Hi. I've been saved almost 5 years now and lately I've really been struggling with not being judgmental towards others. Not towards those who are not saved but towards those who are and are great at teaching me and correcting me, as I'm still learning, but not great at walking out what they are teaching me to do. I really need help with this. I'm becoming very discouraged. Thank you.
Maybe have you considered that maybe "since you have become
Now A "T
rue Child of GOD" that your
Father is trying to teach you something.
Now these are your words. "
but towards those who are and
are great at teaching me and correcting me,"
Since, you have heard the "Gospel According to Jesus Christ" and He has chosen YOU. And now you have been "Born from Above" and The "teacher" the "Advocate" the "Parakletos" has come and will be with you "FOREVER" and EVER, throughout "ETERNITY". And you Have Not only The Old Testament writings. you have the New Testament writings that The early church did not have nor could they read. The early church most did not know how to read. That is why one of the reason
The Bible said:
New American Standard Bible
How then are they to call on Him in whom they have not believed?
How are they to believe in Him
whom they have not heard? An
d how are they to hear without a preacher?"
How can a person "believe" in a man who they never heard of, or heard him speak? No T.V., No Cable, No radio, No newspaper, no cell phone, no telegraph wire, no mail or Pony Express. most were poor, and didn't have a horse they had "Sandals".
But they had "Heralds", "ambassadors", "Masters" and "Amanuensis' and paper had not been invented yet. and "Papyrus" was very expensive and not that easily to come by.
"how then are they to call on, or who to Believe in, whom they know nothing "ABOUT"or even "heard of"? And how can they hear about Him, without a "Herald" a Proclaimer an "Ambassador", [They cannot read, they don't have a "New Testament"] They don't have a"Bible" and most cities and Provinces only have heard of rumors "about a New Cult' called
"The Nazarenes" and they drink blood and they are "Cannibals" they eat "flesh" and they meet in "Secret" and they married their own "brothers and sisters"! "rumors" concerning a new religion. Someone rose from the dead......... All of these greek centered Roman occupied Provinces were idol worshipers. "gods and goddesses" temples everywhere. And "Caesar was Lord". "KAISER KURIOS" INSTEAD of "KRISTOS KURIOS".
New International Version
"And for this purpose I was appointed a herald and an apostle—I am telling the truth, I am not lying—and a true and faithful teacher of the Gentiles."
'And for this purpose I was appointed a [
HERALD and an [
AMBASSADOR]=I AM TELLING THE TRUTH. I am not lying= and a true and faithful
MAYBE GOD IS TRYING , to tell you something and You are still "stubborn" like "Jacob" Wrestling all night with the Angel"
You prefer to follow and to please man more than "GOD" your Father. Maybe, And you have become a victim of "Anxiety" pull between The TWO! And when you chose GOD no one is on your side.
Now who will it be "the creature" of "The Creator"! "The SOVEREIGN GOD" THE ALMIGHTY GOD, THE ONE who not only created the "COSMOS" but TIME and SPACE THE One who Created not only Heaven......... HE Created " ETERNITY" NOW Tell Me in "ANTHROPOMORPHIC Words" where WAS HE standing When He Created a Place called "ETERNITY" And gave it a name?
New American Standard Bible ( 1 John 2)
as for you, the anointing which you received from Him remains in you, and you have no need
for anyone to teach you; but as His anointing teaches you about all things, and is true and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you remain in Him.
Berean Study Bible
But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have told you.
[ remind you how? He will remind you in time of need what you have read in His "BOOK" Nothing put in, nothing to remind you of. Little in little to remind you of. Part Truth read, is not The whole Counsel of GOD
And most leaders will try to explain this away. to draw you unto themselves
New International Version
And for this purpose I was appointed a herald and an
apostle [AMBASSADOR]—I am telling the truth, I am not lying—and a true and faithful
teacher "
Master" [unto] of the Gentiles.
God Disciplines His Sons
"And you have forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as sons:
“My son, do not take lightly the discipline of the Lord, and do not lose heart
when He rebukes you.
For the Lord disciplines the one He loves, and He chastises every son He receives.” Endure suffering as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son
is not disciplined by his father?"…
And he does not need a mortal man to do it! Or the Members of an Organized "institution". Ask King David, he will tell you.
A Queen stays in Her place,
The KING is the One
That RULES! And if
that QUEEN step out of Her place,
A True KING will take off her head! and replace her with another
Ask Queen Vashti or Esther.
The Church never can take the Place or Rule as a KING! A wife can Never take the place of A husband or Rule over Him, if So, she is in "Violation" and will be Judge by the very "WORD" of GOD" no matter how RAGGEDY her husband rules.
You don't have to believe me, it is more of them than of us, we are "FEW" in numbers! When HE gets through with you
You are going to know why, it is said: "
MY Sheep Knows My VOICE and they
WILL NOT follow another!
.........I don' care what "Pastor GiveMore" says, If my Shepherd don't say anything I ain't moving and will be "content"
........You got some "wolves" out here and they "hunt" in Packs. And A "Roaring LION" Roaming around and seeking whom He may
Devour "and "VIPERS" they might not Kill you, but they sure cam Hurt! Oh yea, they will teach you a lot!
Make a "Biblical Scholar" out of you. You will do more than"speaking in Tongues" when they get through with you!
If you think i am lying, Put of The Garments of The "Bereans". If not, The Hounds will make you a "believer" not only in HIM but The very words He has spoken.
Read Jeremiah again.