Rom 8:36 As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.
Rom 8:37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.
Rom 8:38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
Rom 8:39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Going through a dark night of the soul no matter what your age is not an easy thing. There are things that happen in life that can steal our joy, and our trust in God.
Above all it is a battle in the mind. We have a choice what to believe, and a choice who to place trust in. Most often those situations hit at the exact hour when the walk is getting closer to God. Just when a bit of victory is seen, then another thing comes up that can send us reeling in our own mind and emotions.
This, friend, is called temptation. Temptation is not a sin. And often the person or situation that has come does not even know they are tempting you. What is a temptation for one person is not always a temptation for another. The sin is in the individual. In our own self by our own thought patterns and actions. So, the way to overcome is through prayer, and by reading the word of God. Then applying what the word says about what you are going through. We depend on God through Jesus Christ our Savior to enable us, and give us His Spirit in order to do and think what we need to do and think. Asking God to give beauty for ashes, strength for fear, gladness for mourning, peace for dispair. And believing He will give all those things when we are in Christ believing that he died for us.
The thing that many do not understand is the role repentance plays in the victory over temptation. Whenever fear, doubt, unbelief, or a general falling away from God is realized in our own life, our own mind, then the first thing to do is go to God in repentance.
Saying "I'm sorry Lord for doubting, for letting fear get the better of me. For not believing that You work all things for good. Please stabilize my emotions. Give me beauty for the ashes in my life, peace for the dispair that has come upon me, Your oil of gladness for the mourning that life has brought. Do all of this through Jesus Christ my Savior, and Your Son who died for me. Who is my High Priest, and who was also tempted to sin, but did not sin. Place Your Holy Spirit upon me so that I can come against all the fiery darts of the adversary in my mind. By Your Spirit show me how to put on Your full armor. Remind me who I am to You. That You made salvation possible by sending Your Son to die. Give Me the faith that will turn away my thoughts from defeat to victory because the victory is Yours. Help me to rest in the righteousness that I have because I am in Christ knowing full well that I cannot walk through this battle on my own. Enable me to spread and be in the middle of the Gospel of Peace, and show me the truth in all situations. The real truth that You work all things for good according to Your Word. Place your words from the Word of God within my heart. Bring those scriptures to mind so that I will have an alternative focus for my mind. Fill me, Father, with Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ so that through this time of shaking, You will be glorified in my life. Let all who look on praise Your name for the glory, honor, and credit all goes to You. Praise You, Father God for your faithfulness to draw close to me as I draw close to you. Destroy any double mindedness I have about my situation, and about Your promise to deliver me from my strong enemy. It is only on you that I place my trust. Help me to believe even in those times where I cannot believe through my own self. Rise up in me Father by the name and through the blood of Jesus Christ"