It is very difficult for anyone to express what they believe in a manner which will convince someone else to also believe that same truth. You may have to take it step at a time in giving credence to the central meaning behind what you are stating or teaching. For instance;look at how Jesus Christ indevored to teach love. Look how the vast majority acted toward Him. Christians continually examime His actions and understand more as each truth is revealed. This allows an unbiased view of the history. To have or show receptiveness to new and different ideas or opinions is a good definition of being open-minded,and that is a requirement in any learning situation.When we learn something new it should not be influenced by emotions or personal prejudices and this would be considered as having objective point of view. The people failed to see what the Messiah ought to have been at the time when Jesus was here. After study and research most students come to the same conclution that Jesus is the Messiah(Mashiach in Hebrew). My question is(and I mean no offence to any) is "Why do the Hebrew leaders still not accept Jesus as real let alone the Mashiach? Look at the world,i.e. 6,000,000,000,000 people in the world and they sat that He is still to come yet. The world cannot hold 7 billion people. Why would God wait to come after the world is full,after the world has gone astray and cannot change. Why did He not come 2 thousand years ago when we still had very few people on the Earth and had time to learn to love one another as brothersand sisters? Please tell me where my thunking has gone arye. MGBY(May God bless you).