Testing God???
Chad thank you so much brother for posting these verses. I was going to do the same, but I have been very busy working on a new thread.
James 1:13Let no man say when he is "tempted", I am "tempted" of God
( GK. "peiazo" - to test, scrutinize, entice,)
for God cannot be "tempted" with evil,
("apeiros" refers back to "peirao" - " to test" )
neither "tempteth" {"peiazo") he any man
Hi Bond _Servant
If you are referring to the following verse, going back to the Hebrew word "PROVE" is used in a different way.
Malachi 3:10 'Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it'
To properly interpret we must compare scripture to ALL scripture on the same subject. . God will not contradict Himself, and if it seems to be so, then the word is to be applied in a different way, just as we do in english.
"prove" - HEB. "bachan" -
(1)"to test" (espec. METALS) .
(2) gen. and fig. "to investigate", examine, tempt, prove, try ( as in trial)
This same word is also pronounced alittle different and means "in the sense of keeping a "look-out"
So in light of the verses I mentioned in James and in Chad's post, the 2nd way of using the word is most scriptural. In the verse in Malachi "prove" or "try" would perhaps explain better. He wants us to try it - and see that He will do what He says. When we are obedient to do what God tells us in his Word, it will prove that He keeps his promises and we will be blessed abundantly. We can expect, look for it to be fulfilled and watch for the answer. His word will not return void. His Word is true
Please excuse me for putting all this on your trivia question. I only posted this to clear up any misunderstanding of these verses. But perhaps that was not the verse you meant. Nevertheless, I did so because the word "test" was mentioned. I will await your answer to this trivia question.
:girl: Gloria