.God will only rewards you for the assignment He has given to you,not the ones you gave yourself.You maybe very busy but not working with God.
"Now the Lord had said unto Abraham,get thee out of thy country,and from thy kindred,and from thy father's house,unto a land that I will shew thee:and I will make of thee a great nation,and I will bless thee,and make thy name great;and thou shalt be a blessing...And in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed"Gen.12:1-3.
When God called abraham,He defined his purpose and his specific assignment.The Lord promised to bless him and make him a blessing, as long as Abraham pursue the purpose of his calling.His blessings where in his calling.God packaged all of Abraham blessings and greatness in his calling.If he walks in the call,then he becomes entitle to the blessings.
When God created you,He packaged your blessings and greatness in what He has created you for.Therefore,you must discover that single plan of God for your life.that is your destiny!that is where your fulfillment,joy,happiness and blessings lies.You were not born to do everything you deem fit to do.there is some thing you have been designed by God to do,so your brightness can be felt in your world.
Here what Paul said in Act 9:6 ...Lord ,what wilt thou have me do?
"And Terah took abraham his son,and Lot the son of Haran his son's son,and Sarai his daughter in law,his son Abraham's wife;and they went forth with them from UR of the chaldees,to go into the Land of Canaan;and they came unto Haran,and dwelt there...And terah died in Haran" Gen.11:31-32.
What a pathetic incident!Terah the father of Abraham died in a wrong place due to distractions and enticements.When Terah left his land of nativity UR,his vision was Canaan but in the journey,he went through the city of Haran and allowed the activities and enticement of Haran to distract him from his God given vision.
Friend,don't settle for second best.Determine to fulfill your destiny.Don't allow preasures of life to preasure you out of divine plan.Pursue only the visions that has eternal rewards.
Lord,I pray for every one that has red this message to come on track with divine destiny.I rebuke the spirit of distractions and I pray that this ones will fulfill destiny in Jesus name.
"...An expected end"
You have a destiny in christ.You were created with a specific purpose.There is an expectation in the heart of God when creating you.God had a plan for your life and that is why He took time to design you the way you are.He made you white or black or whatever colour you are,God made you so to fulfill His plan concerning you.You are not a mistake!Many people are confused in life today because they have refused to diligently seek out God's plan and purpose for their lives.The resultant effects of this is ,a low life.
"ye are the salt of the earth:but if the salt have lost his savour,wherewith shall it be salted?it is thenceforth good for nothing,but to be cast out,and to be trodden under foot of men.Ye are the light of the world.A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid" Matt.5;13-14 .
Salt can only be appreciated when puts to its proper use.This implies that salt has its place and can only give good taste in its place"...A city that is set on an Hill cannot be hid"
Why Hill and not a valley or even a hole?you see, you cannot give brightness to your world until you locate yourself in divine plan and purpose.Only the plan of God for your life has the ability to annouce you to your world.Your litle and selfish plans would take you no where.They could give you some popularity here on earth with no eternal rewards.There is a seed which God has released in you.It's a great potential for kingdom exploit.Discover it and you'll become a blessing to your world.Become a light that is set on an hill that gives brightness to a whole lot of people.That seed in you is the hill, when you begin to release it and walk in God's plan and purpose,you become like the light set on an hill.your taste and brightness is about to be felt in your world.If where you are now or what you are doing now is not what you feel God wants you to do or where God wants you to be, please quit and ask Him for a new direction in your life.God will only rewards you for the assignment He has given to you,not the ones you gave yourself.You maybe very busy but not working with God.
"Now the Lord had said unto Abraham,get thee out of thy country,and from thy kindred,and from thy father's house,unto a land that I will shew thee:and I will make of thee a great nation,and I will bless thee,and make thy name great;and thou shalt be a blessing...And in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed"Gen.12:1-3.
When God called abraham,He defined his purpose and his specific assignment.The Lord promised to bless him and make him a blessing, as long as Abraham pursue the purpose of his calling.His blessings where in his calling.God packaged all of Abraham blessings and greatness in his calling.If he walks in the call,then he becomes entitle to the blessings.
When God created you,He packaged your blessings and greatness in what He has created you for.Therefore,you must discover that single plan of God for your life.that is your destiny!that is where your fulfillment,joy,happiness and blessings lies.You were not born to do everything you deem fit to do.there is some thing you have been designed by God to do,so your brightness can be felt in your world.
Here what Paul said in Act 9:6 ...Lord ,what wilt thou have me do?
"And Terah took abraham his son,and Lot the son of Haran his son's son,and Sarai his daughter in law,his son Abraham's wife;and they went forth with them from UR of the chaldees,to go into the Land of Canaan;and they came unto Haran,and dwelt there...And terah died in Haran" Gen.11:31-32.
What a pathetic incident!Terah the father of Abraham died in a wrong place due to distractions and enticements.When Terah left his land of nativity UR,his vision was Canaan but in the journey,he went through the city of Haran and allowed the activities and enticement of Haran to distract him from his God given vision.
Friend,don't settle for second best.Determine to fulfill your destiny.Don't allow preasures of life to preasure you out of divine plan.Pursue only the visions that has eternal rewards.
Lord,I pray for every one that has red this message to come on track with divine destiny.I rebuke the spirit of distractions and I pray that this ones will fulfill destiny in Jesus name.
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