I can see that you are in a sticky situation BUT, commit your ways to God.
Let us pray that you both will have (or get and have and keep) the Lord Jesus Christ at the centre of your lives. That you can meet together in Him. That Jesus Christ is the fulcrum of your marriage. Not your version verses your wife's version of Jesus Christ, for there is only One, as you may well appreciate.
Regarding, "i have not come to acceptance per se for the fact that her pastor was not willing to marry us unless i was baptized in her church", may I suggest that you let that go? Accept it in that it has happened and you can not change it. The enemy will nag you about it as a way to divide you both. Besides that, is that what you wanted anyway? To be married in the place you don't belong to? It is a bit of a silly position and the best way to get past it is to put it behind you and to look forward to the Lord's blessings on you and your wife in your marriage.
Don't limit the blessings of the Lord by looking at things that are not right. We are encouraged to look at things that are of good report, to think on these things. I see a good report that you can be blessed with by dwelling on it some more, from your own words, "My wife is a very supportive wife". Value that, really value that. Many there be that can not honestly say that.
Build your future on the Love of God, not on any differences of the past. Look to the Lord, Who alone is your strength and confidence, and wait upon Him, with thanksgiving and praise. Love your wife and then love her some more and see if the way does not open up for you both to enter a most beautiful place, together, BUT, wait first and foremost upon the Lord without doing so for what you can get out of Him. He loves you and be assured that He wants you to know it!
Bless you both ....><>
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8