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Telling your parents...

For Him

Jan 21, 2006
hey guys
recently through my own experience and through hearing of others in similar predicaments i wanted to talk about communicating with our parents. im 16 and i love my parents alot. we're great at talking about the small, insignificant things in life and some of the things affecting us, but when it comes down to it we dont really have as great a relationship as i would hope.
for the last 7 or so months life has become very low... unhappy and lonely alot... even when there are people around. not all the time... just every so often. i resorted to cutting for about 6 months... i havent for just over a month now. and am absolutely terrified when i look back on that time... which still haunts me.
i want to tell my parents but i dont no how to... i suppose im afraid of how they will react. if anyone else struggles with being open with their parents about stuff please reply so that we can all support each other... i know im not alone in this.
your Sister in Christ,
I also battle telling my parents things... Scared of their reactions and consequences. I think most of us are
i can relate to what you wrote...!!! i really can...
there are so many things i could tell my parents but i just cant...yeah i guess im scared or so i dont...they always say their there for me and i can come to them with everything but still its kinda hard for me and i dont know why??!! maybe cause im scared of their reactions....
anyways i also used to cut myself....i heavent for the last 3months....and im so proud of myself cause i cut myself for at least 1 and a half years...!!!
anyways i didnt tell my parents my mom found out....and believe me she was mad....!!!!
if you tell your parents it wont be easy cause they might not understand why you did or do?!?!?! but in the end they will try and help you and try to understand !!
i hope you get what i was trying to say...if you didnt just ask me okay?!?!?!

god bless
Hey guys, I'm 22 :) Go to God with all your problems.
Whatever sins you guys may have, take it to Him. Ask him to help you, even with cutting or sinful behaviour. He will help you.
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teraside said:
The thing it comes down to, your parents will put you in some type of fascility, that's what happened to me, for the 2 most agonising weeks of my life.
teraside, I'm not putting down what you went through, but these young people are discussing how to tell their parents things that are happening in their lives. What they are discussing does not warrant parents putting them into some sort of facility. What you have said could put some of them off speaking to their parents.

As a mom myself, it is hard when your children feel they can't confide in you. The longer you leave discussing things with us, the harder it gets. My advice would be try and talk things over with them sooner rather than later. Yes, maybe they will be a bit shocked at some of the things they hear, give them time to come to terms with things though. Us moms often have a knack of knowing something is up, but maybe don't know what it is.
thanks for your responses guys... ive decided im going to try get up the courage to talk to them today.... im still absolutely terrified by the prospect.... but yeah... God will help me.
Hey 4H, I know how daunting that can be. I will be praying for you and your parents.

Your bro in Christ,

well im still failing God... not cutting... but i still havent told my parents. it always seems like its the wrong time... the wrong place... they're in a bad mood... im in a bad mood... there are so many excuses that i keep coming up with and i no none of them are good enough to justify my actions... my dishonesty. why have i let things get so screwed up??? it feels like im falling apart over this issue, and i know God didnt intend for life to be like that. but its so hard to trust... opportunities arise and i fall apart and cant even talk to them at all let alone something so scary to say...
the longer i leave it the harder it is to even entertain the thought of telling them... how hurt they'll be. how angry they'll be. but mostly how disappointed they'll be. like uknowme said... they always say they'll be there for me and want to know and understand wat im going through if im ever upset by anything or anything has happened that shouldnt have, but (im going to sound up myself here) ive always done well at school... go to church... have brought them all this pride... and i dont no how they'd take it if i told them. my mum always brags to others about my results and achievements, but in the end it just makes me feel like one mistake could just deflate any hope and joy they ever found in me. im not acting like the daughter i should be and they have this whole view of me and its not who i am. it might be who i used to be but i have changed.
im sorry for this being so long... im just so frustrated at myself and my weakness. prayers would be wonderful. thanks for your support and understanding.
hi 4H ^^

well.. i know and I can see that you are very worried about the perception your parents have about you, and I completely understand it. I only have my mum and its very important to me to keep her thinking I'm a great daughter and stuff... Bit I wanna say to you that's not the only thing parents should be looking at in us. We are all human beings who makes mistakes. We are not perfect. We are saved by grace, but by ourselves, we are nothing.
Being a parent, is not only being there for you in the good times, but in the bad an worse times as well.
I know is hard for you, but I encourage you to pray for strenght and a lot of understanding and wisdom to your parents.
I don't know your parents, and I don't know how thery are like... But if I was you mother for example I would not wait to hold you in my arms and let you know that I'm here to be with you through this. I don't see why your parents would not support you and understand. Yes, they maybe will not be happy and as humans as well they can react in a bad way, but in the end, as parents.. they must give you all they have to help you and make you feel like you are loved and not alone.
Are your parents saved?
If they are, you've got a lot on your favor to make this a lot easier. And if they're not.. keep praying for them to be saved. ^^

Just never stop looking for God, and put your eyes on Him who is our only truthful and most wonderful fount of life.
I'll be praying for you, sis.
Don't let Satan to play with your emotions...


my mum's saved but my dad's not. there is a much higher chance that i will tell my mum and not my dad. but yeah... thanks for the words of wisdom.
well i have problems with my parents to. my parents for the matter are almost atheist. they raised in communist goverment (russia) so they didnt learned much about religion my dad not care about it much but yeah he cares espcially after i became 13 (ofcourse the age of boys to get full access to all the rituals and must things in jewish religion.) when i came to it he start more care my mom also care but she dont have any clue about religion. i am the only one in home who can tell them if they want to listen. my brother dont care at all from religion,or he does but dont show it,i never figure what he like or dislike what he care or dont care.many times i cant talk about things with my parents cuz they disagree to what i want to say or do. i once or twice told them that i belive in christ but they ignore it and now they forgot about it though i try to give them clues.you guys know about dan brown da vinci code right? i gave to my brother to read it, afther he finished he get more interest in christianity and stuff but still have no clue about what goes with him. anyway be strong brothers and sister in christ because the sad would be happy and who cries will laugh.